IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition 3.7 Fix Pack 7 README (Build Introduction ============ This README contains information on issues fixed in IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition 3.7 fix pack 7. For more information about V3.7 please refer to the latest version of the Release Notes. This build should be used with Solaris 9 or 10 for SPARC, Redhat Enterprise Linux 3 or 4, SUSE Enterprise Linux 9 or 10, AIX 5.3 and Windows 2003 Server operating systems. Prerequisites and Installation ============================== IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition 3.7 fix pack 7 is available as separate installs for Solaris, AIX, Windows and Linux. For more information on prerequisites and minimum recommended system requirements, refer to the IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition 3.7 Release Notes and Installation and Deployment Guide. Please be aware that any changes to the SOAP-Lite module will be overwritten. Thus if you have updated SOAP-Lite to 0.68 per the recommendation for the Alcatel SAM Collector, that module will be over written and need to be reinstalled. Please back up all files that you have manually changed prior to installing the fixpack. It is a known issue that changes made to any of the gui properties files will be lost upon upgrade. To ensure that you do not lose your customizations, please save these files to another location. You will need to install this fixpack in the same manner as the initial ITNMIP install was run. Thus, if you installed as a non-root user, you will need to install this fixpack as the same non-root user and run the same setuid script as you did previously. All Network Management processes running on the server to which the FixPack is being applied must be STOPPED. For ITNM Entry Edition, or installations utilizing the Reporting and Administration Toolset, on Unix the processes may be stopped in the following manner: 1. Source "[$NCHOME]/bin/" 2. Stop Network Manager solution using "itnm_stop" prior to installing FP. This will stop all Network Manager, OMNIBUS, Netcool Security Manager, Netcool GUI Foundation and License Manager processes. 3. Stop the mysql process via the mysqladmin shutdown command. For ITNM IP Edition on Unix the processes may be stopped in the following manner: 1. Use the ncp stop script: $NCHOME/precision/scripts/ncp stop 2. Stop the GUI Foundation server: ngf_server stop 3. Stop the mysql process via the mysqladmin shutdown command. For both ITNM Entry Edition and ITNM IP Edition on Windows the processes may be stopped in the following manner: Use "Services" to stop processes in following order, ncp_ctrl, NCO Multi-threaded TRAPD Probe, Netcool GUI Foundation Server", "Netcool Security Manager Server", "Netcool OMNIBUS Object Server", "NCO Flex License Manager", "Netcool MySQL". Verify all processes stopped * On Unix use "itnm_status" and "ps -ef" to ensure all processes are stopped. * On Windows use "Task Manager". Specifically, on Unix look for the "rvd" or "rva" processes or any process starting with "ncp". On Windows, look for the "rvd.exe" or "rva.exe" processes or any process starting with ncp. If any of them are still running they will need to be stopped manually: UNIX "kill [#pid#]" or Windows "Task Manager" select and End Process. UNIX ---- Enter the following command to install this fix interactively. The placeholder should be identified with the string identifying your platform. $NCHOME/install/ncisetup -install Enter the following command to install this fix non-interactively. The placeholder should be identified with the string identifying your platform. $NCHOME/install/ncisetup -install -silent On AIX, the installer is bundled with a wrapper script called "INSTALL" that increases the data size limit for the shell before installing the fix pack. You must set the $NCHOME environment variable before running the "INSTALL" script. Alternatively, type "limit datasize unlimited" (csh/tcsh) or "ulimit -d unlimited" (sh/ksh/bash) at your shell prompt and then install as above. For AIX you may have to set the env prior to running $NCHOME/install/ncisetup -install -silent Windows ------- Unzip and double-click setup.exe to install this fix. ALL --- Once the above steps are completed, please make sure to apply the steps described below for the tickets (not compulsory if you have already done those for the installation of a previous fix pack) : - 53312 - 54838 - 55418 - 57648 - 58179 New functionality introduced in Fixpack 6 and above ============================================ Logical groups of network entities can be visualized ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Implemented under 57405 "Visualization of Logical groups in Topoviz"] Logical groups of entities can be visualised in Topoviz. To enable the visualisation of logical groups, complete the following tasks: 1. Run the following script: NCHOME/precision/scripts/sql//updatePrecisionGUIDb.sql 2. Edit the file NCHOME/etc/precision/ and add the following line: topoviz.collection.subgraph.enable=true Logical groups can be expanded or collapsed. If the SubGraph property of a Network View is enabled, entities in logical groups are surrounded by a boundary (cloud), which can be expanded and collapsed. If the SubGraph property of a Network View is disabled, entities in logical groups are connected to a ring, which cannot be expanded or collapsed. To set the SubGraph property of a Network View, edit the Network View properties and select Disable or Enable from the SubGraph menu. New roles to control global search and port-to-port navigation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Implemented under 57406 Improve security for port to port navigation,global find] Two new roles have been added to the Network Manager IP Desktop group in the Netcool GUI Foundation: ncp_structureview_entitysearch and ncp_structureview_interport_navigation. The ncp_structureview_entitysearch role is required for a user to be able to search entities in the Structure View. If you do not want a user to be able to search all entities, ensure that they do not have the ncp_structureview_entitysearch role assigned to them or to any of their groups. The ncp_structureview_interport_navigation role is required for a user to be able to navigate from a port on one device to a port on another device. If you do not want a user to be able to navigate from a port on one device to a port on another device, ensure that they do not have the ncp_structureview_interport_navigation role assigned to them or to any of their groups. New security settings for Network Manager reports ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network Manager reports now have defined security access for report sets and for individual reports. Security access can be defined on the basis of users, groups, or roles. The reports supplied with Network Manager can be accessed by all users by default. To define access to a report set or to an individual report, edit the following file: NCHOME/netcool/guifoundation/webapps/Reporter/report_security.xml The following example restricts access to the Asset report set to users with the ncp_networkview role. It also restricts access to the itnm_card_detail_by_card_type report such that only the itnmadmin user or a user who is either a member of the Desktop group or has the ncp_networkview role assigned can access the report. Customized layer types ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Implemented under 59000 Network Manager should have the ability to configure the topology viewer to show extra layers.] You can create a new type of layer, which can be displayed in Topoviz by selecting it from the Connectivity menu. To create a new layer type, complete the following tasks: 1. Edit the file NCHOME/etc/precision/locale folder/ 2. Add a line for the new layer type. The following example line creates a new layer of type "Pseudo Wire": connectivity.77:Pseudo Wire In this example, the number 77 is the value of the entityType from the ncim.entityType topology database that corresponds to Pseudo Wire Technology. You can choose a different entityType, as long as it has a metaClass of Topology. Pseudo Wire is the name that will be displayed in the Connectivity menu. For languages other than US English, you can set locale-specific text by editing, where is the two-letter language code, and is the two-letter country code. For example, to define a new layer type in Brazilian Portuguese, edit the file New Network View types: Unassigned and Manual ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ Implemented under 59075 and 59217 Manual View Editing] There is a new Network View type called Unassigned, which contains all network entities that do not belong to any other views. Network Views of type Unassigned are updated dynamically whenever devices are added or removed from other views. There is a new Network View type called Manual. Devices must be added to or removed from this type of view manually. To add a network entity to a manual network view, select one or more devices in another network view, right click on the devices, and select Add to View. To remove a network entity it from a manual network view, select one or more devices, right click on the devices and select Removed from View. To enable the Unassigned and Manual network view types, set the following property in the file NCHOME/etc/precision/ topoviz.manualview.enable=true After you enable the Unassigned and Manual network view types and run a discovery, an instance of both the Unassigned and Manual network views appears in the Dynamic Views list. Advanced discovery: Collectors now support string-based interface ID support ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Implemented under 59661 Enhancement: String Based Interface ID Support For Collectors ] Discovery Collectors now support interface identification using string-based interface ID, which is useful when ifIndex is not available. For more information, refer to the Collector Developer Guide at: ITNM Reporter ----------- download link : If you require to install ITNM Reporter please follow the instructions below: The following is the instructions to deploy the report security requirement: 1) copy itnm_reporter.jar to $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/Reporter/WEB-INF/lib 2) copy report_security.xml to $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/Reporter/ 3) copy web.xml to $NCHOME/guifoundation/webapps/Reporter/WEB-INF/ 4) restart NGF Server The header of file report_security.xml have instructions on how to enable and configure the report security. Known Issues with V3.7 fix pack 7 (Build ================================================== 56360 Error with ncp_poller and DB2 9.1 Applying Fix Pack on Windows Network Manager server removes the "Automatic" starting of ncp_ctrl process in "Services", You may wish to set it back to "Automatic". The rvd or rvd.exe process does not always exit when Network Manager solution is completely stopped. Summary of Fixes in V3.7 fix pack 7 (Build ==================================================== alm00100490 ERRORS "NODE XXX NOT FOUND" VISIBLE IN JAVA CONSOLE (APAR=IZ39917) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem: - Several "Node Not found" errors are displayed in Java console while populating maps in topology network view. - cause: This is noted When users click on a view and as soon as it populates map click on another view *) when user clicks on first view, client populates a map and starts a new thread where in a request to the server to fetch extra details is made. *) before the response is processed from the first request if user clicks on a second view, client creates another thread and makes a request to the server to fetch extra details *) when the first response is received, we are trying to match tooltips for the first map with the nodes in the second map resulting in node not found errors. Solution Implemented: *) create a volatile member variable that refers to a unique Id of the latest map that client requests. *) make the unique Id part of the request/response *) while processing the response check if the unique Id from the server is same as that of the client side. *) If the Unique Id doesn't match, it means the response is related to the previous request for which we need not process tooltips information. alm00100763 Interface display label changes and interface keying ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modified the configuration so that their are two new fields in the disco.config table that can be used to control and configure the interface naming and the display label used in the GUI. There is a new stitcher AddIntDisplayLabel.stch that can be modified if you wish to change the display label. The two new fields are m_UseIfIndexNaming and m_AddIntDisplayLabel. alm00101317 Bug in AddIntDisplayLabel.stch ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modified AddIntDisplayLabel.stch to resolve issue. alm00101528 NETWORK VIEWS GO TO DEFAULT AFTER DISCOCVERY (APAR=IZ40064) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed alm00102014 ITNMV3.7/6 - DUPLICATES PRE-DISCO FILTERS (APAR=IZ40796) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem used to occur whenever the key words are typed in uppercase. In this case, the filter stored into OQL will be of the same case as user entered, while the filter is store into filterLbrary.xml after converting any uppercase OQL keywords like AND,OR,LIKE, IS,NOT, NULL. Resolution: OQL accepts upper case keywords, so, this way users can coniue to have upper case keywords in their filter definition .The comparison is now made case insensitive. alm00102539 404 ERROR CLASSES TAB UNDER MONITORING 3.7 FP6 (APAR=IZ41137) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Escaped double-quotes in 'com.micromuse.precision.components.html.HtmlTreeCodeFrame' replaced with single, which eliminates the problem with failure to escape the double-quotes. alm00103492 ITNMV3.7 - CDP LAYER STITCHER ALLOWS MULTIPLE LINKS ON SINGLEINTERFACE. (APAR=IZ42347) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modified the CDPLayer.stch file so it handles mutliple connections on a single port and so accepts the data from the Gigastack GBIC. alm00103622 IFALIAS POLLS FAIL IF THERE IS AN APOSTROPHE IN THE TEXT. (APAR=IZ42192) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This occurred only with polled MIB variables that were included in events. Specifically, in this case, we had a poll threshold description that included an ifAlias value. As the ifAlias value contained a single quote, the description field, included within an OQL insert statement, failed to parse. This is now handled in the standard way. alm00104112 AMOS RULES CAN CAUSE CIRCULAR SUPPRESSION WITH NO ROOT CAUSE (APAR=IZ42619) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed via the following 7 AMOS rules files. 