Restart a WebLogic Server

The Ant target for restarting a WebLogic server is:

build restartserver

and requires the following option:

The following parameter is optional and is only needed where the CuramMBean.jar file has been placed in a directory other than the default <WebLogic Server Install directory>/weblogic/server/lib/mbeantypes (<WebLogic Server Install directory>/wlsserver_10.3/server/lib/mbeantypes for 10.3.3) or the /domaindir/lib/mbeantypes directory, (where domaindir represents the location of your domain.)

Figure 1. Example of Usage
build restartserver
Figure 2. Example of Usage with alternateMbeanTypesDir set
build startserver -Dweblogic.alternateMbeanTypesDir=C:\MyWeblogicMBeansDir
Note: If the server is not already started when attempting to restart it, the stop portion of the Ant target will not cause the target to fail.