TBSM 1.5-BSM-0034 Verification Summary Report ---------------------------------------- This report summarizes the results of 1.5-BSM-0034 patch verification. External ID external patch # 1.5-BSM-0034 Internal ID internal patch # (if applicable) Fixes contained in patch ------------------------- See README for fixes contained in this patch. Description of testing ------------------------- Testing consisted verifying all TEDW (Tivoli Enterprise Data Warehouse) fixes by running regression tests and verifying each of the defects (APARS + Internal) contained in this patch. See TTT Database (1.5 Summer Patch) for a spreadsheet of the testing performed. Verification Results -------------------------- 2 defects were created against Patch 34. Upon completion of the test effort, no Sev 1 or Sev 2 defects were in OPEN state. All defects written against this Patch include a "P34" prefix in the defect abstracts. See CMVC for defect details using the query: abstract like '%P34%' and addDate > '2002/05/01' order by severity Regression Tests -------------------- see "1.5 Summer Patch" bucket in TTT for details. Build Iteration ------------------- Final build verification was generated July 8, 2002 and delivered to test on 8/27/02. Architecture Configuration(s) verified -------------------------------------- TBSM on Windows NT and 2000 Tivoli Software Configuration used in verification *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Product List *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* TBSM 1.5 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Patch List *------------------------------------------------------------------------------* Schedule Milestones ---------------------------- Verification begin date 7-31-02 Verification completion date 8-28-02 Patch Distribution Mechanism ----------------------------------------- Patch Factory Verification Performed by ---------------------------------- Name(s) of Verification Engineer Denise Kanyuh Special Notes/Comments ----------------------------------- Please see README distributed with patch for further information.