Queue Setup


  1. Navigate to <DomainName> > Services > Messaging > JMS Modules;
  2. Click the New button and enter the following details:

    Name : "op-jms"

    Descriptor File Name : "jms/op-jms.xml"

  3. Click the Next button and check the AdminServer checkbox as the target server;
  4. Click the Next button;
  5. Click the Would you like to add resources? checkbox and click the Finish button to complete;

    There are four regular queues and two error queues that must be configured. The error queues must be configured first. The following setup should be repeated, replacing <QueueName> with each of the following queues (in the order listed): CuramDeadMessageQueue, DPError, WorkflowError, DPEnactment, WorkflowEnactment, and WorkflowActivity.

  6. Navigate to <DomainName> > Services > Messaging > JMS Modules;
  7. Click on op-jms in JMS Modules list;
  8. Click the New button inside the Configuration tab;
  9. Select Type "Quota" and click the Next button;
  10. Enter the following details:

    Name : "<QueueName>.Quota"

    Leave the default for the Bytes Maximum : "9223372036854775807"

    Leave the default for the Messages Maximum : "9223372036854775807"

    Leave the default for the Policy : "FIFO"

    Leave the default for the Shared : "False".

  11. Click the OK button;
  12. Click the New button and select Type "Queue";
  13. Click the Next button and enter the following details:

    Name : "<QueueName>"

    JNDI Name : "jms/<QueueName>".

  14. Click the Next button;
  15. If the SubDeployments drop-down list is empty click on Create a New SubDeployment and enter SubDeployment Name : "CuramJMSServer";
  16. Click the OK button;
  17. Set SubDeployment : "CuramJMSServer"
  18. Select "CuramJMSServer" as the target JMS Server;
  19. Click the Finish button;
  20. Click the "<QueueName>" just configured.
  21. Click on Thresholds and Quotas tab;
  22. Set the Quota : "<QueueName>.Quota";
  23. Click the Save button;
  24. Select the Overrides tab and set the Delivery Mode Override to "Persistent". Click Save;
  25. Select the Delivery Failure tab and set the Redelivery Limit to "1". Set the Error Destination to "none" for "CuramDeadMessageQueue", "CuramDeadMessageQueue" for "DPError" and "WorkflowError", "DPError" for "DPEnactment", and "WorkflowError" for "WorkflowEnactment" and "WorkflowActivity".
  26. Click the Save button;