Installing IBM® WebSphere® Business Integration (WBI) Monitor™ v4.2.4 Fix Pack1 HotFix

This file contains the required information about installing the IBM WBI Monitor  4.2.4 Fix Pack1 HotFix  in order to upgrade your existing version of WBI Monitor v4.2.4 to the recent version v4.2.4 (Fix Pack1 HotFix ). This includes upgrading the deployed version of WBI Monitor application on WebSphere Application Server, as well as upgrading the existing Monitor database that already contains data to adhere to the latest modification in the WBI Monitor 4.2.4 (Fix Pack1 HotFix) database, and migrate the stored data to the upgraded database.

The WBI Monitor v4.2.4 (Fix Pack1 HotFix) installation must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Make sure that a previous installation of the full version of the WBI Monitor v4.2.4 (installed by running the mon424.jar ) already exists, and has not been uninstalled.  Otherwise, the installation of this fix pack will not be performed successfully.  For more information about installing the full version of  WBI Monitor 4.2.4, please refer to the install.html file that is shipped with that release.

  2. It is strongly recommended that you make a copy of the following file, which has values in your previous deployment of WBI Monitor v4.2.4, as you may need it:

    • <WorkingDir>/install/InstallParam.tcl

  3. Stop the MQ Workflow Engine (if you are using MQ Workflow as one of the runtime engines).
  4. Un-deploy the existing version of WBI Monitor Server completely from the WebSphere Application Server. On Windows, AIX and Solaris platform, you can perform the un-deployment either automatically or manually. On z/OS and OS/390 platforms you can only perform the un-deployment manually.

Refer to the section entitled WBI Monitor Server Un-Deployment in Part 2 - Chapter 2: WBI Monitor Installation of the WBI Monitor v4.2.4 (Fix Pack1 HotFix) Deployment Guide for the detailed steps of automatic un-deployment of WBI Monitor Server. Refer also to the section with the same title in Appendix A: and Appendix B in Part 2 of the same guide for the detailed steps of the manual un-deployment of WBI Monitor Server. Refer to Chapter 5: IBM WBI Monitor Deployment on OS/390 and z/OS Platforms in Part 3 of the same guide for the un-deployment steps on OS/390 and z/OS Platforms .

  1. Backup your existing Monitor database and the MQ Workflow Database (if you are using MQ Workflow as one of the runtime engines).
  1. Perform the Database Migration and Upgrade after completely un-deploying the existing deployed version of the Monitor Server and before installing this fix pack. The next section of this file: WBI Monitor Database Migration describes how to perform the database upgrade in detail.
  2. Make sure that the IBM jdk 1.3.0 is installed on your machine. Alternatively, you can use the IBM JDK that is shipped with IBM WebSphere Application Server.

  3. Install the WBI Monitor 4.2.4 Fix Pack1 HotFix and Deploy the WBI Monitor Server that belongs to this fix pack after completing the upgrade and migration of the database. The WBI Monitor 4.2.4 Fix Pack1 HotFix Installation Wizard starts by running the jar file named WBIMonitor424-FixPack1-HF.jar from the location where you have extracted the contents of the zip file that you downloaded from the Internet. You must install the Fix Pack file WBIMonitor424-FixPack1-HF.jar on the same installation (Home) directory where the full version has been installed. To start the WBI Monitor 4.2.4 Fix Pack1 HotFix Installation Wizard, run the WBIMonitor424-FixPack1-HF.jar file by performing the following steps:

        On Windows platform:

  1. Start a command prompt window.

  2. Make sure that the full path of the java.exe is included in the Path environment variable. Otherwise, you should change the directory to the location where the java.exe exists. For example, if you are using the IBM JDK that is shipped with IBM WebSphere Application Server, type the following, and then press Enter:

    CD C:\WebSphere\AppServer\java\bin\

Where C:\WebSphere\AppServer\ is the IBM WebSphere Application Server's installation path.

  1. Type the following in the command prompt, and then press Enter:

        java.exe -jar C:\temp\WBIMonitor424-FixPack1-HF.jar

    Where C:\temp is the location where the WBIMonitor424-FixPack1-HF.jar file exists.

On AIX® and Solaris platforms:

  1. Start a terminal console as root.

  2. Make sure that the full path of the java is included in the PATH environment variable. Otherwise, you should change the directory to the location where the java exists. For example, if you are using the IBM JDK that is shipped with IBM WebSphere Application Server, type the following, and then press Enter:

    • On AIX platform, type:

                cd /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/java/bin/

            Where /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/ is the IBM WebSphere Application Server's installation path.


    • On Solaris platform, type:

                cd /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/java/bin/

            Where /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/ is the IBM WebSphere Application Server's installation path.


  3. Type the following in the command prompt, and then press Enter:

java -jar /tmp/WBIMonitor424-FixPack1-HF.jar

Where /tmp is the location where the WBIMonitor424-FixPack1-HF.jar file exists.

