IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment, Interim Fix, Version 5.1.1, Readme

Version 5.1.1

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2003, 2008. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication, or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.


·  About this interim fix

·  Enhancements in this interim fix

·  Fixes in this interim fix

· Known issues in this interim fix

·  Additional advice

·  Installation information  

·  Documentation

·  Trademarks

About this interim fix

This readme file contains the latest information about Tivoli ®Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment, Interim Fix, Version 5.1.1.

Enhancements in this interim fix

Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment, Interim Fix , Version 5.1.1, contains the following enhancements:

  • APAR IZ10786: Improvement of robustness for concurrent upload to the server.
  • Added detection of faulty broadcom firmware for BCM 5701-5704, and optimize behavior for the fixed version.
  • Improved robustness and performance of multicast downloads.
  • Improved rad-bmsd command-line: optimized storage requirements.
  • Improved domain joining for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008.
  • Improved legacy-free mouse support for Lenovo computers.
  • Improved authentication support on the target computer - Improved support for redeployment of multi-boot configurations.
  • Added support for SLES 10 SP2 cloning.
  • Added missing RemboConf option DefaultFileServerBak for default backup redirection server.
  • Workaround provided for HP dc7600 incorrect DeviceID to enable UNDI activation.
Fixes in this interim fix

Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment, Interim Fix, Version 5.1.1 contains the following fixes:

  • APAR IZ28235: Fixed for installer under Windows in Japanese.
  • APAR IZ17034: Fixed cloning installation after adding manually on the console a partition bigger than existing partitions.
  • APAR IZ06106: Fixed multiserver using their own ACCESS database.
  • APAR IZ29316: Fixed wild character issue in "custom list" of web interface.
  • APAR IZ28230:Fixed NTFS issue with special attributes for cloning images.
  • APAR IZ18172:Fixed setting of fixed IP address during a deployment.
  • APAR IZ38770: Fixed some special NTFS attribute (#69) in cloning image.
  • Fixed improper display of deletion for duplicated profile configurations.
  • Fixed incorrect handling of BIOS-based binding rule in case of special characters usage.
  • Fixed disappearing the content of software package or root folders if chosen to paste the same contents under subfolder of its own.
  • Fixed server taking 100% CPU when more than 5000 activities in the history.
  • Fixed an intermittent "Low disk space on server" issue on Linux.
  • Fixed OS restoration issue when determining the cache partition.
  • Fixed usage of 32 bits ODBC source on windows x64 for windows installer.
  • Fixed offline MBR when MFT is fragmented.
  • Fixed allowing more than 256 fields in forms when many images are in use.
  • Fixed rounding error on objstamp and syncstamp of synchronization tree.
  • Fixed canceling object copy: the scopes are updated only after the copy is complete.
  • Fixed multiple insert of Derby and DB2. It is now multiple single insert.
  • Fixed disk detection in case of more than 4 disks.
  • Fixed interrupts OpenBOOT query under Solaris.
  • Fixed issue of boot.c that was causing the server to break.
  • Fixed removal of memory leak when restarting the boot thread.
  • Fixed timezone edition in configuration for "no specified value".
  • Fixed WINSServer/DNSOrder with multiple entries.
  • Fixed addition of partition without mount point.
  • Fixed boot of newer kernels and computers with little low memory.
  • Fixed HTTP server compatibility with IE/7 on Vista/2008.
  • Fixed support of kernel-PAE for RHEL setup useful by HS21 blades.
  • Fixed potential corruption of shared repository after packshared.
  • Fixed handling of disks with 32 sectors per track.
  • Fixed installation of software packages after one additional reboot when there is no software packaged installed immediately.
  • Fixed locales settings for VMWare provisioning.
  • Fixed export to RAD file of custom background images in deployment schemes.
  • Fixed a NTFS issue when handling very large NTFS structures.
  • Fixed handling of WIM images created with third-party tools.
  • Fixed occasional improper deletion of configurations in the console.
  • Fixed handling of DHCP reply containing more than one router.
  • Fixed handling of model-based binding rules containing special characters.
  • Fixed handling of command line output when it generates more than 32K of logs
Known issues in this interim fix
  • When deploying a Linux profile, the size of a swap partition created might be larger than the one set in the profile, if the deployment process requires a larger swap partition than the one set.
  • On Windows, authentication can be done only if the user running the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment server has the Act as part of the Operating System privilege. By default, the user account used for services has this privilege (the SYSTEM account).
  • VMWare ESX 3.5 redeployment is not supported.
  • Linux redeployment is not supported in format and restore mode.
  • On Linux, custom partitions should be defined in the custom configuration file, so that mount points can be defined.
  • Solaris software packages are ignored if they are not scheduled for installation when the operating system is installed (usually stage 3). Make sure all your Solaris packages are scheduled for this stage.
  • When using a customized redeployment menu with user authentication:
    • With authentication with a local user group, if no user name or password is given, the authentication dialog stays open, but no warning or message is provided to the user.
    • With a global password authentication method, if an incorrect password is provided, the task is not performed. However no warning or message is provided to the user.
  • For Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 2008, Join domain on-site does not work properly in all cases during deployment. When the domain is not joinded during deployment, however, the Join corporate network icon for joining the domain is available on the computer when the user logs on for the first time.
  • Restarting the OS deployment server from the Web interface does not always work on Solaris and AIX.
  • The deployment of a Linux RedHat 4 U5 cloned profile with a separate /boot partition fails. Do not use a separate /boot partition for this operating system.