1. EntityClearEvent.rule 2. EntityEventToAlert.rule 3. InterfaceOrModuleClearEvent.rule 4. InterfaceOrModuleEventToAlert.rule 5. SuppressConnectedAlerts.rule 6. SuppressContainedAlerts.rule 7. SuppressDownstreamAlerts.rule alm00104296 STRUCTURE BROWSER IS EXCESSIVELY SLOW ON DB2 (APAR=IZ41470) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For this fix 2 stitchers are changed 1)AddEntityContainment.stch 2)CreateVlanEntity.stch Which will add a m_DisplayLabel field to each record. This field was added by front end , thus lowering down the performance. Which is resolved now. alm00104333 RSM/MSFC ENTITIES (ENTITYTYPE = 8) ARE MISSING ACCESSIPADDRESSIN NCIM AND ADDRESS(2) IN MASTER.ENTITYBYNAME (APAR=IZ39304) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously CreateScratchTopology would only set the IP address for chassis entities (EntityType = 1). Now CreateScratchTopology and RecreateScratchTopology have been changed so that they both set IP addresses on both chassis (EntityType = 1) and module (EntityType = 8) entities. alm00104369 ITNMV3.7 (FP6) - IFSTACKTABLE AGENT MAKES DISCO CORE (APAR=IZ42604) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed alm00104731 NON-FATAL ERROR FROM NCP_POLLER - UNSUPPORTED TYPE - 128 SHOULDBE REMOVED FROM DEBUG 0 LOGS (APAR=IZ41208) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added cases to explicitly handle SNMPv2 exception types: noSuchObject, noSuchInstance, and endOfMibView. Result is the same, but error is no longer logged. alm00104762 NCP_POLLER DOESN'T POLL NEW DEVICE WHEN NAME OF THE DEVICE GETCHANGED UPON SUBSEQUENT DISCOVERY CYCLE (APAR=IZ41214) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The root cause of the problem is that our discovery/modelling processes are unable to reliably figure out that a device's name has changed, so we end up with two copies of it in NCIM. The poller for the most part assumes NCIM is an accurate representation of the network. This has been modified such that it caters for 'lingering out' entities (primarily entities where we've discovered them with one name in one discovery, then another in a subsequent discovery), by ordering the selection of devices by their value of lingerTime. The other thing we do is make sure a more recently added monitor for the same address take precedence over the old one(s) - the older one is also deactivated. alm00104786 POLLER CONTINUES TO POLL OLD LOOPBACKADDRESS AFTER IT HAS BEENCHANGED DURING DISCOVERY. (APAR=IZ42332) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If sysName or DNS naming is being used, and the accessIPAddress of a chassis changes, the poller now recognises this and updates the relevant monitors accordingly. alm00104811 Asynchronous VLAN FDB table download in CiscoSwitchSnmp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed alm00104856 POLLER CRASH WHEN PROCESSING NCIM UPDATES (APAR=IZ42750) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The change is basically to the Generic Threshold monitor (, so that it no longer caches a pointer to the INetworkEntity object (which as of FP6 can change when entity information is updated). There are some complications which require a little refactoring of a number of the classes in this monitor, but nothing too fundamental/risky. alm00104898 Huawei VPLS support ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added support for Huawei VPLS networks. alm00104956 Corrupt managed status data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed issue in Oracle data handling. alm00104986 Alert generation slows down poll data processing ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have made changes to improve alert processing performance alm00105002 IsInScope stitcher incorrectly identifying subnets in scope when scope defined using wildcards on little endian systems ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fix was to modify the scope processing code to properly order the little endian data when resolving if a subnet is in scope alm00105018 COLLECTORADDRESSTRANSLATION.STCH WON'T STITCH DEVICES INTOWORKINGENTITIES.FINALENTITY WHEN LACKING ASSOCADDRESS DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collector discoveries now allow devices that lack interface data/multiple IP addresses. alm00105054 Add support for GetBulk requests when SNMPv2/v3 is used ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Although GetBulk was basically working, it was sending more requests than it needed. This is now fixed. alm00105577 IFSPEED IS DISPLAYED AS NEGATIVE VALUE. (APAR=IZ44277) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed alm00106411 PARTIAL SUPPORT FOR IPUNNUMBERED SERIAL LINKS (APAR=IZ45266) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implemented alm00106628 Support large SNMP Get requests ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SnmpPoller module now accepts and deals with jobs containing more than the arbitrary limit previously imposed. alm00106632 MYSQL DEADLOCK CAN OCCUR DURING SIMULTANEOUS BATCH UPDATES IN AMULTI-DOMAIN SYSTEM (APAR=IZ45326) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The connects table, which has an auto-increment column, is now populated with an insertConnection function that is analagous to the insertCacheEntity function. alm00106647 MANAGED STATUS INFORMATION IS LOST WHEN RE-INITIALISING FROMCACHE IF THE NCIM TABLES ARE DROPPED OR DELETED (APAR=IZ45327) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When starting model from cache, cached managed status values were previously discarded, and only the contents of NCIM were used. Now, when initilaising from cache, the managed status from NCIM will be used for an entity, if it is listed in the managed status table. If it is not listed in the managedStatus table at startup, and was explicitly unmanaged before being cached, the value from the cache is used. alm00106756 AMOS RCA daemons fix (APAR=IZ44203) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed alm00106861 ITNM /DB2 EXPERIENCING VERY SLOW PERFORMANCE WHEN ACCESSING NCIMDATABASE AT THE INITIAL DISCOVERY (APAR=IZ43671) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Several factors were implicated in this problem. Once was the size of the buffer pool which was too small causing lots of disk access, another was that some rapidly changing tables used to cache views had out of date statistics. The following scripts have been added to change the view cache tables to volatile and print out the suggested command to increase the size of the buffer pool on Unix. $NCHOME/precison/scripts/db2/ DBNAME user password And on Windows: $NCHOME/precison/scripts/db2/ DBNAME user password The mechanism by which the timestamps on the managedStatus table were generated was also modified by the addition of a new insert trigger which rounds time to the nearest second. Prior to this change queries on this table had occurred many more times than necessary and negatively impacted performance. alm00107135 Threading issue in ping finder ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed alm00107413 THE MIB BROWSER DOES NOT HANDLE TABLES WITH NOT-ACCESSIBLEOBJECTS (APAR=IZ40046) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MIB browser can now cope with "not accessible" index fields when doing a "Get Table" operation. alm00107638 [NBS061190] APAR: IZ36915 - GUI, ITNMV3.7 DISTINCT NETWORK VIEW NOT UPDATED. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed alm00107643 "[NBS061540] APAR: IZ39460 - SNMP HELPER REQUIRES IP ADDRESS FOR MIB BROWSER - IT WILL FAIL IF HOSTNAME IS USED" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed alm00107680 [NBS060868] Disconcerting error message in disco log ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed alm00107685 [NBS054471] APAR: IZ07978 - SNMP HELPER CAN MIS-FORMAT OCTET STRINGS WITH NON-PRINTABLE CHARACTERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed Known Issues with V3.7 fix pack 6 (Build ================================================== 56360 Error with ncp_poller and DB2 9.1 Applying Fix Pack on Windows Network Manager server removes the "Automatic" starting of ncp_ctrl process in "Services", You may wish to set it back to "Automatic". The rvd or rvd.exe process does not always exit when Network Manager solution is completely stopped. Summary of Fixes in V3.7 fix pack 6 (Build ==================================================== 52597 Perl agents intermittently failing on windows ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed IZ07978 54471 SNMP HELPER CAN MIS-FORMAT OCTET STRINGS WITH NON-PRINTABLE CHARACTERS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SNMP helper now formats OCTET STRINGs containing non-printable characters in the same way as it used to in version 3.6 and earlier. This means that discovery agents should work as expected and populate all fields. IZ21978 57050 SCOPE OF REDISCOVERY IS NOT DOMAIN SPECIFIC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the Rediscover Node(s) right-click tool is selected against a device, this opens the PartialRediscovery Window as expected. However, if the Scope button is selected within the Partial Rediscovery Window to edit the scope of discovery,the existing scope presented is not domain specific. The problem is now fixed. 57405 "Visualization of Logical groups in Topoviz" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implemented 57406 Improve security for port to port navigation,global find. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implemented 57963 DNS Helper configuration GUI allows to add duplicate entries ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed IZ24438 58053 PROPERTY :TOPOVIZ.CLIENT.PLUGIN.IEAUTOACTIVATE=FALSE OR TRUE. NEEDS TO BE ADDED BY DEFAULT, TO THE DEFAULT PROPS FILE OF ITNM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new property, "topoviz.client.plugin.ieautoactivate", has been added and set to true by default. This does not affect the behaviour of Topoviz in any way. To fix the symptom seen in APAR IZ05528, this property should be set to false. 58210 Tool tips not working for links ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed 59000 ITNM should have the ability to configure the topology viewer to show extra layers over and above the standard "layer 1", "layer 2", "layer 3" and "ipsubnets" as supplied with ITNM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implemented 59075 Manual View Editing - Requirement #238 : The operator needs to know what network devices have not been placed in a network map of Topoviz. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implemented IZ28684 59154 CAN'T DELETE DYMANIC VIEW WITH MORE THAN1000 CHILD VIEW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a user attempts to delete a network view with over 1000 children, then the query will fail with the Oracle error "ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000." appearing in the ncp_topoviz log file. The view will not successfully be deleted. The way in which views are deleted has been changed, so that lists are no longer used. Instead, the view and its children are deleted using a prepared statement. IZ28847 59186 MAKE EXTRAINFO->M_IFNAME A TOKEN FOR RULES FILES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We've added ifName, ifDescr, ifAlias, and ifTypeString to the list of fields available in events raised against interfaces. These can be referenced in the monitor probe rules file as $ExtraInfo_IFNAME, $ExtraInfo_IFDESCR, $ExtraInfo_IFALIAS, and $ExtraInfo_IFTYPESTRING. Note that these tokens will not be available, and any NCIM fields in the event will be for the chassis, if the interface has not been modelled. 59217 Manual View Editing - Requirement #238 : Operators need to be able to manually place NEs into views. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implemented IZ29597 59411 SCOPE IN PARTIAL REDISCOVERY NOT SAVED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem is fixed now. The Scope in the partial rediscovery launched from the Status sections (i.e. the one that can only be launched if ncp_disco is running on that domain) and 'Rediscovery Node' from Topoviz is the scope in scope.zones for the Disco service. To verify that the correct scope is being displayed is to go to OQL workbench and send the query 'select * from scope.zones;' on DISCO service. The Scope on scopes tab comes from the schema file DiscoScope..cfg or just DiscoScope.cfg when the product is first installed and scope hasn't been modified/saved. Therefore the data on the Scopes tab might be different from one another. It depends on what is in scope.zones/schema file. IZ30120 59595 IMPROVE PHASE 1 DISCOVERY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have modified the code for ncp_dh_snmp such that ncpoller database operations are minimised. This greatly reduces the per-request overhead previously incurred by ncp_dh_snmp when processing requests from discovery agents, allowing them to proceed more quickly. 59661 Enhancement: String Based Interface ID Support For Collectors ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implemented: Collectors now support interface identification via string based interface Id. This is useful in situations where ifIndex is not available. 