
Activities are central in a workflow process as they are the steps at which the business processing for the workflow takes place. There are various activity types supported by the Cúram WMS and these are all described in the Activities section of the document. As notifications are also pertinent to each activity type, they are also described in this section of the document.

Base Activity describes the metadata details common to all of the supported activity types in the Cúram workflow system. The validations that are executed when creating or modifying an activity are also outlined. Finally, some of the more simple activity types are described including the route activity and the start and end process activities.

Automatic describes the metadata details associated with an automatic activity. Both the input and output mappings specified for the method associated with the automatic activity are discussed in detail. The validations executed when creating or modifying the metadata for an automatic activity are outlined. Finally, the Context_Result and Context_Error workflow data objects that are available for use in transitions from automatic activities are also described in this chapter.

Event Wait describes the metadata details associated with an event wait activity. This includes the list of events, the deadline details (including any deadline reminders) associated with an event wait and also any output mappings that may be specified. The validations executed when creating or modifying event wait metadata are also described. The runtime information that is associated with the execution of event wait activities by the workflow engine is also outlined in detail. Finally, the Context_Event and Context_Deadline workflow data objects that are available for use in transitions from event wait activities are also detailed in this chapter.

Manual describes the metadata details associated with a manual activity. This includes the manual task details, the allocation strategy, the business object associations and the event wait associated with the manual activity. The validations executed when creating or modifying manual activity metadata are also described. The runtime information that is associated with the execution of manual activities by the workflow engine is also outlined in detail. Finally, a description of the Context_Task workflow data object that is available for use in the various mappings associated with a manual activity is also provided in this chapter.

Decision describes the metadata details associated with a decision activity. This metadata includes the decision task details (which is similar to the manual activity task details) and the question details for multiple choice and free text questions. The various validations that are executed when creating or modifying the task or question details associated with a decision activity are outlined. This chapter also includes a description of the runtime information that is present when the workflow engine executed a decision activity. A description of the Context_Decision workflow data object is also provided in this chapter.

Subflow describes the metadata details associated with a subflow activity. This includes details of the subflow process associated with the subflow activity and any input mappings required to enact that subflow process. There are various validations that are executed when creating or modifying this metadata and a description of these is also provided in this chapter.

Loop Begin and Loop End describes the metadata details associated with a loop begin and loop end activity. The loop type, loop condition and end loop activity reference of a loop begin activity are described. This chapter also includes a description of the runtime information that is present when the workflow engine executes a loop in a workflow process definition. A description of the Context_Loop workflow data object is also provided in this chapter.

Parallel describes the metadata details associated with a parallel activity. Parallel activities wrap existing activity types including Manual activities and Decision activities. Since the metadata associated with these activity types remains the same, it will not be described again in this chapter. The validations executed when creating or modifying parallel activity metadata are also described. The runtime information that is associated with the execution of parallel activities by the workflow engine is also outlined in detail. Finally, a description of the Context_Parallel workflow data object that is available for use in the various mappings associated with a parallel activity is also provided in this chapter.

Activity Notifications describes the metadata details associated with an activity notification. These details include the delivery mechanism, the subject, the body, the allocation strategy and actions associated with the notification. There are a number of validations that are executed when creating or modifying notification metadata and these are also outlined in this chapter. A description of the runtime information when the workflow engine creates a notification is also provided. Finally, there are a number of implementation details that are required in the Cúram application to allow notifications to be delivered correctly. These are also discussed in this chapter.