Additional advice

Review the following information before proceeding with the installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment, Interim Fix , Version 5.1.1

Creating Windows Vista unattended setup and WIM cloning images

Use of these functions is possible only for users that have separately obtained the Microsoft Windows Automated Imaging Kit (WAIK) and installed it on the computer running the Web interface extension. The WAIK is licensed to you by the code's owner and not by IBM®; it is your responsibility to determine whether the license terms offered by the code's owner are acceptable to you. YOUR USE OF THE WAIK AND ANY URL'S OR MATERIALS ON THIRD PARTY WEBSITES ("THIRD PARTY MATERIALS") IS "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY FROM IBM OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IBM DISCLAIMS ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIMS ARISING OUT OF USE OF THE THIRD PARTY MATERIALS.

Product key for Windows Vista

In some circumstances, Windows Vista might ask for a product key during deployment. This is a known issue with Windows Vista, which occurs only if you are not deploying an Enterprise volume license of Windows Vista with a license server. If the product key was provided in the configuration, you do not have to enter the key, you can simply click to continue. If Windows Vista prompts you for an Administrator user name, it is because Windows Vista requires a new local account when starting for the first time. If you want to avoid being prompted for an Administrator user name, provide it in the configuration.

Creating Windows Vista WIM images and Windows Vista setup images on a Windows 2000 server

The driver required to manipulate WIM images and Vista setup images does not work properly on Windows 2000 servers (this problem is specific to Windows 2000 and does not occur with Windows 2003). If you want to create Windows WIM images or Windows Vista setup images on a Windows 2000 server, you must install the Web interface extension on another Windows XP or Windows 2003 computer and work from that computer.

Deploying Windows Vista 64-bit setup images and Windows Vista WIM images

To be able to deploy Windows Vista 64-bit setup images and Windows Vista WIM images, your Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment server must contain a Windows Vista 32-bit image and its associated WinPE2 software package in the same language as the 64-bit image. This WinPE2 software package must be bound to the Windows Vista profile to ensure proper deployment. In most cases, the binding is automatic.

Creating SuSE Linux Enterprise Server profiles including service packs

For SuSE Linux Enterprise Server unattended installation, the automated creation of profiles including service packs is not supported. The wizard does not prompt for service pack CD-ROMs.

Installing Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment on Windows 2000

To install Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment on a Windows 2000 operating system, you must have installed Service Pack 4 and Windows Installer 3.1.

Incoherent timestamps on Linux with an Apache Derby database

Java® processes may experience difficulties in providing accurate timestamps. Thus, activities may appear with erroneous dates and times in the Web interface. To make sure Java processes are able to find the correct timestamps, you can choose one of the following two options:

· Set the TZ variable. To do so

1. Use the tzselect tool to help you find your appropriate time zone

2. Set the TZ environment variable to the appropriate value

3. Export the TZ variable in the Apache Derby environment

Example for steps 2 and 3 in Switzerland:
TZ='Europe/Zurich'; export TZ

· Modify your Apache Derby startup script, if you have one. Include the -Duser.timezone command line option line in your script. For instance, if you want to use UTC, type -Duser.timezone=UTC.

Installation information

For installation and uninstallation information, refer to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment, Version 5.1.1, User's Guide.

Additional installation information for Windows

  • If your vm.log shows an SQLOpenSpecialEx error after installing the interim fix, restart the services.

Additional installation information for UNIX
  • The command ifixapply does not update the scripts. You have to copy them manually, for example from scripts/linux/redhat to /etc/init.d if the operating system of you server is RedHat.
  • On zLinux, if the rembo service does not start properly after running the command ifixapply, remove the directory files/temp/http-opt and restart the service.
Additional uninstallation information for UNIX
  • When you remove an interim fix or fix pack, the scripts are not reverted to the GA version.
  • If after removing an interim fix or a fix pack, the Web interface extension (rbagent) throws an error, simply restart the Web interface extension.


There is no updated version of the User's Guide or of the Developer's Guide for this interim fix. You can view the latest version of the User's Guide and of the Developer's Guide for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment, on® by visiting:


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