IBM® WebSphere® Business Integration (BI) Monitor™ v4.2.4 Fix Pack3 - Patch5 Readme File

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. 2002, 2005. All rights reserved. 

This file contains the new updates and fixed bugs in the IBM WebSphere BI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack3 - Patch5. Refer to the file named install_fix_pack3_patch5.html for the information and steps required for installing IBM WebSphere BI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack3 - Patch5.

New Updates in Fix Pack3 - Patch5

  1. WebSphere BI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack3 - Patch5 provides support for  IBM WebSphere Application Server and Network Deployment v6.0.x
    1. If you are going to deploy WebSphere BI Monitor on WebSphere Application Server or Network Deployment v6.0.x,  you should invoke the batch file named runwizard.bat on Windows platform or the shell file named runwizard.sh on the AIX and Solaris platforms with providing the the profile path as a parameter to this batch (or shell) file instead of the WebSphere Application Server or Network Deployment home directory.
    2. The following modifications have been made to the installation wizard in order to support the WebSphere Application Server and Network Deployment v6.0.x:
      1. A new panel has been added to allow specifying the WebSphere Network Deployment version (version 5 or version 6).
      2. The WebSphere Application Server version panel has been modified to contain the WebSphere Application Server v6 in addition to the other supported versions (4 and 5).
    3. If you are deploying the WebSphere BI Monitor on WebSphere Network Deployment v6, then the application server name that you will specify in the Network Deployment v6 configuration panel must be for an existing application server.

  2. You cannot use the automatic deployment of the WebSphere BI Monitor on an existing cluster. You can only use the manual deployment steps instead with the following possible cases:
    1. On WebSphere Network Deployment v5.1.x and v6.0.x, there are two possible cases:
      1. If you already have an existing cluster that is configured and its members have running web applications, then WebSphere BI Monitor must be installed and deployed on the first member in that cluster using the manual deployment steps.
      2. If you are building a new cluster, then WebSphere BI Monitor should be installed and deployed on the first member of the cluster either automatically or manually. This must be done before creating the cluster.

  3. Database maintenance recommendations:
    1. DB2 Recommendations:
      1. Regular reorgchk, reorg (if needed) and full runstats are highly recommended. DBA can run reorgchk for each table, examine the output and decide whether a reorg is needed or not. Also DBA can issue runstats commands on all indexes every now and then.
      2. Contents of the three HS_* tables and the Monitor Event Bus tables change very rapidly from full to empty, DB2 documentation recommends this type of tables to be marked as volatile. Issue the following commands:

        Where FMC is the MQWF database schema name and WFM is the Monitor database schema name.

  1. Oracle recommendations:

    Regular analyze the Monitor database schema is highly recommended.

  2. The following indexes have been recognized as necessary and must be created (if not created):

  1. If the "Total transaction lifetime timeout" property for the application server where the WebSphere BI Monitor is installed is set to a value greater than 600 seconds, then you must add the following JVM property to the application server Generic JVM Properties and set its value to be the same as the one used in the "Total transaction lifetime timeout".


    For example, if the Total transaction lifetime timeout is set to 660 seconds, then the JVM property must be added as follows:


    You must restart the WebSphere Application Server after adding this JVM property.

New Updates in Previous Patches

The BI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack3 - Patch4 provides the following new updates:

  1. (MR071405373) The Drop Database button in the Database Setup page in the WBI Monitor Admin Utility is now disabled by default. To enable this button in order to drop the Monitor database, set the following JVM property monitor.admin.enableDropDatabase=true  in the WAS Generic JVM Arguments and then restart the application server.

  2. Support for MQ Workflow Native APIs and MQ Workflow 3.6. Two new panels have been added to the installation wizard to allow entering the attributes of the native APIs. The first panel allows you to select the MQ Workflow APIs type. you have two options,

    By selecting the  Workflow Native APIs, the second new panel will appear to allow you to enter the MQ Workflow Configuration parameters using the Native APIs as follows:

  3. The Installation Wizard has been updated to differentiate between the WAS version on which the Monitor will be deployed. A new panel has been added to ask you to select the WAS version, either WAS 4 or WAS 5. By selecting WAS 4 option, the wizard will display the WAS 4 Properties panel, By selecting WAS 5 the wizard will display the WAS 5 Properties panel.

    1. In WAS 4 properties panel, you are not allowed to deploy the Monitor on a user-defined application server. The WAS 4 Properties panel in the installation wizard now does not contain a field for specifying the application server name. The deployment will be performed on an application server named MonitorServer that the wizard will create during the deployment.

