Localized Text

As shown in the XML fragment above, the activity name and description are not just text fields, but are defined in terms of a localized-text element. This is general purpose element used throughout the process definition metadata where ever text is required to be localizable.

A valid localized-text element must have at least one locale child element. With the exception of the localization screen, any localizable text that is entered in the process definition tool is saved under both the user's and the English (i.e. "en") locales.

    <locale language="en">ApproveCase</locale>
    <locale language="en" country="US">ApproveCase</locale>
    <locale language="fr">ApprouverAffaire</locale>
    <locale language="fr" country="CA">ApprouverAffaire</locale>
This contains the text for the locale specified by the language and country attributes. Note: A locale is uniquely identified by both the language and the country meaning that en, en_US and en_GB all represent different locales.
This is mandatory and is the two letter ISO language code.
This is optional and is the two letter ISO country code.