59692 New Agents to support Adtran TA838 and TA5000 dev discovery and layer 2 Connectivity ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed 59748 Topoviz fails to show some link tooltips ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed IZ30944 59784 ITNMV3.7 - ITNM SHOULD NEVER REMOVE A PE DEVICE IF ITS IP IS THE SAME AS AN INFERRED CE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RemoveInferredCEDuplicates stitcher has been modify to not remove PE router when infer CE Ip is the same. IZ31176 59864 ITNMV3.7 - NO ITNM HEALTHCHECK FAILURE EVENTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health check events are now ignored unless the Tally field has changed. That field is updated each time a new health check event reaches the Object Server. IZ31239 59886 ITNM.PM DOESN'T GET INSTALLED WITH IPEDITION UNLESS YOU USE QUICK INSTALLER TO INSTALL ITNM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Perl Module has been added to those already included with the Network Manager IP Edition Perl API. 59889 syntax error in updatePrecisionGUIDb.sql for db2 used as NCIM. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed IZ31281 59893 NON-SECURE POP UP MESSAGE WHEN OPENING DEVICE STRUCTURE PAGE IN SSL MODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem is addressed by changing download URLs to HTTPS which fulfills Internet Explorer security constraints. IZ31793 59990 ERROR "COULD NOT UNLINK CACHE FILE" IN DISCO LOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fix unlinks the file correctly so the inconsistencies are not experienced. 60000 Bug in dns helper when handling domain lists ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed 60044 Recent change to ResolveVPWSConnections.stch incompatible with existing CollectorVpn data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed errors in disco log during stitching of VPWS data from Collectors. IZ32488 60106 DRWATSON IN NCP_NCOGATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed a problem of uninitialised memory whihc could have been causing the problem. 60121 Alcatel SAM Collector drops IP data as it insists on presence of ipAddressType ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed Alcatel5620SamSoap Collector issue that resulted in missing links in layer 3 and VPN views 60153 ncp_agent fails ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed IZ32760 60169 VIRTUAL HSRP ADDRESSES IN NCIM ARE COLLECTIONS, NOT ENTITIES WHICH CAUSES STRUCTURE BROWSER TO THROW GUI ERROR 5724O52DS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed Structure Browser issue when displaying HSRP 'VIRTUAL_IP' objects. The primary HSRP router will now have a displayable VIRTUAL_IP object. IZ32762 60170 GUI PROPERTIES FILES ARE OVER WRITTEN WITH A DEFAULT FILE DURING INSTALL, LOSING ALL CUSTOMIZATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Files with .properties extention in $NCHOME/etc/precision folder were overwritten by Fix Pack installer. Problem is now fixed and old files stay untouched. IZ33216 60285 CANNOT EXPAND MIB BROWSER AFTER ADDING UCD MIBS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mib browser will display tree appropriately for UCD and other mibs. 60330 SNMP Mib browser missing RFC1213 mib object-types ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed IZ33518 60335 CISCO MPLS AGENTS FAIL TO PARSE SOME TYPES OF PSEUDO WIRE TELNET DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CiscoMPLSSnmp/CiscoMPLSTelnet agents modified to support this new layer 2 VPN data format. 60432 Dynamic monitoring of poller policies ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed IZ33782 60444 PIPV3.5 - ADDENTITYCONTAINMENT.STCH DOES NOT UPDATE SERIAL NUMBER RECORD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The AddEntityContainment.stch will now copy relevant optional entity data (as configured in the Entity Agent) to existing port and chassis entities. 60461 Alcatel5620SAM Collector data dropped on ifIndex 0 (various disco errors) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue recently introduced issue in the Alcatel5620SamSoap Collector fixed. Zero ifIndex will not prevent discovery. 60471 Latter r is missing for ncp_df_collector ..log file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed IZ34133 60524 MEMORY ISSUES IN NCP_TRAPMUX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed the memory management problem in ncp_tramux IZ34147 60546 SNMPHELPER IGNORING THE CHANGE IN VALUES FOR M_TIMEOUT & M_NUMRETRIES THAT ARE SET UNDER SNMPSTACKSECURITYINFO.CFG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SNMP helper process now rereads its configuration whenever changes are made (and saved) in the Passwords panel in the Discovery Configuration section of the GUI. Changes to any settings are now dealt with correctly, and the updated settings will be used as soon as the device is accessed again. IZ34129 60547 THE HOP VIEW GRAPH FAILS TO DRAW ANY SUBSEQUENT SUBNET BETWEEN TWO DEVICES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hop View Graph fails to show all subnets between two devices. Probmem comes from the fact that the software does not check if there are more than one subnets and ignores every subnet after the first found. The fix is to add routine to check if there are more than one subnet and add them one by one to the list of connections. 60555 include classname in events raised by ncp_poller ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed 60583 with each edit of a poll policy, a new poll starts, the old poll does not stop ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed 60587 'quickly' toggling managed status back and forth causes managed entities not to be monitored ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed 60634 There is no declaration for interfaceId in AddNoConnectionsToLayer stitcher ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed stitching errors resulting from a recently introduced bug in AddNoConnectionsToLayer.stch. IZ35035 60727 SNMP HELPER IS SLOW IN PROCESSING RECEIVED THREADS RESULTING LOSS OF SNMPACCESS AND INCONSISTENT DATA DURING EACH DISCOVERY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increased the size of the buffer (to the maximum supported by the OS up to 512Kb). Also improved packet processing speed by deferring SNMP protocol decoding to a separate thread. IZ35223 60796 FIND IN NETWORK VIEW DOESN'T WORK: PROBLEM WITH ORACLE AND 1000 ELEMENTS IN LIST ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Statements that used to use the "IN" clause have been replaced with alternative statements that achieve the same result. The limiting factor of list size has thus been removed. IZ35369 60824 NCP_CLASS STOPS WHEN ATTEMPTS TO OBTAIN A WRITE LOCK ON THE DATABASE AND AS A RESULT THE ITNM SERVER WILL NOT FULLY START ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the network views are cached, some database tables are locked. On Oracle the locks are released implicitly following a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK. However, there were some execution paths which did neither and hence left the tables locked until the next topology update. All execution paths are now followed by a COMMIT or a ROLLBACK, so the locks are always released. 60874 Rendezvous method called from incorrect thread ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed IZ35602 60913 NCP_NCOGATE UNRESPONSIVE AFTER A KILL -HUP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A deadlock was occurring when trying to pass the updated info, read from the config file, to amos. IZ35675 60968 DISCO ADDS UNCONNECTED NODES TO RELATEDTO FIELD OF RELEVANT SUBNET OBJECTS BUT NOT THE ITS M_MEMBERS FIELD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SubnetToIPLayer stitcher modified to ensure unconnected nodes are added to the member list of the appropriate subnet object. IZ35769 60990 WHEN DISCOONSTARTUP = 1, AND A CACHE FILE IS PRESENT, AND A FULL DISCOVERY HAS BEEN RUN, BLACKOUT STATE SHOULD = 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change so that if using a failover cache then the disco.status table in the failover cache takes precedence over the discoOnStart option unless the cache is in the discovery mode 0, phase 0 state. IZ35753 60991 CISCOMPLSTELNET AGENT FAILS TO PARSE SOME FORMS OF MPLS INTERFACE DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CiscoMPLSTelnet agent has been modified to support this variation of telnet data IZ36134 61061 DEVICE IS LINKED TO SUBNET OBJECT IN STRUCTURE BROWSER, BUT NOT IN HOP VIEW/TOPOLOGY VIEW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tightened filter for StandardOSPF agent to only accept devices with a non-zero ospfVersionNumber IZ36141 61062 DISCOVERY DEVICES TAB IN DISCOVER STATUS DOES NOT REMOVE OLD DEVICES AFTER NEW DISCOVERY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Discovery Devices tab now updates properly when a new discovery is made, so the correct devices are shown in the tab. IZ36467 61094 VLAN_OBJECT IS DESIGNATED -1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed bug in SNMP helper, which was returning MIB data in the wrong format. IZ36483 61104 NEED TO SHIP UPDATED 0.68 SOAP LIB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOAP-Lite Perl library upgraded to version 0.68, thus allowing the Alcatel 5620 SAM SOAP Collector to work withouht manual upgrade. This is still not fixed on windows platform, and will still require manual upgrade of the SOAP-Lite Perl lib on this platform. 61214 ncp_model changes to support configurable topology layers ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed 61361 No (Add to View/Remove from View) tool present in submenu bar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The new .xml files are placed under default directory with additional/new parameters. Customers have to manually make the changes by comparing the original file and the file under default directory. IZ38928 61472 MIB BROWSER 'WALK' COMMAND BEHAVES INCONSISTENTLY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated the SNMP helper to perform the 'walk' and 'get table' operations in the same way, and format the results in a way that the MIB browser application expects. Known Issues with V3.7 fix pack 5 (Build ================================================== 52195 Disco Admin GUI: Saving discovery configuration and other GUI settings IZ07978 54471 SNMP HELPER CAN MIS-FORMAT OCTET STRINGS WITH NON-PRINTABLE CHARACTERS 54998 file is overwritten in fixpack installation 56360 Error with ncp_poller and DB2 9.1 Applying Fix Pack on Windows Network Manager server removes the "Automatic" starting of ncp_ctrl process in "Services", You may wish to set it back to "Automatic". The rvd or rvd.exe process does not always exit when Network Manager solution is completely stopped. Summary of Fixes in V3.7 fix pack 5 (Build ==================================================== 44410 ncp_disco should place version information in the cache files for easy retrieval ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IY97131 50509 ENHANCE CISCOSWITCHTELNET AGENT TO SUPPORT 'SHOW MAC-ADRESS-TABLE' OUTPUT OF DIFFERNT FORMAT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CiscoSwitchTelnet agent was modified to handle the new layout of information returned from the Cisco devices. 52272 ncp_d_helpserv and ncp_disco cannot cope with domain names that are purely numeric, e.g. 52179 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53503 Telnet Helper's configurable port functionality broken in 3.7 (m_AccessPort) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Telnet Helper (ncp_dh_telnet) now accesses the port configured by m_AccessPort rather than forcing access to the default port. IZ12877 55184 SHOW STRUCTURE POP-UP WINDOW IN IE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If default SSL port [443] is used to access NGF, then IE fails to genereate the URL properly. Problem comes from the fact that if default port is used, the browser automatically strips it from the URL. When the software extracts the details of the url, the function returns [-1] for the port number. This breaks the URL and the browser fails to show the page. A routine has been implemented the missing default port and respectively should the port be apended tho the url or not. IZ14300 55304 DELETING FROM SERVICES.INTRAY DOES NOT HALT PROCESS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All processes currently handle a received SIGINT or SIGTERM and process it as a shutdown signal. As the SIGINT is not being processed by the expected signal handler, but the SIGTERM is, ncp_ctrl has been modified to send a SIGTERM, rather than a SIGINT, for graceful shutdown of managed processes. IZ20064 56507 FIRST DEFINED DOMAIN (IN MULTI-DOMAINS SETUP) NEEDS TO BE RUNNING FOR THE OTHER DOMAINS TO DISPLAY DISCOVERY CONFIG GUI. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In multi-domain setup first domain in a multi-domain setup had to be running for the additional domains to display the dicovery configuration GUI page. Otherwise error 500 was printed and none of domains can be accessed through Discovery Configuration GUI. Problem was addressed and now if some domain is not running remaining domains are still accessible. IZ20901 56753 LICENSE MANAGER REMOVES ITNM PACKAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITNM 3.7 fix pack 1 introduced a new agent called StandardRPR. However, there was a problem with the fix pack installer that meant whenever another product was installed after the ITNM 3.7 fix pack, the StandardRPR agent would be uninstalled. This should no longer happen once fix pack 5 is installed. IZ21265 56842 ITNMV3.7-SNMP MIB BROWSER "NAME" RESULT, RETURN OIDS VALUES INSTEAD OF RESOLVED NAME VALUES. