Installation Instructions for v6.0.2.0

Installation Instructions

This document details the installation instructions for IBM® WebSphere® Enterprise Service Bus and IBM WebSphere Process Server, version 6.0.2 Refresh Pack (V6.0.2.0).
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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2006. All rights reserved.
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About V6.0 Refresh Pack 2
This refresh pack is a cumulative maintenance package for a specific combination of product and platform. It is a single package that bundles a number of individual fixes.

By installing the V6.0 Refresh Pack 2, you will raise the fix level of your product, either WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus or WebSphere Process Server, to V6.0.2.0.

For detailed instructions for installing this refresh pack, refer to the section Steps for installing V6.0 Refresh Pack 2 (

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Change History
Release date: 22 December 2006
22 December 2006: Published

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Refresh Pack prerequisites
To use this refresh pack, you must have one of the following versions of WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus or WebSphere Process Server installed:,,, or

All hardware and software prerequisites are described in the Supported Hardware and Software web pages for WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus and WebSphere Process Server.

Ensure that the required disk space is available prior to installation of the refresh pack. See the Space requirements section for details.

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Space requirements
Space requirements vary depending on your platform. The size of each download is available on the product support and download sites, WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus product support and WebSphere Process Server product support. A refresh pack requires approximately 600 MB of free space in the system temporary directory (typically /tmp on a Linux® or UNIX® system) and another 600 MB in the file system that hosts the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus or WebSphere Process Server image (typically /usr or /opt on a Linux or UNIX-based platform), or approximately 1.2 GB of free space on the installation disk on a Windows platform.

Space is also required in the "<install_root>/updateinstaller" and "<install_root>/properties/version/update/backup" directories. The space required for each of these directories is equal to the size of the refresh pack package, typically from 25 MB to 750 MB.

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Steps for installing V6.0 Refresh Pack 2 (

  1. Run the backupConfig command to back up configuration files. See Backing up and restoring administrative configurations in the online information center for more information about the backing up of configuration files.
    Note: Backup of existing profiles in WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus or WebSphere Process Server.
    In addition to service to the core product files, some refresh packs provide required service for existing profiles. The Update Installer will prompt you to back up your configuration when installing a refresh pack that has required maintenance for profiles.
    Use the backupConfig command to back up the configuration of each profile that the refresh pack can update. Or archive the "<install_root>/profiles" directory to back up all of the profiles at once. If you uninstall a refresh pack, the Update Installer does not uninstall refresh pack updates from profiles. The reason for not removing this maintenance is that you might have configured the profile after installing the maintenance. To restore an original profile, use the restoreConfig command or copy the profile from the archived profiles directory to replace the changed profile.

  2. If you have already installed a previous maintenance package over your installation, you should complete the following additional step:
    Before extracting the contents of the refresh pack, back up and delete any previous maintenance installation files. Delete the contents of:
    where "<install_root>" refers to the directory name of the root of the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus or WebSphere Process Server installation. For example, if your target platform is Linux(x86), and WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus is installed in the default location, then substitute <install_root> with the string "/opt/ibm/WebSphere/ESB".

  3. Verify that the required disk space is available, as described in the Update Installer readme file located in the following path: <install_root>/updateinstaller/docs/readme_updateinstaller.html.

  4. After backing up the configuration files and before installing the refresh pack, stop all Java processes that are running within the IBM Java 2 Runtime provided by the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus or WebSphere Process Server product.
    Stop all WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus or WebSphere Process Server processes for the server installation that is to be upgraded. This includes the nodeagent process, the deployment manager process, and all server processes that belong to serviceable products, such as the IBM HTTP Server. See the section "Steps for installing in a network deployment environment" for further information regarding the upgrade of a system in an Network Deployment environment.

    If you install V6.0 Refresh Pack 2 ( while a WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus or WebSphere Process Server related process is running, then the installed WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus or WebSphere Process Server product might not continue to run successfully.
    IMPORTANT: For instructions on installing the refresh pack in a Network Deployment environment where minimal downtime is required, refer to the update instructions in Section C, "For clusters in a Network Deployment environment where minimum downtime during upgrade is required."