    2. In WAS 5 properties panel, to ensure smooth deployment, a validation has been added to check that the specified application server already exists in the specified Node and is started. A messages will appear to help you to take corrective action by verifying the entered information or to start/create the target application server in the specified Node before you can proceed to the next panel.

      In addition, a new field named  SOAP Connector Port have been added. This field should be filled with the SOAP connector port number of the application server. You can get this port number from the WebSphere Application Server administrative console by selecting Application Servers>>Server_Name>>End Points >> SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS. The default value is 8880.

      Important Note: Make sure that HTTP Port of the newly created application server is added into the Virtual Hosts in the WebSphere Application Server admin console by selecting Environment > Virtual Hosts > default_host > Host Aliases > New, then add the following values: Host Name = *, Port = <SERVER_HTTP_PORT>

  4. In the Installation Wizard, the Network Deployment properties panel contains now a new combo box named Target Platform. This combo box allows you to specify the node platform on which you will deploy the Monitor, either Windows (2000/XP) or Unix (AIX/Solaris).

  5. In the Network Deployment, the WAS version of the Network Deployment Server must be the same as the WAS version of any node on which the Monitor will be deployed. This means deploying the Monitor on a node that has a WAS version different from the WAS ND Server version is not supported.

The BI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack3 - Patch3 provides the following new updates:

  1. WBI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack3 Patch3 Supports now using Automatic installation on an already federated WAS servers in Network Deployment environment. The automatic installation wizard has been updated to contain the following changes:

    • A new installation step has been added to ask the user to select the WebSphere Application Server type on which the Monitor will be deployed. The user can select either the IBM WebSphere Application Server or the IBM WebSphere Deployment Manager for Network Deployment. Based on the user selection the wizard will continue as the following:

    • If the user selects IBM WebSphere Application Server, then a wizard screen will appear to ask him/her to select the WebSphere Application Server version (WAS 4 or WAS 5), and to specify the installation directory on which the WebSphere Application Server is installed.
    • If the user selects IBM WebSphere Deployment Manager for Network Deployment then a new wizard screen will appear to ask him/her to enter the following required information about the WebSphere Deployment Manager:
      • SOAP Connector Port: The SOAP connector port number of the Deployment Manager server. You can get this port number from the WebSphere Deployment Manager administrative console by selecting System Administration>>Deployment Manager>>End Points >> SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS. The default value is 8889.
      • Node Name: The node name on which the Application Server that will be used for deploying the Monitor exists.
      • Application Server Name: The Application Server name on which the Monitor will be deployed. If this application server does not exist on the specified node then it will be created.
      • Installation Directory Name: The installation directory of the WebSphere Deployment Manager for Network Deployment.

    When you are deploying the Monitor using the Deployment Manager to a node that exist in a remote machine other that the Deployment Manager machine, then the following fields must be entered with the values of the remote node environment:

    • Database JDBC driver

    • Monitor database name/Alias

    • Monitor database User Name and Password

    • IBM MQSeries Workflow library path and file name

    • MQ Workflow database name/Alias

    • MQ Workflow database User Name and Password

    In this case you must disable the wizard to check/validate the existence of the above items. This is done by editing the runwizard.sh or the runwizard.bat by which you run the installation wizard and adding the following switch -Dmonitor.wizard.validators=false to the Run command as follows:

    In the runwizard.bat:

    %WAS_HOME%\java\bin\java "%CLIENTSAS%" -Dmonitor.wizard.validators=false "-Dwas.install.root=%WAS_HOME%" "-Dwas.repository.root=%CONFIG_ROOT%" -Dcom.ibm.CORBA.BootstrapHost=%COMPUTERNAME% -cp %WAS_HOME%\classes;%WAS_HOME%\lib\xerces.jar;%WAS_HOME%\lib\j2ee.jar;%WAS_HOME%\lib\admin.jar;%WAS_HOME%\lib\wsexception.jar;%WAS_HOME%\lib\wasjmx.jar;WBIMonitor424-FixPack3.jar run

    In the runwizard.sh:

    ${WAS_HOME}/java/bin/java "${CLIENTSAS}" -Dmonitor.wizard.validators=false "-Dwas.install.root=${WAS_HOME}" "-Dwas.repository.root=${CONFIG_ROOT}" -Dcom.ibm.CORBA.BootstrapHost=${COMPUTERNAME} -cp ${WAS_HOME}/classes:${WAS_HOME}/lib/xerces.jar:${WAS_HOME}/lib/j2ee.jar:${WAS_HOME}/lib/admin.jar:${WAS_HOME}/lib/wsexception.jar:${WAS_HOME}/lib/wasjmx.jar:WBIMonitor424-FixPack3.jar run

    Important Note: In case you choose to install and deploy the BI Monitor on a Network deployment environment then the Deployment Manager must be started and running at installation time.