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix to mib browser not resolving ASN1 snmp oids to the fully resolved name e.g. displaying - myName rather than sysName.0 - myName 57009 strange problem after patching 3.7 GA to .21 build and running with 'setuid' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Only one installation per machine can be run as setuid root by a non-root user. This is due to the way Unix systems only allow setuid processes to load libraries from trusted directories. The script now makes this clearer. IZ22197 57145 NCP_MODEL APPEARS TO FAILS INTERMITTENLY AT THE END OF DISCOVERY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem was caused because ITNM 3.7 was using the Oracle 9 OCI driver to access the Oracle database. Most of the time, the Oracle 9 driver can successfully interface with Oracle 10. However, there is a small risk of a crash when this is done. Oracle recommends only using Oracle 10 drivers when accessing an Oracle 10 database. See Oracle Metalink issue 268174.1 for more details. The Solaris version of ITNM has now been changed so that instead of linking the Oracle 9 drivers statically, they are linked dynamically. This enables customers who suffer from this problem to work around it. 57177 ncp_model doesn't update NCIM classMembers table when a device's class is updated ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ22996 57427 PARTIAL DISCOVERY FAILS FROM GUI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fix involved modifications so that the new scope was automatically propogated to all necessary discovery sub processes. This in turn means the partial rediscovery of a new scope is successfully achieved. IZ23001 57428 CONNECTION FROM AN MSFC CARD TO THE SWITCH THAT IT CONTAINS IS NOT DISPLAYED CORRECTLY IN LAYER 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VLAN modelling and RCA is broken for networks having switch with msfc/rsm cards IZ23818 57782 IMPROVE CISCOCARDPORTMAPPER ERROR MESSAGES WHERE ISSUE IS SNMP FAILURE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Improved CiscoSwitchSnmp error message to ease identification of configuration issue vs device issue 57908 redundant data retrieval in JuniperMPLSSnmp agent ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The JuniperMPLSSnmp agent requests the jnxVpnIdentifier column on the same device many times over (corresponding to the number of VPNs on the device). It should now only be doing this once. IZ24038 57924 BY DEFAULT INTERFACE PING POLICY SHOULD NOT PING INTERFACES WITH IFADMINSTATUS DOWN OF DISCOVERED TOPOLOGY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The TagManagedEntities stitcher will now update the managed status of existing entities if and only if it involves a transition to or from state 2. So this state - 'permanently unmanaged' - can also be thought of as 'unmanaged by disco'. Toggling between states 0 and 1 is still performed only via the GUI. When the managed status of a chassis is changed, the backend will set that status for all contained entities (as before), but if and only if the current status is not 2. In other words, entities with a managed status of 2 are now unaffected by changes to the maanged status of a containing entitiy. 58004 DIRECT ROUTER TO ROUTER LINKS ON JUNIPER DEVICES SHOULD BE ON PHYSICAL INTERFACES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ24313 58014 SNMP HELPER GETS STUCK IN INFINITE LOOP QUERYING TIMEFILTERED TABLES ON SOME DEVICES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SNMP poller module now automatically deals with MIB objects that are indexed using the TimeFilter textual convention by specifying 0 for that part of the index. 58179 Errors in ncp_dh_snmp logfile ./ at line 588 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This fix requires the user to run updatePollerDb.sql after installation of FP5 and above IZ25786 58361 IN CASES WHERE A SYSTEM HAS DUPLICATED IP ADDRESSES THE CDP LAYER CAN RESULT IN INCORRECT CONNECTIVITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CDP verification option allowing CDP connections resolved by IP to go through an extra layer of verification based on the IP address. Can improve CDP connectivity where the CDP DeviceId information is reliable. 58441 Improve out of band handling of router links. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Improved handling of out of band management networks. In particular layer 3 IP connectivity and handling logical interfaces stacked on out of band interfaces. IZ26008 58455 DATA SOURCE ACCESS IN MIB BROWSER IN MILLISECONDS INSTEAD OF SECONDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timeout applied in MIB browsre configuration was considered in miliseconds instead of seconds. This caused that MIB browser frequently didn't wait long enough for response from Helper Server. Problem was addressed by converting value entered by the user. IZ26705 58632 NCIM USER REQUIRES LOCK PERMISSIONS AFTER ITNMFP4 INSTALL WITH MYSQL/ORACLE AS MAIN DB ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change code to fix it in current release as well as in 3.8 IZ26698 58633 NCO_P_NCPMONITOR.RULES FOR WINDOWS IS INCORRECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is resolved by setting the appropriate fields correctly in the probe rules, as shown in the workaround. IZ26714 58634 "WHERE" CLAUSE SYSNAMENAMING.STCH AFTER "FROM COLLECTORDETAIL.RETURNS" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed syntax error message during data processingphase of disco that occurs when SysName Naming is enabled. 58743 exponential retries for SNMP should be set to 0 if unspecified in DiscoSnmpHelperSchema.cfg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58746 Monitor Config GUI: Unexpected behaviour shown on creating "Generic Threshold" Poll definition. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58755 Selecting Find in map ipendpoint>protocol>is does not change the next field to is ! NULL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 58845 ResolveVPWSConnections.stch processes non-VPWS data too ResolveVPWSConnections stitcher modified to process VPWS data only. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ27585 58865 SNMP POLLER MODULE HAS TOO FEW THREADS ALLOCATED BY DEFAULT WHEN RUN AGAINST LARGE NETWORKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Increased the default number of threads in the core SNMP polling module from 31 to 100. IZ27582 58866 EXPONENTIAL BACKOFF FOR SNMP GET REQUESTS IS INCORRECTLY INITIATED WHILE DISCOVERING DEVICE ACCESS DETAILS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes to the domain_drop script were made to avoid this from happening IZ27584 58867 SNMP GETNEXT THROTTLING CAUSES SPURIOUS TIMEOUTS WHEN MANY DEVICES ARE POLLED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The GetNext throttling functionality does not work as expected when large numbers of devices are queried simultaneously, so it has been disabled by default. It can be re-enabled by inserting a record into the ncpoller.collector_conf table: insert into ncpoller.collector_conf ( domain, collector_id, plugin_id, name, value ) values ( 'NCOMS', 'ncp_snmp_disco', 'SnmpPoller', 'EnableThrottling', 'true' ); IZ27647 58871 DOMAIN_DROP.PL SCRIPT MUST ALSO CLEAN NCPGUI DATABASE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes to the domain_drop script were made to avoid this from happening IZ28072 58993 JUNIPER AGENT: MPLS VPN PE DEVICES NOT BEING DISCOVERED IN ITNMIPV3.7 FP4 IN A "JUNIPER VENDOR ONLY NETWORK". ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnisphereMPLSTelnetAgent is not support JunoS 7.3.X cli outputs related to MPLS commands and not handing JUniper ifType 135 IZ28216 59023 DELETE CLEARABLE DAEMONS CAN DELETE OTHER PEOPLE'S DAEMONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ITNM software must be upgraded in order to install the corrected RCA binary ncp_f_amos. IZ28232 59038 RESOLVEVPWSCONNECTIONS.STCH DOESN'T PROCESS VPWS CONNECTIONS PROPERLY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Improved ResolveVPWSConnections stitcher properly resolves the connections relying on connectionId rather than the less reliable VCid. IZ28594 59121 SNMP HELPER DIES WHEN RUNNING MULTIPLE DOMAINS WITH DUPLICATE INSERTS IN NCPOLLER.SNMPTHROTTLEMAP TABLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The primary key for the snmpthrottlemap table did not include the domain column, as it should. This has been corrected. IZ29137 59273 AMOS FAILURE RELATED TO THE CLEANING UP OF THE MEMORY WHEN EVENTS ARE CLEARED AND NEW EVENTS OCCUR THAT TAKE OVER THE SUPPRESSION THAT THE OLD EVENTS WERE PREVIOUSLY DOING. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fix involved a change to the source code and so users will need to upgrade to FP5 or above IZ29219 59315 POLL FAIL ALERTS RAISED WHILE CHANGES TO THE NCIM.MANAGEDSTATUS TABLE ARE BEING PROCESSED RESULT IN DEADLOCK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The possibilty of deadlock in this case has been removed via a code fix. The performance of periodic managed status table lookups can be improved by adding an index on the changeTime field by applying the following SQL command to the NCIM database: CREATE INDEX mgdStatusChangeTime_idx ON managedStatus(changeTime); IZ29293 59344 INCORRECT NMOSCAUSETYPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rules file TimedAlertTransition.rule has been upgraded to the latest available version. IZ29707 59450 FIXPACK 4 THROWS ERROR MESSAGES IN THE NCISETUP.LOG ABOUT MISSING PARTIALREDISCOVERY.XML AND MIB_BROWSER.PROPERTIES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inclusions of new configuration files in Fix Pack 4 caused installer logging error messages even though these errors didn't cause any system malfunctions.Installer configuration files were updated and this problem shouldn't appear anymore. IZ30120 59595 IMPROVE PHASE 1 DISCOVERY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have modified the code for ncp_dh_snmp such that ncpoller database operations are minimised. This greatly reduces the per-request overhead previously incurred by ncp_dh_snmp when processing requests from discovery agents, allowing them to proceed more quickly. IZ30571 59677 CHECK FOR DUPS BEFORE ADDING PORTS TO EXTRAINFO->M_PORTCONTENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The disco stitchers that populate this field now filter to ensure that duplicates are not added. IZ30926 59785 ITNMV3.7 - SERVERS CAN'T BE POLLED FOR OVERLOADING ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The snmp poller will now able to decode the laLoadFloat object that is of OPAQUE type. So UCD load average OID can be polled. Will be included in FP5 for 3.7. Known Issues with V3.7 fix pack 4 (Build ================================================== 52195 Disco Admin GUI: Saving discovery configuration and other GUI settings IZ07978 54471 SNMP HELPER CAN MIS-FORMAT OCTET STRINGS WITH NON-PRINTABLE CHARACTERS IZ09413 54832 DIRECT ROUTER TO ROUTER LINKS ON JUNIPER DEVICES SHOULD BE ON PHYSICAL INTERFACES 56360 Error with ncp_poller and DB2 9.1 Applying Fix Pack on Windows Network Manager server removes the "Automatic" starting of ncp_ctrl process in "Services", You may wish to set it back to "Automatic". The rvd or rvd.exe process does not always exit when Network Manager solution is completely stopped. Summary of Fixes in V3.7 fix pack 4 (Build ==================================================== 53103 IpForwardingTable agent and support partial matching ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance of the IpForwardingTable agent improved. New configuration option added to restrict route download (see .agnt file) IZ10117 54956 PREVIOUS SNMP QUERY IS EXECUTED AUTOMATICALLY WHEN WE REOPEN THE MIB BROWSER. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem was addressed, when navigating back to MIB browser screen is reset and no previous query gets executed. IZ12239 55099 JPS404 ERRORS WHEN CREATING THE MIB PICKER TREE IN THE GUI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page printing error messages were missing. Instead, when data in ncmib database was corrupted or missing, 404 error was printed. Proper error page was added and log messages in log file were enhanced. IZ12942 55185 IN A MULTI-DOMAIN, THE MIB BROWSER USES WRONG SETTINGS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional configuration file was introduced which stores data specific to each of domains. MIB browser will select appropriate information about domain basing on user's selection. IZ14207 55282 EXTEND ADJUSTEDIPLAYER TO HANDLE CISCO SUBINTERFACE LINKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Improved AdjustedIPLayer.stch support for Port Channel interfaces and Cisco-Cisco subinterface links IZ14329 55313 DEFAULT.XML IN AUTOPROVISION DIRECTORY DOESN'T MOVE OR LOG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The system has been modified to produce warning messages in the Topoviz log file when either of these scenarios occur. In the case that any provision file exists along with its ".processed" counterpart, the file will not be processed IZ14824 55405 PROVIDE SPECIFIC FUNCTION TO ITNM IP 3.7 THAT HAD BEEN AVAILABLE IN 3.6. THE VIEW FRAME ON THE BOTTOM OF THE NETWORK & HOPE VIEW. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Simple replacement for Connectivity Information functionality was added. To enable it follow steps below: 1) Add new "Show Connectivity Information" tool. Create $NCHOME/etc/precision/tools/showConnectivityInformation.xml file and add there following lines: 2) Edit $NCHOME/etc/precision/menus/ncp_topoviz_device_menu.xml and add created tool to Network View menu using following definition: 3) Restard NGF server, clear Java browser cache. After above steps, right click on particular device and select "Show Connectivity Information" tool. Separate window will appear presenting connectivity details. By default all interface types are printed. To exclude some types of interfaces you can define which interfaces should be included and which excluded. To do this edit $NCHOME/etc/precision/ file and add one of two lines: topoviz.connectivity.include=IF_TYPE1, IF_TYPE2, ... topoviz.connectivity.exclude=IF_TYPE1, IF_TYPE2, ... Types of interfaces should be comma separated numbers. To see all available numbers run following query on NCIM database: SELECT * FROM ncim.enumerations e where enumGroup = 'ifType'; IZ14944 55418 STATUS ICONS SLOW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Performance improved by implementation of new caching layer. This requires two extra tables to be added to the database. Please follow the appropriate instructions for adding these tables to your database. These commands can be executed on a running database. If these commands are not executed then warnings will be shown in $NCHOME/log/precision/ncp_topoviz.0.log and the system will fall-back to it's uncached implementation and work as before. MySQL: $NCHOME/platform//mysql5.0/bin/mysql ncpgui -u root < $PRECISION_HOME/scripts/sql/mysql/updatePrecisionGUIDb.sql should be set as follows: For Solaris : solaris2 For Linux : linux2x86 For AIX : aix5 For Windows : win32 Additionally, on Windows replace $NCHOME with %NCHOME% and $PRECISION_HOME with %PRECISION_HOME%. DB2: Copy the contents of $PRECISION_HOME/scripts/sql/db2 to your DB2 server and run the following command from the directory you copied them to. Unix: Windows: updatePrecisionGUIDb.bat Where , and are set to your database name, username and password as appropriate. Oracle: Copy the contents of $PRECISION_HOME/scripts/sql/oracle to your Oracle server and run the following command from the directory you copied them to. sqlplus / < updatePrecisionGUIDb.sql Where and are your username and password as appropriate. IZ15160 55436 DISCOVERY DOESN'T GET INITIATED WHEN CONFIGURED FOR EMS INTEGRATION (COLLECTORS) AND NAT ENVIRONMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed issue in NATAgentRetProcessing.stch which prevented Collector based discovery when NAT is enabled. IZ15287 55452 Disco Admin GUI: MEMORY LEAK IN PRECISION 3.6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memory leak in Discovery GUI was eliminated by changing the way how memory resources were utilized. IZ15447 55485 FAILOVER IS TRIGGERED UPON REDISCOVERY DUE TO FAILURE OF THE VIRTUAL DOMAIN PROCESS TO GENERATE HEALTH CHECK EVENTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The OQL messages to update the config.failover tables of the listening processes are now sent in a separate thread, so as to prevent the main functionality of the virtual domain process from being blocked. The gateway also fast-tracks health check messages from the Object Server to the virtual domain process. The eventMap is no longer used for these events. IZ15515 55509 ITNM 3.7 FAILS TO POLL DEVICES USING SNMPV3 AUTHTYPE=SHA1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Incorrect internal handling of the configuration led to the wrong key size being used for SHA key generation. IZ15546 55510 PARTIAL REDISCOVERY IS NOT WORKING AS EXPECTED ,WHEN SELECTED FROM REDISCOVER NODE(S) TOOL. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Partial rediscovery did not work properly when initiated on a node from Network View. The reason for that was that domain name was used instead of IP address of the devide to be discovered. Discovery process requires from GUI passing IP address / subnect address in order to initiate partial rediscovery. Domain name is now resolved and IP address passed to discovery process which addresses the issue. IZ15752 55544 MPLS CLOUD ALWAYS APPEARS EXPANDED. SAVING CHANGES TO MPLS NETWORK VIEWS DOES NOT SEEM TO BE WORKING. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network View code was fixed to handle save of MPLS clouds. IZ15986 55582 SOME PERL AGENTS ARE FAR TOO SLOW; SPECIFICALLY REQUIRE CISCO VLAN MODELLING AND CISCO VTP TO BE COMPILED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Because Perl Entity agent is single threaded, it causes very large delays in discovery. so CiscoRoutedVLANInterface, CiscoVTP agent rewritten and compiled in C++ IZ16709 55765 NCP_DH_PING FAILS IF M_BROADCAST = 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix for problem with ping helper when broadcast or multicast pinging is configured as acceptable. IZ16963 55837 DISCOVERY DETAILS TAB, PING FINDER PROGRESS, CURRENT ADDRESS ALWAYS SHOWS 'NULL'. 3.7 FP2. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix to issue where the ping finder was not updating the pingFinder.status table with it;'s progress in subnet pings. This hence prevented the GUI from displaying this information. IZ17015 55845 COLLECTORDETAILS AGENT SHOULD HAVE DNS LOOKUP FEATURE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discover will now perform DNS resolution for Collector discovered entities when the Collector data doesn't contan an entity name. Alcatel 5620 SAM Collector modified not to send a name. IZ17126 55897 UNABLE TO SEE MIBS FOR DEVICES LIKE CISCO AND JUNIPER IN THE MIBBROWSER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix to ASN1 ordering bug. This bug could lead to incomplete oid definitions returned from the mib browser. IZ17311 55910 AMOS CONNECTED SUPPRESSION RULE CAN CAUSE CIRCULAR SUPPRESSION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The rules file SuppressConnectedAlerts.rule has been upgraded to the latest version. IZ17397 55932 MEMORY LEAK IN NCP_POLLER WHEN SNMP POLLS ARE ENABLED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Memory leaks in have been addressed. 55969 Too many file descriptors are being opened by eval($MEMUSAGE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The linux version of the code opened the socket but didn't close it. This has now been addressed IZ17665 55971 DISCOVERING JUNIPER L2 VPN VIA JUNIPER SNMP AGENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support for layer 2 VPN data implemented IZ17668 55973 PERL API FROM VERSION 3.6 ONWARDS CAN NO LONGER LISTEN FOR UPDATES ON THE TOPOLOGY NOTIFICATION SUBJECT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A code change was made to fix this bug. IZ17669 55976 UNABLE TO EDIT/VIEW EXISTING/NEW POLL DEFINITIONS ON DISTRIBUTED INSTALLATION HAVING ORACLE AS NCIM DATABASE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a problem with data type conversion on Oracle - Java JDBC driver. Problem was addressed by modifying code to use different type for reading variables from ncomitor database. IZ17722 55983 EVENT SEVERITY VALUES CANNOT BE UPDATED FROM THE POLL DEFINITION EDITOR IN THE MONITOR ADMIN GUI. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes done in Poll Definition Editor od Monitor Administration GUI caused error message and were not persisted in the database. Problem affected only users using DB2 as the NCIM database engine. DB2 JDBC driver does not allow more than 1 concurrent updatable ResultSet per databse connection. Changes were implemented in order to have only one updatable ResultSet at the same time. IZ17814 55999 THE POLLER PROCESS CAN OVERWRITE THE SNMP CONFIGURATION STORED IN THE DATABASE BY THE SNMP HELPER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under normal circumstances, the poller relies on the SNMP helper to write the configured SNMP acess details [SnmpStackSecurtiyInfo config information] to the ncpoller database. The poller will only write the configured SNMP access details to the ncpoller database if it is running in the backup domain in failover configuration. In this situation, it is expected to be using a distinct database, as the poller DB is typically set up locally, and a failover architecture, by its nature, is distributed across at least 2 different servers. As the SNMP helepr is not used in the backup domain, the poller must read in the configured information. 56058 Poor performance in ncp_model due to compound primary key ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The old composite primary key was replaced by a new primary key IZ18625 56119 LARGE MEMORY CONSUMPTION WHEN ARE TOO MUCH DATA FROM DISCOVERY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem was addressed by optimizing memory usage in ITNM GUI and also option to disable automatic discovery status update functionality. In order to use this settings, edit or create $NCHOME/etc/precision/ file and add 'discovery_gui.status.allowAutoUpdate' and set it to 'false' in order to disable automatic discovery status update, example: discovery_gui.status.allowAutoUpdate=false By default, automatic status updates are enabled. IZ18948 56182 MANY LINKS HAVE FDB DATA NOT GETTING POPULATED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The optional Analyse & Prune stitchers have been enhanced to improve connectivity on networks with incomplete switch forwarding database information. IZ19476 56331 DNS HELPER WAITS FOR FULL TIMEOUT EVEN THOUGH IT HAS RECEIVED A REPLY AND COULD RETURN IMMEDIATELY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basically what happens is that the DirectDNS method sends a dns packet to a dns server requesting a name for an ip or vice versa If dns server has a problem with the packet, it responds with an error immediately send the request back to the agent saying we don't know. (earlier it wait for timeout) 56351 IMPLEMENT SNMP EXPONENTIAL BACKOFF FOR SNMPGETS SAME AS FOR SNMPWALKS AS IN PREVIOUS VERSIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implemented an exponential back-off for devices we have previously got an SNMP response from. The number of extra retries is specified in the snmpHelper.configuration table, which can be modified in DiscoSnmpHelperSchema.cfg. The new behaviour is basically: if a device doesn't respond within the standard timeout/retries, we begin the exponential back-off - we keep retrying the request, but double the timeout each time. If at the end of this time, we still don't get a response, then we time out as normal, but if we get a response then we resume the operation. This behaviour previously only applied to table traversals by the SNMP helper. It now applies to SNMP Get requests as well. It doesn't currently affect the ncp_poller process. 56456 When Network View is edited, the changes takes place before it is saved, but when the save button is clicked, the changes doesn't takes place and it reverts back. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cache cleaner now just logs a message telling the user to apply the database changes. 56525 ncp_f_amos exits with parse error in SuppressConnectedAlerts.rule ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The typo error in the rules file has been removed. IZ20193 56539 DEVICES ARE NAMED WITH IPADDRESS RATHER THAN SYSNAME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem has been resolved by updating the stitchers. IZ20552 56637 BUILDFINALENTITYTABLE STITCHER FAILS TO BUILD A RECORD UPON RECEIVING RECORD WITH IFINDEX = 0 VALUE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The error message is logged for every record which has ifIndex value 0. If customer has large number of records with if index 0 then logg will be populated with huge amount of error messages. In this fix the debug level is raised from 0 to 4 so that these error messages populate only if you set debug level to 4 IZ20816 56712 PING FAIL EVENTS POSSIBLE DURING REDISCOVERY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The source of these packets is no longer identified as the failing (unreachable) entity. IZ20875 56729 NCP_POLLER FAILS WHEN USING SNMPV3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An internal OctetString type is used where appropriate. Problems selecting USM users and discovering access for SNMPv3 devices have been resolved. IZ20876 56731 NAME RESOLUTION IN DUAL DOMAIN DNS SERVER APPENDING TWO DOMAIN ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The DNS helper is currently written to manage only a single name domain per DNS method. This can cause an issue with name services which respond with names for multiple name domains. The effect is that some entities may contain multiple name domains. e.g. IZ20899 56750 WHENEVER PROGRAM RUNS OUT OF MEMORY, IT WAS NOT HANDLED PROPERLY. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following changes have been made: 1) In, RivErrInsufficientMemory should be changed from type E_RESFatal to E_RESExit 2) Also in, change the error message for RivErrInsufficientMemory to this: Out-of-memory - This process has run out of memory or exceeded the operating system memory limit for a 32 bit application - You must take action to reduce the amount of data this application is having to process 3) In, change EMERGENCY_MEMORY_SIZE from 2048 to 32768 (2K to 32K). Hopefully this will be enough to get the error message printed, even in heavily multi-threaded processes. IZ20999 56778 JUNIPERMPLSTELNET AGENT FAILS DURING RETRIVAL OF DATA FROM TREE LIST DUE TO UNDEFINED KEY TYPE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now the variable is being checked before the message is printed, preventing the failure IZ21276 56863 ITNMV3.7-NCP_MODEL FAILS DUE TO STACK OVERFLOW, "CMDLLINGERTIME::FIXLINGERINGCONTAINS" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fix was to change the OQL query. This will not result in a deeply nested filter tree and will therefore not cause a stack overflow. 56888 AMOS can get stuck in its daemon-killing function, especially on AIX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A fix was made to prevent Amos getting into a situation in which it can get stuck and needlessly use a lot of CPU for a while and which potentially can result in memory leaking. This only happened under certain circumstances of event/topology combinations, so luckily was fairly rare it seems. IZ21383 56915 IMPROVEMENT TO THE LAYER-2 CONNECTIVITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- network is made of HP switches and the CDP protocol is holding remote nbrs ifIndex instead of ifname that is confusing CDP layer stitcher IZ21471 56960 ITNMV3.7 - FAILOVER NOT WORKING. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ncp_ctrl sets the serviceState of hung processes in services.inTray to 'Sick' = 5. In a failover system, the primary ncp_virtualdomain will not initiate fail over until it has had a socket connection to the backup domain. A health check failure event will still be raised if a problem is detected. In summary: 1) The primary domain will not fail over if it has never established a connection to the backup. This allows the primary to be run in isolation. 2) The backup domain can be run in isolation - it will become primary after the configured failover time (m_FailoverTime in VirtualDomainSchema.cfg). This handles the case where a primary server has completely gone down, and the backup is restarted. 3) The primary and backup domains can be started in any order. It is still recommended that the backup domain not be started until the primary virtual domain process is up and running, as this will avoid the possibility of temporararily having both domains simultaneously monitoring the system, and generating the associated network traffic. 