Generating the Web Service Stubs

The generation of the web service stubs is based on the contents of the ws_outbound.xml files as specified by your component structure - the setting of the COMPONENT_ORDER environment variable and any files in your components/custom/axis directories. See the example file system structure in Getting Started.

When you invoke the IBM Cúram Social Program Management build script:

build wsconnector2

each WSDL file identified by the ws_outbound.xml files is used to generate the stub source code, which is compiled to produce executable code. The generated source is located in the EJBServer/build/svr/wsc2/jav/src/wsconnector directory and any compiled Java code is located in the EJBServer/build/svr/wsc2/jav/wsconnector directory.

By default the client stubs are generated with Axis2 data bindings(ADB); however, you can generate some or all of your stubs using XMLBeans bindings. To generate all stubs using XMLBeans bindings run the wsconnector2 Ant target with the argument: -Daxis2.extra.wsdl2java.args="-d xmlbeans".

Sometimes not all clients are suitable for the same binding; so, you can override the ADB default selectively by adding the extraWsdl2javaArgs="-d xmlbeans" attribute to the service definition(s) in the ws_outbound.xml file; for example:

Figure 1. Sample ws_outbound.xml service with XMLBeans override
<service name="SomeService"
         extraWsdl2javaArgs="-d xmlbeans"