  5. Download the appropriate V6.0.2.0 refresh pack package from the product's support Web site, WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus, or WebSphere Process Server. Download the package to a temporary disk location.

  6. Unzip the package directly into the <install_root> directory. This unpacks the refresh pack update files and the refresh pack Update Installer into the <install_root>/updateinstaller directory, and includes a maintenance subdirectory.
    For example, on Linux (x86), if your installation is located in the default WebSphere ESB installation location of "/opt/ibm/WebSphere/ESB", and the downloaded file has been saved to /tmp, use the following commands to unzip the package:

    cd /opt/ibm/WebSphere/ESB
    unzip /tmp/

    If the unzip command is unavailable, you can substitute the command "jar -xvf" in its place, using the JAR binary file which is located within your WebSphere ESB or WebSphere Process Server supplied Java 2 SDK installation. Note: If you use the jar command to extract the files from the zip archive on a UNIX or Linux platform, you may need to change the file permissions of the "updateinstaller/update" and the "updateinstaller/" files so that they are executable. You can do this with the command "chmod a+x updateinstaller/update*".

    The V6.0.2.0 downloadable package contains both the Update Installer, the V6.0.2.0 refresh pack files and an installation script file that will install all of the updates silently and in the correct order. The Update Installer for WebSphere Software and the installation script are contained within the <install_root>/updateinstaller directory. The refresh pack files are located in the <install_root>/updateinstaller/maintenance directory.

    Note that once you unpack the downloaded zip file, you might need to delete the zip file to free up space.

  7. To silently install all of the included maintenance using the provided installation script file, follow the directions below:

    For Windows platforms:
    cd <install_root>\updateinstaller

    For Linux and UNIX platforms:
    cd <install_root>/updateinstaller

    If you have already installed any of the included maintenance you will have to edit the script file to remove those fixes which you have already installed. If you are installing on top of an installation that has V6.0.1 Fix Pack 4 ( already installed, then the WAS 6.0.2 Fix Pack 17 ( and the WAS 6.0.2 Fix Pack 17 SDK, included with V6.0 Refresh Pack 2 (, will have already been installed. There are instructions included within the scripts on how to do this. The scripts also include instructions for including installation of any additional fixes.

  8. To graphically install the maintenance, go to the <install_root>/updateinstaller/ directory, run the update binary file, and follow the on screen instructions to install the fix pack.

    The installer installs the packages one at a time. When you are asked to enter the file name of the maintenance package, you must browse to find each package name, in the following order. The package names vary slightly by operating system, as indicated by <platform>

    1. 6.0.2-WS-WAS-<platform>-FP0000017.pak
    2. 6.0.2-WS-WASJavaSDK-<platform>-FP0000017.pak
      Note that the installation of this Java SDK package is a two-stage process. Follow the on screen instructions carefully for this package.
    7. 6.0-WS-WPS-ESB-<platform>-RP0000002.pak

    For each file in the list above, select the package in the update installer and click "Next" to install it. Relaunch the installer after the installation of each package.

    When all the installations are complete, click Finish.

    Refer to the <install_root>/updateinstaller/docs/readme_updateinstaller.html file for detailed information about using the update command.

    Note on installing the Java SDK Update: As mentioned above, installing the Java SDK is a two step process. The first step involves launching the update installer program and choosing 6.0.2-WS-WASJavaSDK-<platform>-FP0000017.pak as the maintenance package to install. Once this is done, choose "Relaunch" to restart the update installer again and once again choose the same maintenance package to install.