4) The configured m_FailoverTime must be at least 3 times the m_HealthCheckPeriod for correct initialisation. IZ21931 57037 NCP_POLLER PROCESS SOMETIMES HANGS WHEN RUNNING ICMP POLLS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deadlock is now avoided in SnmpPoller module. IZ22005 57056 NCP POLLER DOESN'T START IN FAILOVER CONFIG ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SQL has been updated to query the primary domain. IZ22021 57072 ITNMV3.7 - POLLER MOVES INTO DEADLOCK STATE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem is due to a bug in the SNMP Get aggregation code, which attempts to reduce the number of SNMP requests emitted by the ncp_poller process by 'packing' PDUs. The problem is avoided by disabling this functionality. 57128 Disco Admin GUI: scratchTopology column names need to be updated. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The stitchers and discovery schema have been changed. The scratchTopology.entityByName table now has the same fields as the master.entityByName table in model. The stitchers have been altered to use the table in this form and to use the new rule to take the records in this form and send them to model. This fix addresses modifications required by ITNM GUI to use modified schema properly. 57197 Networkview - when user creates filtered view with an invalid SQL filter, DB locks on few tables does not get released, causing exceptions thrown to user. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- While creating view if user manually enters a filter string with invalid SQL syntax (ex: invalid column, etc), logs give series of exceptions with messages like 'table was not locked' and GUI showed Http 500 error. Problem was addressed by rolling back transaction, unlocking tables and presenting user friendly error message. 57236 Minor bug in the month of timestamp for filename created by ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The month of the timestamp is out by a month as gmtime returns month as 0 to 11. Changing it to 1..12 IZ22383 57264 SNMPHELPER CAUSES LONG DISCOVRIES UPON FAILING TO GET RESPONSE ON VLAN REQUESTS AND AWAITS THE TIMEOUT PERIOD(20MINS DEFAULT) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Efficiency of CiscoStp improved for devices lacking community string indexing support IZ22407 57265 MULTILINK PPP LINKS CONTAINAMENT BUILDING IS INCORRECT WHEN IFSTACKTABLE AGENT DISCOVERS 2 OR MORE LOWER NEIGHBOURS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is now fixed, changes made as-per Nick Ho's modifications 57304 ncp_poller fails on exit when connected to DB2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem with ncp_poller coring on exit with DB2 has been fixed IZ22831 57344 SNMPPOLLER FAILS WHEN A FLOOD OF SMALL SNMP REQUESTS HAPPEN IN A SHORT PERIOD OF TIME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Data required to resolve alert descriptions is now collected as part of the primary poll. IZ23027 57437 EMPTY OQL STATEMENT, SYNTAX ERROR, WARNING MESSAGES IN DISCO LOG. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The warning messages were being produced due to an empty string being used for an oql insert. We added a check so that the insert is not attempted if there is an empty string which prevents the warnings. 57460 improve default configuration to improve SNMP performance and reliability ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updated ncp_disco.war to use 2 as the default value for SNMP retries, and 3000 for timeout Updated the default SnmpStackSecurityInfo.cfg to include m_NumRetries and m_TimeOut in the default insert into snmpStack.verSecurityTable. Also removed the SNMPv3 config which is not used anyway, as the entry is configured for SNMPv1. Updated DiscoSnmpHelperSchema.cfg to specify 0 for m_ExponentialRetries by default. IZ23239 57544 DOWNLOADING DISCOVERY STATUS DATA CAN BE EXCESSIVE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The OQL language was augmented with the addition of a COUNT(*) function and the disco configuration GUI changed to use this new function when totalling up the number of rows in the instrumentation tables. IZ23324 57648 INFERRED CES ARE MISSING FROM THE NCIM IPENDPOINT TABLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CE IP address now appears in the NCIM ipEndPoint table. This requires extension of the ipEndPoint.addressSpace field, which can be done using the updatePrecisionIPDb scripts, found in $NCHOME/precision/scripts/sql//. Instructions for use can be found at the top of the appropriate script. IZ23334 57649 MODEL TAKING TOO LONG TO START WHEN NCIM IS ON ORACLE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ncp_model was taking a long time to download enumerations from NCIM at startup. In particular, there are tens of thousands of enumerations for the 'ASN' group. This information is availbale in disco, and now populates the record for each appropriate entity before it passed to model, so the enumerations are no longer required by model itself. Known Issues with V3.7 fix pack 3 (Build ================================================== 52195 Disco Admin GUI: Saving discovery configuration and other GUI settings IZ07978 54471 SNMP HELPER CAN MIS-FORMAT OCTET STRINGS WITH NON-PRINTABLE CHARACTERS IZ09413 54832 DIRECT ROUTER TO ROUTER LINKS ON JUNIPER DEVICES SHOULD BE ON PHYSICAL INTERFACES IZ15447 55485 FAILOVER IS TRIGGERED UPON REDISCOVERY DUE TO FAILURE OF THE VIRTUAL DOMAIN PROCESS TO GENERATE HEALTH CHECK EVENTS. Applying Fix Pack on Windows Network Manager server removes the "Automatic" starting of ncp_ctrl process in "Services", You may wish to set it back to "Automatic". The rvd or rvd.exe process does not always exit when Network Manager solution is completely stopped. Summary of Fixes in V3.7 fix pack 3 (Build ==================================================== IY97131 50509 ENHANCE CISCOSWITCHTELNET AGENT TO SUPPORT 'SHOW MAC-ADRESS-TABLE' OUTPUT OF DIFFERNT FORMAT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CiscoSwitchTelnet agent was modified to handle the new layout of information returned from the Cisco devices. IZ00716 52282 AMOS OVERWRITES CLEARED EVENTS WITH SEVERITY 5 WHEN LINKUP AND LINKDOWN INTERFACE EVENTS FLOWS QUICKLY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMOS overwrites cleared events with Severity 5 when linkup and linkdown interface events flows quickly after each other. IZ03719 53360 DATA FROM NAT TEXT FILE CAN BE IGNORED WHEN OTHER NAT AGENTS ARE ENABLED. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you are running just the NATTextFileAgent, ensure that all other NAT agents are specifically disabled. IZ04128 53487 NCP_DH_TELNET DOESN'T ALWAYS CORRECTLY HANDLE SERVER INITIATED CONNECTION CLOSURE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change added to resolve hanging TCP Telnet and SSH sockets and a locked ncp_dh_telnet process. IZ06006 53963 WHEN A MAP IS EXPORTED, THE CONNECTIONS APPEAR ON TOP OF THE DEVICES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem was resolved and currently exported images contain connections presented in the same way as in the network view. IZ05666 53988 CISCOSWITCHTELNET DOESN'T PROCESS DATA IF THE HEADERS ARE UPPERCASE (EX: "MAC ADDRESS" FROM SHOW MAC-ADDRESS-TABLE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The CiscoSwitchTelnet agent was modified to handle the new layout of information returned from the Cisco devices. IZ06754 54277 NCP_DH_SNMP CORE DUMPS DURING DISCOVERY IF DEVICES ARE CONFIGURED FOR SNMP V3 (AIX ONLY) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handled malloc's different behaviour on AIX in base and SNMP libraries. 54387 General DiscoAgentReturns.filter file missing from installation ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding the missing DiscoAgentReturns.filter file. IZ07781 54411 SUN DEVICES INSTANTIATED AS ENDNODE.AOC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The additional required filter has been added to EndNode.aoc IZ07817 54442 THE TRANSFERRAL OF THE TOPOLOGY FROM THE PRIMARY TO THE BACKUP CAUSES THE PROBLEM HIGH CPU EVERY TIME THE 2 DOMAINS CONNECTS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The solution was to change the way that the topology is transferred from the primary to the backup domain. The backup domain now treats the new topology as an update, as if it was received from ncp_disco. Thus, the existing topology is not deleted. With this fix, if an existing cached topology (Store.Cache.kernel.activeModel.) is removed from primary domain before starting the Precision processes, the backup domain cache file should also be removed, to ensure consistency. IZ08457 54528 AT RESYNCHRONISATION, THE GATEWAY SHOULD IGNORE EXISTING HEALTHCHECK EVENTS IN THE OBJECT SERVER . ONLY 'FRESH' HEALTH CHECK ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We now ensure that only 'fresh' health check events, received from the Object Server over the IDUC channel, are used. During any resync, existing health check events are ignored. IZ08641 54568 PHASE 3 AGENTS CAN LOSE DEVICES IF PHASE 2 IS VERY SHORT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Under exceptional circumstances, the discovery could stall in phase 3, due to one or more agents that are supposed to finish in phase 3 failing to pass all devices back to the main ncp_disco process. This could happen if phase 2 finished instantly. Phase 2 will be finished instantly if the ArpCache agent is not running. The locking has now been corrected so that agents will not lose devices if a phase finishes instantly. However, note that this situation only occurs in practice when the ArpCache is not run, and it is almost always wrong to disable the ArpCache agent. IZ08739 54590 NAMINGFROMLOOPBACKDETAILS.STCH FAILS IF TWO IPS ARE CONFIGURED ON LOOPBACK AND ONE IS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The NamingFromLoopbackDetails stitcher has been changed so that it continues searching for IP addresses on an interface if it comes across one beginning with 127. Additionally, lo0 has been added as a priority 9 ifDescr, and lo0.0 as priority 10. This is because on Juniper devices the loopback interfaces' ifDescrs begin with a lower case 'l' rather than upper case 'L'. IZ08854 54668 IPTOBASENAME STITCHER SHOULD TREAT IFOPERSTATUS 7 AS MEANING AN INTERFACE IP ADDRESS IS INACTIVE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously, ncp_disco would cope with duplicate IP addresses on a network if the ifOperStatus of one of the interfaces with a duplicate IP address had an ifOperStatus of 2 (down) or 6 (notPresent). Now, it also treats interfaces with ifOperStatus 7 (lowerLayerDown) as being disabled, and hence will cope with a duplicate IP address on such an interface. IZ08940 54706 NCP_M_TIMEDSTITCHER PROCESS TERMINATES WHEN THE IP ADDRESS STRING PASSED TO THE POLLERDOPING STITCHER RULE IS NULL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A test fix (patch) to libPollerStitcher has been provided to the customer and the same fix has been made to libPollerStitcher in ALL of versions of Precision ready for the next scheduled fixpack. 54713 SNMP helper sometimes fails to run because of permission problems when run as a non-root user ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54805 CiscoMPLSSnmp agent requests mplsVpnVrfRouteNextHopAddrType column when it's not configured to do so ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The TagManagedEntities stitcher will now update the managed status of existing entities if and only if it involves a transition to or from state 2. So this state - 'permanently unmanaged' - can also be thought of as 'unmanaged by disco'. Toggling between states 0 and 1 is still performed only via the GUI. When the managed status of a chassis is changed, the backend will set that status for all contained entities (as before), but if and only if the current status is not 2. In other words, entities with a managed status of 2 are now unaffected by changes to the maanged status of a containing entitiy. IZ09369 54810 DISCO HANGS IF MULTIPLE COLLECTORS SUPPORT SAME DEVICE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue resolved which prevented multiple Collectors discovering the same device via the same IP address. It is not possible to discover a device via SNMP and multiple Collectors even if all use the same IP address to represent the device.. IZ09389 54811 COLLECTOR LAYER 3 TOPOLOGY DATA SHOULD NOT CONTRIBUTE TO THE PHYSICAL TOPOLOGY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This issue was because in CreateAndSendTopology stitcher we were also including IPlayer entities also, which is not neede. Now in this we removed that IZ09418 54833 IMPROVEMENTS TO SONMP DISCOVERY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SONMP discovery has been changed to: 1) Handle more ifName formats for finding local card/port. 2) Use chassis type and segment ID for finding remote card/port where possible. 3) Handle multilink trunks. IZ09417 54834 IMPROVEMENTS TO DISCOVERY OF ALLIED TELESYN AND NORTEL SWITCHES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- See diary entry dated 06/12/2007 12:59:20, as this field is too small. 54869 nco_p_ncpmonitor reports syntax error in OQL insert ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ04103 54893 FEEDBACK STITCHER GIVES EXCESSIVE ERROR MESSAGES WHEN IT CAN'T FIND PING FINDER. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This error we were getting in particular scenario, ie when ping finder is not running and feed back stitcher is enabled. Feedback stitcher is mainly meant for ping finder. Hence if ping finder is not there it will huge number of error message. To resolve this issue we changed feedback stitcher to check whether Ping finder is running before processing IZ09859 54932 INCORRECT ENCODING OF LARGE ASN PACKETS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buffer size is now correctly stored. IZ09937 54940 MODEL IS IGNORING THE M_STATE VALUE WHEN MERGING RECORDS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed by code change 54995 script not responding to latency. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix to the script to properly respond to changes in latency. IZ10217 55013 CDP LINKS THAT RESOLVE TO SUB-INTEFACES, SHOULD BE RESOLVED TO PHYSICAL INTERFACES WHEN PROCESSED BY THE SWITCH STITCHER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Improvements made to layer 2 link resolution for cases where CDP links are to sub-interfaces. These links will now be resolved down to the physical interface. IZ10895 55031 EXPANDING TREE IN NETWORK VIEWS IS NOT POSSIBLE WITH SINGLECLICK ON LARGE DOMAINS. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The base issue was in the Apache ECS library, it was failing to guarantee the ordering of items added to html elements. The more items added the larger the potential for an item to end up being corrupted. On the test case tree over 3500 lines of script are generated and added, this nearly always resulted in a line being over written by a later addition. A method of generating the script was improved to overcome limitations of ECS library. IZ11700 55076 SNMP NOT COMPLETING ON CERTAIN DEVICES - RUNS ENDLESS SNMP WALKS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fix was to update the snmp stack to perform more rigourous checking of the snmp indices returned and exit once looping was detected. IZ12552 55160 WRONG EVENTS GENERATED DURING STARTUP OF PRECISION ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The excess processing within the main Rendezvous thread has been resolved by performing it in a later thread. IZ12734 55174 MISSING PORT CHANNEL CONNECTIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Agent (CiscoRouterLayer2InfoTelnet ) is used to discover layer 2 information on Cisco router. basically This agent discover the port Channel related interface Data. it run the commands "show interfaces port-channel " and “show etherchannel summary" to discover port channel data. IZ13108 55196 INTERFACE AGENT SHOULD HAVE HIGHEST PRECEDENCE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It is possible for the m_LocalNbr->m_IpAddress and m_LocalNbr->m_Subnet fields to be set inconsistently in the workingEntities.finalEntity table. This is because of the way ncp_disco creates the final entities by merging all the agent returns. To avoid this, the out-of-the-box default precedence for the Interface agent has been increased from 2 to 5. This change to the out-of-the-box default will NOT alter existing domain specific config files, so users who are worried that this problem might affect them should manually increase the precedence of the Interface agent in their domain specific config files. IZ13912 55262 NCP_MODEL ASSUMES HSRP GROUPS ARE 'ELEMENTS' AND GENERATES "SETDISPLAYLABEL: FAILED" ERROR MESSAGES IN THE LOGS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code changes were made to remove the warnings from the log file. 55342 Turn on compiler optimisation in AIX builds ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compiler optimisation has been enabled for 3.7 fix pack 3 on AIX. 55403 doesn't tar up cache files on linux ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously, on linux, the script would faill to package a tarball from the created cache files. This is no longer an issue - a tarball will be created in the current working directory called Disco...tar. Addiontally, the script now makes some basic checks that disco it can access ncp_disco, and attempts to automatically set the latency to an appropriate value to cope with large topologies. IZ15451 55483 MYSQL JDBC CONNECTION POOL EXHAUSTED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monitoring GUI was fixed in order to return all connections properly to the pool. 55487 Disco Admin GUI: Optimize translations.ipToBaseName query for Status->Discovery Devices tab. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ15484 55495 EXCESSIVE MEMORY USAGE IN DISCO ON AIX ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A number of changes have been made to fix this issue. 1. Modification to the SendTopologyToModel process to compress the ROMP packets sent from disco to model. 2. To disable the use of our custom allocator code on AIX 3. On AIX use AIX malloc buckets instead of our custom allocator by use of the MALLOCOPTIONS environment variable. Now AIX memory usage is the same as solaris. 55505 Topology update only triggers one user tree to update ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ15953 55573 SNMP Helper should wait longer than the standard timeout/retries configuration when dealing with devices that have responded in the past ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Implemented an exponential back-off for devices we have previously got an SNMP response from. The number of extra retries is specified in the snmpHelper.configuration table, which can be modified in DiscoSnmpHelperSchema.cfg. The new behaviour is basically: if a device doesn't respond within the standard timeout/retries, we begin the exponential back-off - we keep retrying the request, but double the timeout each time. If at the end of this time, we still don't get a response, then we time out as normal, but if we get a response then we resume the operation. This behaviour only applies to table traversals by the SNMP helper. It doesn't currently affect the ncp_poller process. Known Issues with V3.7 fix pack 2 (Build ================================================== 52195 Disco Admin GUI: Saving discovery configuration and other GUI settings IZ00716 52282 AMOS OVERWRITES CLEARED EVENTS WITH SEVERITY 5 WHEN LINKUP AND LINKDOWN INTERFACE EVENTS FLOWS QUICKLY IZ03719 53360 DATA FROM NAT TEXT FILE CAN BE IGNORED WHEN OTHER NAT AGENTS ARE ENABLED. IZ04128 53487 NCP_DH_TELNET DOESN'T ALWAYS CORRECTLY HANDLE SERVER INITIATED CONNECTION CLOSURE IZ07978 54471 SNMP HELPER CAN MIS-FORMAT OCTET STRINGS WITH NON-PRINTABLE CHARACTERS Summary of Fixes in V3.7 fix pack 2 (Build ==================================================== IY89596 47379 PRECISION SEEMS TO MIX UP ROOTCAUSE/SYMPTOM FOR CERTAIN OSPF TR APS: EX: OSPFSTATECHANGE / SNMPTRAP-LINKDOWN. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The gateway configuration files NcoGateSchema.cfg/NcoGateInserts.cfg and the Nckl rules files IETF-OSPF-TRAP-MIB.include.snmptrap.rules and PreClass.snmptrap.lookup were all enhanced so that Precision (esp. AMOS) processes certain OSPF traps accurately during RCA. Note that the changes to the NcKL rules are shipped as part of NcKL v1.4. IY99016 51444 NCP_STORE CORE DUMPS UPON FAILING SANITY VALIDATION DURING DATA MIGRATION FROM DISCOVERY DATABASE TO MODEL ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A fix is provided by allowing ncp_store to ignore the same record and log where validation is failing and continue further processing instead of aborting. 52310 Error message: 'Undefined symbol ARG_1 referenced in stitcher IpToBaseName' when running Collector based discovery ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52572 Need horizontal scroll bar in Network View for Network View Tree ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52687 [SVT] topoviz - view create tab title switches tabs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52727 Discovery Config GUI - order of DNS options not retained ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52740 Disco Admin GUI: Problem with boolean values in the filter builder ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a problem with the filter builder in the disco config GUI and boolean values. It displays 0 as "True" and 1 as "False". For example, the "SNMP access only" filter should let through devices where m_HaveAccess <> 0, and the "Advanced" tab shows it's doing this (see advanced.jpg attached). But on the "Basic" tab it looks like it's doing the opposite (see basic.jpg attached). If you change the boolean to "False" in the dropdown then the number on the advanced tab changes to 1. To avoid this problem, check and correct filters that reference boolean fields in the "Advanced" tab before saving them. 52795 Reconnection message with database doesn't come in log files in debug 0 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52873 "HTTP Status 404-" error on MIB tree page when creating/editing poll definitions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ02090 52911 SWITCH STITCHER CAN BE INACCURATE WHERE CDP LINKS RESOLVE TO NON-UNIQUE MAC ADDRESSES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Switch stitcher (switchFdbToConnections.stch) modified to improve the use of CDP information during connectivity resolution. 52924 [SVT] ncp_model from BACKUP PIP server got error message lin 617 An unexpected nil pointer reference has been found ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 52957 [SVT] ncp_virtualdomain does NOT exit when ncp_ctrl is killed ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53343 Get request for multiple objects only retrieves one object ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53390 Memory leak in ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix to minor memory leak in the database system. 53410 Poller failover needs to work with a remote backup server ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ03912 53436 AMOS CORE DUMP DURING TOPOLOGY UPDATE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMOS could abort during topology update if the previous topology contained records that had both RelatedTo and UpwardConnections referring to the same entity. This is a consequence of an abnormal discovery of a device(s) Another ticket has been raised to fix the corrupt topology record issue caused by the discovery process. 53574 Change build system to work on Redhat 4 Internal - don't release note ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53605 HuaweiMPLSTelnet agent produces incorrect data on devices partially lacking RT data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HuaweiMPLSTelnet agent now supports VPN configurations that don't have both import and export route targets 53640 ncp_mibinit crashes parsing 'Symbol Technologies' MIBs ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ04934 53649 SYSUPTIME SHOWING AS NEGATIVE NUMBER IN DEVICE STRUCTURE VIEW ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scripts updatePollerDb and updatePrecisionIPDb can be found in $PRECISION_HOME/scripts/sql//, and can be used to modify some existing database tables. To run these, copy the file for the appropriate DB to the DB server, and follow the instructions given at the top of the file. The former provides performance improvements for the MySQL poller database tables, and is recommended for all users. NOTE: this file was previously found in $PRECISION_HOME/scripts. The latter corrects the types of some NCIM integer fields (sysUpTime, ifSpeed, ifHighSpeed) so that they are not incorrectly displayed as negative numbers, and is an optional modification. Note that the $NCHOME/etc/precision/ModelNcimDb..cfg must also evaluate the 3 NCIM fields as type long64 (as opposed to long or int). For example: sysUpTime = "eval(long64, '&ExtraInfo->m_SysUpTime')", 53673 Fix to NCP Webtool Template module to remove non-fatal O_RDONLY warning messages ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53750 SNMP helper does not perform 'partial walk' requests properly ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An error has been fixed where partial SNMP table traversals were being requested by discovery agents, but not being performed by the SNMP helper. This potentially has a significant affect on discovery performance. 53783 Disco Admin GUI: Modified Scope automatically disappeared ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53796 SNMP helper not encrypting passwords during queries ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 53810 ncp_poller needlessly downloads managed status for entities in other domains ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ05528 53865 ITNMIP 3.7 DESKTOP NON FUNCTIONAL USING IE6 AND JRE 1.6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new property has been added to When topoviz.client.plugin.ieautoactivate is set to false the applet is loaded in an alternative way allowing it to load correctly in these environments. IZ05960 53947 UNACCEPTABLY SLOW TOPOVIZ PERFORMANCE OF 3.7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54006 Collector Layer 3 topology unused, so L3 view based purely on subnet based topology data ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fixed issue where Collector based discovery lost layer 3 topology if no subnet data was present. 54031 Policies intermittently faliing to monitor entities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was possible for newly discovered devices to be erroneously omitted from the polling schedule. The algorithm for selecting devices has been corrected so that none are missed. It relies on the domainMgr.lastUpdated field in the NCIM database being updated when changes to the topology are made. IZ06595 54127 INSTALLER DOESN'T CORRECTLY HANDLE A DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT WHERE WEBAPPS ON ONE MACHINE AND CORE COMPONENT ON ANOTHER. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Distributed installations of ITNM/Precision IP would not function as they should. To fix the issue, once you have installed the baseline WebApplications package (on SERVER-B), immediately apply this fixpack to your installation (of the Web Applications package on SERVER-B). IZ06760 54179 SWITCH STITCHER CAN WRONGLY HANDLE M_LOCALNBRPHYSADDR OF ' ' RESULTING IN CONNECTIVITY LOSS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Improved switch stitcher link resolution where link is resolved to an interface with a "" MAC address. IZ06739 54182 NCP_POLLER REPORTING DEVICE DOWN DUE TO PING REPLIES HAVING CRCS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ncp_poller has been modified to add a payload and padding to a minimum ICMP packet length of 40 bytes, so that it is consistent with the old monitor system. 54222 Disco GUI: New filter window fails to load correctly on IE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 54326 ncp_dh_snmp and ncp_poller processes should invalidate SNMP access details that are no longer configured to be used ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the SNMP helper has assigned access details to a device, it will continue to use those until they stop working, even if the details being used have been removed from the configuration. This fix causes the SNMP helper to reset any details at startup that it has cached, but are no longer valid, according to the configuration in snmpStack.verSecurityTable. IZ07463 54336 CHANGING POLL POLICY DEFINITION SOMETIMES CAUSES ERRORS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The solution for 3.7 is for us to explicitly delete the rows in code that would otherwise be deleted by the triggers. IZ07288 54894 NCP_MODEL SHOULD SYNC "MANAGEDSTATUS" VALUE FROM EACH DISCOVERY/RE-DISCOVERY CYCLE. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The TagManagedEntities stitcher will now update the managed status of existing entities if and only if it involves a transition to or from state 2. So this state - 'permanently unmanaged' - can also be thought of as 'unmanaged by disco'. Toggling between states 0 and 1 is still performed only via the GUI. When the managed status of a chassis is changed, the backend will set that status for all contained entities (as before), but if and only if the current status is not 2. In other words, entities with a managed status of 2 are now unaffected by changes to the maanged status of a containing entitiy. IZ07287 54344 LOGICAL CONNECTIONS TO VLANS SHOULD NOT BE VISUALISED IN TOPOVIZ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes to the ncp_model binary were made to prevent internal VLAN connections being written into the NCIM topology. 54350 deadlock can sometimes occur in ncp_poller ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ07917 54443 CONFIGURATION IN NCMONITOR DEFAULTPING TABLE IS NOT HONOURED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The timeout and retries is now configurable at the poll definition level for Default Chassis Ping and Default Interface Ping poll types. This configuration has been made available in a poll type specific tab in the poll definition editor for these poll types. These parameters are used for all targets in scope for a policies based on the poll definition. IZ07799 54444 SNMP HELPER CAN STOP LONG SNMP WALKS EARLY LEADING TO INCOMPLETE DISCOVERY ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The problem was caused because timeouts were being incorrectly handled in long SNMP walks. Rather than the timeout being applied per packet sent during the walk, it was often applied to the entire walk. So, if the SNMP timeout was set to 3000 milliseconds, if the entire walk took longer than 3 seconds it would often be treated as having completely failed. This bug was introduced in version 3.7 fix pack 1, and made it impossible to do an accurate discovery on any realistic network. The timeout bug is now fixed. The timeout applies per packet in an SNMP walk, not for the entire walk. 54635 ncp_poller uses 'public' community string when it is not configured to do so ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The TagManagedEntities stitcher will now update the managed status of existing entities if and only if it involves a transition to or from state 2. So this state - 'permanently unmanaged' - can also be thought of as 'unmanaged by disco'. Toggling between states 0 and 1 is still performed only via the GUI. When the managed status of a chassis is changed, the backend will set that status for all contained entities (as before), but if and only if the current status is not 2. In other words, entities with a managed status of 2 are now unaffected by changes to the maanged status of a containing entitiy. 54803 SNMP helper terminates unexpectedly ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ09356 54812 RESOLUTION OF SWITCH CONNECTIVITY ISSUES WITH END NODE CONNECTIONS AND SWITCH CONNECTIONS TO LOGICAL SWITCH INTERFACES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The fix resolves the issue by using what data is available to correctly deduce the physical switch interface or node link. The switch stitcher is still sensitive to poor data but its resilience is improved slightly. 54838 Change viewCache db table to improve performance in GUI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The GUI performance can be improved by changing the ncpgui.viewCache table to use a MyISAM database engine. This patch can be applied to a running instance of MySQL by executing the following script: $NCHOME/platform//mysql5.0/bin/mysql ncpgui -u root < $PRECISION_HOME/scripts/sql/mysql/updatePrecisionGUIDb.sql should be set as follows: For Solaris : solaris2 For Linux : linux2x86 For AIX : aix5 For Windows : win32 Additionally, on Windows replace $NCHOME with %NCHOME% and $PRECISION_HOME with %PRECISION_HOME%. 54891 [SVT] initial disco appear hung agent log msg Failed to get Ip table from device with SNMP access - [ipv4 addresses] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IZ09735 54921 NON-RECURSIVE SNMPGETNEXT RESULTED IN MULTIPLE REPLIES NBS054754 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The TagManagedEntities stitcher will now update the managed status of existing entities if and only if it involves a transition to or from state 2. So this state - 'permanently unmanaged' - can also be thought of as 'unmanaged by disco'. Toggling between states 0 and 1 is still performed only via the GUI. When the managed status of a chassis is changed, the backend will set that status for all contained entities (as before), but if and only if the current status is not 2. In other words, entities with a managed status of 2 are now unaffected by changes to the maanged status of a 54950 Bug in code using strncasecmp function which is unavailable in windows ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The function strncasecmp is not avail in windows. Another instance of it had to be used. Known Issues with V3.7 fix pack 1 (Build ================================================== IZ04128 NCP_DH_TELNET DOESN'T ALWAYS CORRECTLY HANDLE SERVER INITIATED CONNECTION CLOSURE IZ03912 AMOS CORE DUMP DURING TOPOLOGY UPDATE. IZ03719 DATA FROM NAT TEXT FILE CAN BE IGNORED WHEN OTHER NAT AGENTS ARE ENABLED. IZ02090 SWITCH STITCHER CAN BE INACCURATE WHERE CDP LINKS RESOLVE TO NON-UNIQUE MAC ADDRESSES IZ00716 AMOS OVERWRITES CLEARED EVENTS WITH SEVERITY 5 WHEN LINKUP AND LINKDOWN INTERFACE EVENTS FLOWS QUICKLY IY99016 NCP_STORE CORE DUMPS UPON FAILING SANITY VALIDATION DURING DATA MIGRATION FROM DISCOVERY DATABASE TO MODEL Summary of Fixes in V3.7 fix pack 1 (Build ==================================================== IY88491 43562 DEVICES NOT BEEN FOUND/CONNECTED IN TOPOVIZ HUAWEI NE08E AND CISCO 3745 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The HuaweiSwitchTelnet agent's Mediation Filter was changed to prevent discovery if the forwarding database data is not present via telnet. This means any devices running VRP pre-v3 will be processed by the HuaweiSwitchTelnet agent, while the StandardSwitch will process post VRP 3 devices. 48583 Ncim Filter Builder has wobbly buttons ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were using a style on the buttons when they were in the normal position, however this style was not in the linked master.css. This has now been rectified. IY97225 50640 TIMEDSTITCHERS NEED LOG FILES W/O USING INSERT TO MONITORSCHEMA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ncp_monitor binary now launches (via ncp_ctrl) ncp_m_timedstitcher with a -debug option. The debug level will be that of ncp_monitor. So any value assigned to ncp_monitor's -debug switch in CtrlServices.cfg will also be used by ncp_m_timedstitcher processes. 51700 The device discovered on partial rediscovery is not getting added to the dynamic view subnet. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously, a completely new device found on a partial rediscovery would not be added to the subnet dynamic views. This has now been rectified. 51722 register_all_agents.bat changes directory when completed. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The register_all_agents.bat (Windows only) now does not alter the current directory. IY99713 51780 MPLS AGENTS SHOULD CREATE IMPOSITION DATA ENTRIES EVEN FOR LABEL-LESS PATHS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The product has been modified so that the MPLS agent will not drop the MPLS paths where there is not a label. 51999 logging - stitcher rule failed to complete correctly. found in file at line 263 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If there is a device on the network that returns empty strings as a response to an SNMP GET NEXT on the ipAdEntAddr MIB variable instead its IP addresses, the error message printed by ncp_disco was not very informative. It has been improved. 52525 Network View should handle erroneous input ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Network views did not appear when the status.tree.updateperiod property in the $NCHOME/etc/precision/ file was set to an invalid value. Topoviz has been altered so that if the value in the properties file is invalid, a default value of 20 is used. 52541 disco's instrumentation.ipAddresses not being refreshed on Full Redisco ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix issue where on FullDiscovery, GUI discovered IPs, subnets doesn't update. 52595 SONMP agent can core dump ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The SONMP agent has been changed so that it can cope with ifName's of the form "Slot x, Port y" and "x/y". Previously, it only used to work with "Slot x, Port y". 52688 ncp_disco coring consistently on RH 3.0 update 9 when LD_ASSUME_KERNEL is set ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously, if you were running Precision on Redhat 3 update 9, you had to make sure the LD_ASSUME_KERNEL environment variable was not set before starting any of the Precision processes. The wrapper scripts for the Precision processes now take care of this. 52744 Bug in processing of filters including defined lists i.e. IN ( ) queries. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously, filters of the form: someField IN ( listItem1, listItem2, ..., listItemN ) were not processed correctly by the back-end processes. This meant, for example, that you could not have an instantiation filter: ExtraInfo->m_IfType IN ( 6, 15, 39 ) The filter processing now handles the IN operator followed by a list correctly. 52777 LingerTime should not be decremented for unmanaged entities ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unmanaged chassis will not be removed from the topology 52781 ncp_poller core dumped ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ncp_poller process could core dump on shutdown. It no longer does this. 52807 SNMP GetNext operations sometimes hang on Windows ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If, at the start of discovery a device responds to SNMP, but later stops responding, it was possible (only when running Precision on Windows) for SNMP GetNext operations to continue indefinitely (or until the device responds again). This problem has been resolved. 52941 backup ncp_poller not fully initialized on initial startup ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Precision failover configuration, the backup ncp_poller process is now correctly initialised. 52986 Add RPR discovery capability to Precision ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A new agent, StandardRPR, has been added to Precision. This can discover the connectivity of devices on resilient packet rings (RPR) that support the IEEE 802.17 RPR MIB. IZ02412 53007 COMPAQ PROLIANT BL P-CLASS GBE INTERCONNECT SWITCH SWITCHES CAN RETURN MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF SNMP DATA AND MAKE NCP_DH_SNMP CORE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compaq ProLiant BL p-class GbE interconnect switches are no longer analysed by the StandardSwitch agent. This is because they can make the SNMP helper go into an infinite loop. 53106 DISCO SNMP discovery only looks at the first community string in the PASSWORD table ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When more than one community string was defined for a particular device, discovery was only ever trying the first community string for discovery of the device. Now, as expected, it will try each in turn until it finds one that works. 53164 Need to include the 2nd round of translated PII packages. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Translations of text displayed in the GUIs into languages other than English have been updated. 53230 Add freeform XML support to the EMS integration mechanism ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Added support for freeform XML data in Collector XML-RPC responses. See CollectorDeveloperGuide V1.2+ for details. 53243 Disco Scoping logic failing to exclude a dev specified through DiscoScope.cfg file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Individual IP addresses excluded from the discovery scope were not correctly excluded. This problem is now resolved. 53250 memory leak in SNMP link state monitor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a memory leak in the SNMP link state monitor ( This has now been fixed. 53275 Fixing IPv6 issues in scoping. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix for scoping issues with IPv6 scope definitions. 53312 MySQL usage by ncp_dh_snmp is slowing down phase 1 discovery times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The phase 1 discovery time can be improved by removing unnecessary indexes from the poller database. To do this, run: $NCHOME/platform//mysql5.0/bin/mysql ncpoller -u root < $PRECISION_HOME/scripts/sql/mysql/updatePollerDb.sql should be set as follows: For Solaris : solaris2 For Linux : linux2x86 For AIX : aix5 For Windows : win32 Additionally, on Windows replace $NCHOME with %NCHOME% and $PRECISION_HOME with %PRECISION_HOME%. In order to confirm whether or not the script from NBS 53312 has been executed you'll need to execute the following MySQL command: show create table ncpoller.job; Which should show something like the following: CREATE TABLE `job` ( `job_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `name` varchar(250) collate utf8_bin default NULL, ... lines cut ... KEY `nextjob_success_idx` (`nextjob_success`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin The bit one is interested in is the ENGINE type. If it says InnoDB then the script has not been executed. 53371 Update Precision IP Help Files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Online help available in the GUIs has been updated.