The BI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack3 - Patch2.3 provides the following new updates:

  1. Support for Oracle Database Server.

  2. Support for WebSphere MQ Workflow v3.5.

  3. Support for WebSphere Portal Server (WPS) v5.0.2.1, with the following specifications:

  4. Support for WebSphere Application Server v5.1.
  5. Enhancements to views handling are implemented in the following dashboards:

Fixed Bugs:

  1. APAR JR22189: Fixed the Bug that causes events to be directed to delayed event queue, in case of Terminate Process, while there are running activities inside blocks.
  2. APAR JR22190: Fixed the bug that caused Workflow dashboard Start time filter fails to resolve the Start date field in case of Dutch, Spanish, ... other Locales.
  3. APAR JR22191: Fixed the Bug that causes events to be directed to delayed event queue, if activities were completed while process in suspending state.
  4. APAR JR21631: Improve the display size of both Chart and Legend in Monitor Business Dashboard.
  5. APAR JR21732: Fixed the bug that caused BI Monitor Business Dashboard weekly reports to display the start day as Tuesday.
  6. APAR JR21713: Fixed the bug that caused Business Dashboard export CSV file to not include break down attribute values.
  7. APAR JR21835: Fixed the bug that caused BI Monitor not to update Notification Duration value when re-importing a model XML file with the same Valid From date.
  8. APAR JR21909: Fixed the bug that caused Business Dashboard outstanding reports negative values.
  9. APAR JR21945: Fixed the bug that caused Monitor not to update subprocess assigned user when a workitem is transferd.
  10. APAR JR21961: Event processor performance improvement by cashing the WFM.Process_model data to avoid unnecessary db reads over same transaction.
  11. APAR JR21243: Fixed the bug that caused Monitor collector to fail when it encounters an invalid event type or event code.
  12. APAR JR21330: Fixed the bug that caused Monitor to fail to process restart of NOOP Activity and restart of terminated process instance which caused these events to be directed to the Error Queue.
  13. APAR JR21385: Fixed the bug that caused Monitor Activity Instances page to display a list of assigned users when activity is completed.
  14. APAR JR21440: Fixed the bug that caused Monitor Business Measure Editor not to display the location of the database metric, if the location is used before.
  15. APAR JR21148: Fixed the bug that caused Monitor to fail to process notification events which caused these events to be directed to the Error Queue.
  16. APAR JR20417: Fixed the bug that caused wrong activities to be marked with red border in the Process Instance diagram.
  17. APAR JR20637: In Korean locale environment BI Monitor displays Gregorian calendar (year 2004), rather than Korean ancient calendar called Tangun era (year 4337).
  18. APAR JR20646: Fixed the bug that caused the Workflow Dashboard to give empty Business Measure Value when the used Location is at the first activity inside a Block.

  19. APAR JR20810: Fixed the bug that caused the Workflow dashboard filter to give SQL error -206 when the filter includes two Business Measures if the value of one of them is a sub-string of the other's value.
  20. APAR JR20821: Fixed the bug that caused the Workflow Dashboard to not calculate the Business Measure Values in case of complex container nested/Array structures.
  21. APAR JR20936: Fixed the bug that handles the view name as case sensitive.
  22. APAR JR20937: Fixed the bug that causes erratic ascending or descending sort of Business Measure by properly populate nonexisting Business Measures with correct default of empty string.
  23. APAR JR20938: Fixed the Bug that causes two events to be directed to delayed event queue, in case of Terminate Process, that has a subprocess .
  24. APAR JR20302: Fixed the bug that caused the constraint builder to not accept spaces in Process names.
  25. APAR JR20310: Fixed the bug that caused Monitor to throw ORA-01000 exception (maximum number of open cursors exceeded).
  26. PMR 36669,379,000: Fixed the bug that occurred while importing an XML file that causes the V-Table creation to fail if tablespace property specified does not exist. The fix is done by rolling back.
  27. PMR 06012,826,826: The "Show Details" button in the Event Queue page is now enabled by default.
  28. PMR 41754,689,864: Timezone"GMT+2 Johannesburg" is incorrect in monitor (returns GMT+3),ICU Bug #4265