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Steps for installing in a network deployment environment

  1. For non-clustered servers in an Network Deployment environment
    1. Stop the deployment manager.
    2. Apply V6.0 Refresh Pack 2 ( onto the deployment manager's installation.
    3. Start the deployment manager.
    4. For each federated node that is not based off the same installation as the deployment manager, follow these steps:
      1. Stop all servers (application servers and node agents).
      2. Install the V6.0 Refresh Pack 2 ( onto the node's installation. If the message "INSTCONFPARTIALSUCCESS" is returned, check the <install_root>/logs/wbi/99SWbiProfileUpgrade.log for errors. If there is an error, fix the cause (most likely, the connection to the deployment manager cannot be established), then do the following:
        1. On the federated node (not on the deployment manager), change directories to <install_root>/util.
        2. For each profile with an error in 99SWbiProfileUpgrade.log, depending on your platform, run one of the following commands:
          On Windows:
            ..\bin\wsadmin -profileName <profileName> -f WbiProfileUpgrade.jacl
          On UNIX and Linux:
            ../bin/ -profileName <profileName> -f WbiProfileUpgrade.jacl
          where <profileName> is the name of the node's profile. If WebSphere global security is enabled, you must also supply the "-user <userID> -password <password>" parameters where <userID> is a user ID from the user registry which has admin authority and <password> is the password for that user ID.
      3. Restart all servers of the node.

  2. For clusters in an Network Deployment environment
    Note: For instructions concerning minimum downtime during cluster upgrade, refer to section C below.
    1. Stop the deployment manager.
    2. Apply v6.0 Refresh Pack 2 ( onto the deployment manager's installation.
    3. Start the deployment manager.
    4. For each cluster, following these steps:
      1. Stop all cluster members.
      2. Apply V6.0 Refresh Pack 2 ( to all installations that host cluster members. If you receive a "INSTCONFPARTIALSUCCESS" message, check the <install_root>/logs/wbi/99SWbiProfileUpgrade.log file for errors. If there is an error, fix the cause (most likely, the connection to the deployment manager cannot be established), then do the following:
        1. On the cluster member installation, change directories to <install_root>/util.
        2. For each profile with an error in 99SWbiProfileUpgrade.log, depending on your platform, run one of the following commands:
          On Windows:
            ..\bin\wsadmin -profileName <profileName> -f WbiProfileUpgrade.jacl
          On UNIX and Linux:
            ../bin/ -profileName <profileName> -f WbiProfileUpgrade.jacl
          where <profileName> is the name of the profile. If WebSphere global security is enabled, you must also supply the "-user <userID> -password <password>" parameters where <userID> is a user ID from the user registry which has admin authority and <password> is the password for that user ID.
      3. On the deployment manager, change directories to <install_root>/util,
      4. Depending on the platform, run one of the following commands:
        On Windows:
          ..\bin\wsadmin -profileName <profileName> -cluster <clusterName> -f WbiProfileUpgrade.jacl
        On UNIX and Linux:
          ../bin/ -profileName <profileName> -cluster <clusterName> -f WbiProfileUpgrade.jacl
        where <profileName> is the name of the deployment manager's profile and <clusterName> is the name of the cluster. If WebSphere global security is enabled, you must also supply the "-user <userID> -password <password>" parameters where <userID> is a user ID from the user registry which has admin authority and <password> is the password for that user ID.
      5. Restart all cluster members.

