Identifying overrides of deprecated artefacts

As described in Customizations and References there are significant differences between the effects of deprecation on references and on customizations. Identifying overrides of deprecated artefacts is relatively simple. The deprecation summary report you produced in Running a Deprecation Report pinpoints all dependencies on deprecated artefacts using the standard Java [deprecation] tag in the build log. Curam code generators and command-line validations also check for dependencies on deprecated artefacts and produce the same build warning as Java (using the same [deprecation] tag).

In addition to this, Curam code generators augment the [deprecation] tag with an additional [customization] tag where your custom artefact is overriding a Curam artefact, rather than referencing it.

Any lines in your deprecation summary report tagged with [deprecation] [customization] indicate places where you are overriding an artefact that Curam has since deprecated (i.e. removed from the default flow of the base application). Since Cúram has removed this artefact from the default flow of the out-of-the-box application, it is reasonably likely that it has also been removed from the flow of your custom application. Where this happens, it will be necessary to address the override.

The example below shows a custom VIM file that is overriding an out-of-the-box Curam VIM file. The Curam VIM file has become deprecated, so the client build is producing this warning. The warning follows the Java deprecation message format: the first part is the path of the file that references the deprecated artefact, followed by the [deprecation] tag and, in this case, a [customization] tag also. This is followed by the name of the artefact that has been deprecated. Finally (and this differs from the Java format) where possible, any comments attached to the deprecated artefact are also printed. This saves you having to locate the file and look up the associated comments.

Figure 1. Example: override of a deprecated artefact
C:/webclient/components/custom/Case_listView.vim warning:
[deprecation] [customization]
C:/webclient/components/core/Case_listView.vim has been
deprecated. [deprecation comment] Since Curam 6.0, 
replaced with Case_listAnotherView.vim. See release note:

In the above example, the VIM file is no longer used in the default flow of the out-of-the-box Curam application. If your application relies on the out-of-the-box flow, your customization of this file will no longer appear in that flow.