APPRESOURCE Database Representation

About this task

The Application Resources and APPRESOURCE.dmx file:


  1. Use the build target "build extractdata -Dtablename=APPRESOURCE" to create an up-to-date copy of the APPRESOURCE.dmx file which is generated into the build\dataextractor directory. Note that it will also extract all the resources into a blob folder in the same directory. The naming convention of these resources is APPRESOURCE<number> e.g. "APPRESOURCE3"
  2. Open the APPRESOURCE.dmx file using an XML or Text editor
  3. Search for the custom script resources using the script identifier e.g. "IEGSample_custom_v1_Intake"
  4. Each row in the dmx file will have an attribute called "content" that references the resource file in the "build\dataextractor\blob directory"
  5. Find that resource file and rename that to the value specified in the "name" attribute for that row in the DMX file e.g. from resource3 to "IEGSample_custom_v1_Intake_AboutYouPage"
  6. Ensure the content attribute for that row also uses the same resource name
  7. Copy that resource file to a custom component location e.g. custom\data\demo\blob
  8. Perform steps 3 through 7 until all the resources are found, renamed and copied to the custom component location
  9. Finally save the APPRESOURCE.dmx file and copy it to the custom component directory e.g. custom\data\demo


To ensure the location of all these artifacts is picked up by the build database process, ensure the datamanager_config.xml file reference that custom component directory e.g. <entry name="components/custom/data/demo/" type="dmx" base="basedir"/>