List of Context WDOs

Context workflow data objects are those that are not explicitly defined in the workflow process definition metadata but are made available by the Process Definition Tool and workflow engine at various places during the execution of a process. The following is a brief description of these context workflow data objects and links are provided to where further information may be found about them.

Context_RuntimeInformation Workflow Data Object
The Context_RuntimeInformation workflow data object is a workflow data object that is made available and maintained by the workflow engine. It contains information that is pertinent throughout the life-cycle of a workflow process instance and the attributes available reflect this. These attributes are as follows:
  • processInstanceID : The system generated identifier of the process instance (taken from the Cúram key server using the workflow key set).
  • enactingUser : The username of the user whose actions in the application resulted in the workflow process being enacted.
  • enactmentTime : The date and time at which the process was enacted.
Context_Result Workflow Data Object
A transition from an automatic activity should be able to use the return value of the invoked method in it's condition directly without the need for mappings to workflow data object attributes. However due to the transactional model of the workflow engine this data has to persist outside the transaction of the business process object method invocation. In order to achieve this, a workflow data object definition is created at runtime if the return value is used in outbound transition conditions. These return value definitions never need to be persisted as they are inferred wherever needed in the workflow engine The actual workflow data object data is persisted until after the transitions from the activity instances in question have been evaluated, at which point they are deleted. For more details on the Context_Result workflow data object, see Description of Context WDOs
Context_Event Workflow Data Object
The Context_Event workflow data object is available for use in a data item or function conditions (see Conditions) for a transition from an activity containing an event wait. It makes available certain information (e.g. the event class and event type of the event raised, the time the event was raised etc.) contained in the event raised to complete that activity instance. This information can then be used to model the path from that specified activity. For more details on the Context_Event workflow data object, see Description of Context WDOs.
Context_Decision Workflow Data Object
The Context_Decision workflow data object is available for use in a data item or function condition (see Conditions) for a transition from a decision activity. The attributes available will depend on the answer format defined for the decision activity. For more details on the Context_Decision workflow data object, see Description of Context WDOs
Context_Task Workflow Data Object
The Context_Task workflow data object is available for use in various mappings associated with a manual activity task (e.g. Allocation Function Input mappings, Deadline Function Input mappings, Manual Activity Action Link parameters). This context workflow data object makes available the identifier of the task created as a result of the execution of the containing activity. For more details on the Context_Task workflow data object, see Description of Context WDOs.
Context_Loop Workflow Data Object
The Context_Loop workflow data object is available for use when creating the loop condition associated with a loop-begin activity. It is also available for creating outgoing transition conditions for any activity within a loop, and for when specifying input mappings, text parameters and action link parameters for some activities and functions contained within a loop. This context workflow data object makes the number of times that a loop has been iterated over available for such mappings. For more details on the Context_Loop workflow data object, see Description of Context WDOs.
Context_Deadline Workflow Data Object
The Context_Deadline workflow data object is available for use when creating a data item or function condition (see Conditions) for a transition from an activity that has an event wait with a deadline specified for it. It is available to allow a developer to model different paths of execution from an activity containing a deadline depending on whether that deadline has expired. For more details on the Context_Deadline workflow data object, see Description of Context WDOs.
Context_Parallel Workflow Data Object
The Context_Parallel workflow data object is available for use in the various mappings associated with a parallel manual activity (e.g. task subject and task action text parameters, allocation strategy mappings etc.) and a parallel decision activity (e.g. decision action text parameters, secondary action text parameters, question text parameters etc.). It makes available the index of the item from the Parallel Activity List Workflow Data Object that is used to create the specified instance of the wrapped activity. For more details on the Context_Parallel workflow data object, see Description of Context WDOs.
Context_Error Workflow Data Object
The Context_Error workflow data object is available for use in a data item or function condition (see Conditions) for a transition from an automatic activity. It allows a process developer to model an exception path out of an automatic activity i.e. a transition that is followed if the automatic activity fails due to an un-handled exception. For more details on the Context_Error workflow data object, see Description of Context WDOs