  3. For clusters in an Network Deployment environment where minimum downtime during upgrade is required
    The following instructions assume a distributed clustered environment that needs to be updated with minimum downtime of the application servers involved. These instructions assume a sample setup that may need to be adapted to your environment:
    1. Stop the deployment manager.
    2. Apply V6.0 Refresh Pack 2 ( onto the deployment manager's installation.
    3. Start the deployment manager.
    4. For each cluster, follow these steps:
      1. Stop half of the cluster members (for example, if you have two members, stop one).
      2. Apply the V6.0 Refresh Pack 2 on the corresponding installations. Do not restart the servers at this point. If the message "INSTCONFPARTIALSUCCESS" is returned, check the <install_root>/logs/wbi/99SWbiProfileUpgrade.log file for errors. If there is an error, fix the cause (most likely, the connection to the deployment manager cannot be established), then do the following:
        1. On the cluster member installation, change directories to <install_root>/util.
        2. For each profile with an error in 99SWbiProfileUpgrade.log, depending on your platform, run one of the following commands:
          On Windows:
            ..\bin\wsadmin -profileName <profileName> -f WbiProfileUpgrade.jacl
          On UNIX and Linux:
            ../bin/ -profileName <profileName> -f WbiProfileUpgrade.jacl
          where <profileName> is the name of the deployment manager's profile and <clusterName> is the name of the cluster. If WebSphere global security is enabled, you must also supply the "-user <userID> -password <password>" parameters where <userID> is a user ID from the user registry which has admin authority and <password> is the password for that user ID.
      3. Stop the remaining set of cluster members. There is a short downtime which cannot be avoided.
      4. On the deployment manager, change directories to <install_root>/util directory.
      5. Depending on your platform, run one of the following commands:
        On Windows:
          ..\bin\wsadmin -profileName <profileName> -cluster <clusterName> -f WbiProfileUpgrade.jacl
        On UNIX and Linux:
          ../bin/ -profileName <profileName> -cluster <clusterName> -f WbiProifileUpgrade.jacl
        where <profileName> is the name of the deployment manager's profile and <clusterName> is the name of the cluster. If WebSphere global security is enabled, you must also supply the "-user <userID> -password <password>" parameters where <userID> is a user ID from the user registry which has admin authority and <password> is the password for that user ID.
      6. Restart the cluster members of those nodes where V6.0 Refresh Pack 2 has already been applied.
      7. Apply the V6.0 Refresh Pack 2 onto the installations of the remaining cluster members and restart each cluster member after the refresh pack has been installed.

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Known issues:
All WebSphere Application Server related Java processes must be stopped before using the Update Installer for WebSphere Software. Read the technote at the following link for more information:

Stock Quote Sample fails after upgrade to new refresh pack level.
If you have deployed the Stock Quote Sample, you must update it with the new version. From the administrative console:

  1. In the administrative console, click Applications -> Enterprise Applications.
  2. Select StockQuote and click update.
  3. In Application update options, select Local file system and browse to <install-root>/samples/lib/ESBStockQuoteSample/StockQuote.ear.
  4. Click Next, accept the default bindings and mappings, and click Next again.
  5. Accept the default installation options and go to the Summary step.
  6. Click Finish.
  7. Click Save changes to master configuration.

Refer to the Readme file for the Update Installer for workarounds to the following known problems:

WebSphere Process Server specific issues (not WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus):

Business Rules Manager is not upgraded automatically by the refresh pack install
When a user upgrades WebSphere Process Server V6.0.1.x to V6.0.2.0, the Business Rules Manager is not upgraded automatically. It is necessary to uninstall and reinstall the Business Rules Manager manually after the refresh pack upgrade process has completed. For more details about installing and other information regarding the Business Rules Manager, see the WebSphere Business Process Management information center. At the information center, navigate to the relevant information as follows:
  1. In the Contents navigation panel, expand WebSphere Process Server for Multiplatforms, Version 6.0.x
  2. Expand the navigation folder for 6.0.2.
  3. Expand the navigation folders for the following path:
    Administering WebSphere Process Server->Administering WebSphere Process Server resources->Overview of business rules and selectors>Business rules manager

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Additional information:
You can find additional information on any of these topics in the WebSphere Process Server or the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus Information Centers.

For further information on the update strategy or obtaining updates to WebSphere Process Server or WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus, see also the Recommended Updates pages for Websphere Process Server and Websphere Enterprise Service Bus, as well as the IBM update strategy for WebSphere Application Server V6.0 release page.

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Accessing the readme file for the Update Installer:
For more information about the Update Installer, see the online readme file,

After unpacking V6.0.2.0, the readme file is available as the install_root/updateinstaller/docs/readme_updateinstaller.html. However, the online version is updated periodically while the bundled local copy is not.

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Trademarks and service marks:
For trademark attribution, visit the IBM Terms of Use Web site.