Refer to the section entitled WBI Monitor Server Installation and deployment in Part 2 - Chapter 2: WBI Monitor Installation of the WBI Monitor v4.2.4 (Fix Pack1 HotFix) Deployment Guide for the detailed steps of automatic deployment of WBI Monitor Server. Refer also to Appendix A and Appendix B in Part 2 of the same guide for the detailed steps of the manual deployment of WBI Monitor Server. Please refer to the section entitled IBM WBI Monitor Deployment on OS/390 and z/OS Platforms in Part 3 of the same guide for the deployment steps.


WBI Monitor Database Migration

The database migration to WBI Monitor 4.2.4 (Fix Pack1 HotFix) can be done only if the existing database belongs to WBI Monitor version 4.2.4. If the existing database belongs to an earlier version than v4.2.4 (version 4.2.3 and before), then you cannot migrate the database directly to the current version. In this case you must upgrade your existing database incrementally to version 4.2.4. This means you must upgrade the database from each version to the next higher version in each step. Afterwards, you can upgrade the database to the recent version of WBI Monitor.

The database migration retains the code page of the upgraded database. That means if the existing database that belongs to v4.2.4 has a specific code page (for example IBM-1252), then the upgraded database will still have the same code page. Therefore, if you intend to run WBI Monitor in an internationalized environment, then you must export all tables of the WBI Monitor schema (defaults to WFM unless changed) and import these tables into a newly created database with UTF-8 code page before the database migration. Please consult your Database Administrator for information about about exporting and importing data across databases..

Using the Database Migration Tool

You can perform the database migration to the new version by running the WBI Monitor Migration Tool. This tool starts by running a batch file named migration.bat on Windows platform (or migration.sh on AIX and Solaris platforms) that exists in the migration directory in the folder where you have extracted the contents of the zip (or tar) file you have downloaded from the Internet.

This batch (or shell) file needs the path and name of the database JDBC Driver file and the path of the name of the migration properties file to be passed as parameters when you run it.

Before you run the Migration Tool, you need to edit the migration properties file named migration.properties that is located in migration directory in order to adjust it default properties values to the suitable values that match your deployment environment.

To modify the migration properties file:

  1. Open the file named migration.properties with any text editor you have.
  2. Select the proper JDBC driver you are using (either the DB2 driver or Oracle driver) by removing the comment mark (#) before the line that contains this driver and put another comment mark before the line that contain the unused driver.


    If you are using IBM DB2 then the file should contain these lines:

    # DB2 Driver


    # Oracle Driver


    If you are using Oracle then the file should contain these lines:

    # DB2 Driver


    # Oracle Driver


  3. Select and adjust the proper Monitor database URL by removing the comment mark (#) before the line that contains proper database URL and put another comment mark before the line that contain the other URL. If the database URL needs to be modified with a different database name then you should modify it too (the default name is WFMDB).


If you are using IBM DB2 then the file should contain these lines:

# Step: Get Monitor Database



If you are using Oracle then the file should contain these lines:

# Step: Get Monitor Database



If the Monitor Database has been created with a different name other than the default database name (WFMDB) then you must also change the database name in the file with the actual name of the database.

  1. Adjust the values of the Monitor database administrator's user name, password, database Schema and the database TableSpace name with the actual values you are using.
  2. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the MQ Workflow (Event Queue) database section to adjust the database URL, database administrator's user name, password, database Schema and the database TableSpace name with the actual values you are using.

If the Event Queue Database has been created with a different name other than the default database name (FMCDB) then you must also change the database name in the file with the actual name of the database.

If you are not using MQ Workflow as the runtime engine (that means you are using only WMQI only), then you should comment or remove all properties of the MQ Workflow database section in the properties file. to comment the properties, put the comment mark (#) at the beginning of each line in the section.

  1. If you want to run the SQL statements that perform the database migration separately, then you must remove the comment mark (#) before the line that contains the property monitor.db.runSQL=FALSE.

This step is mandatory if you are using IBM DB2 database on OS/ 390 or z/OS platforms.

In this case you should run the appropriate .sql files that exist in the SQL folder under the migration folder. There are three folders under the SQL folder: DB2, Oracle, and DB2OS390. Each of these folders contains the sql files that should be run as in the following:

Before running these files, you should edit them in order to change the variables named $SCHEMA$ and $TABLESPACE$ with the actual names of the tables schema and tablespace in each occurrence in the files.

  1. Keep the value of the property named monitor.db.version without any change.
  2. Save and close the file.

You can save the file with a different name. In this case you should pass this new name to the migration.bat when you run it.

Important Notes:

To run the Migration Tool:

  1. From the command line, run the migration.bat (or migration.sh) with passing the database JDBC Driver file and the path and the name of the migration properties file as parameters


Type the following in the command line and press Enter

<ExtractionFolder>\migration\migration.bat <DB2>\bin\java12\db2java.zip migration.properties.

  1. Wait until the migration is done and the confirmation message appears.
  2. If any error occurs, then restore the databases from the backup you made before the migration, contact the WBI Monitor Support for troubleshooting, and send them the following log file: <ExtractionFolder>\migration\ migration.log.