IBM® WebSphere® Business Modeler Publishing Server Version 6.0.1 Test Fix 2 Readme

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. 2004, 2005. All rights reserved. 

This is a test fix for WebSphere Business Modeler Publishing Server Version 6.0.1. This fix corrects behavior described by defects JR23377 and JR23290, but risks the instability to other parts of the product. When using the modified product, only the specific function addressed by the fix is supported by IBM. Support may not be available for any other issues encountered after modification. The fix has undergone informal unit and adhoc testing. It is only intended to be applied to your WebSphere Business Modeler Publishing Server Version 6.0.1 Interim Fix 2 installation.

What is a test fix? It is an uncertified temporary fix used to validate the suitability of the fix in a customer environment. This fix has the following characteristics:

  1. Contains one APAR but with flexibility to include multiple APARs on an exception basis.
  2. Supplied to one or more customers for testing purposes, but not generally available to the public.
  3. Limited IBM testing.
  4. May have little or no packaging, i.e. may be file replacements. Its installation may or may not be recorded.
  5. Any associated APAR can close when positive customer feedback has been received.
  6. Includes minimal documentation with at least a description on its application and level of testing applied.
  7. Not cumulative with other test fixes although previous modifications in files within this fix accumulate.

Installing the test fix

The following information describes how to apply this test fix to your WebSphere Business Modeler Publishing Server installation.

To install the test fix, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the Ifix2win32.exe file.
  2. While Publishing Server is fully functional (i.e. make sure all the services required for Publishing Server are running), double-click the downloaded Ifix2win32.exe file to run.
  3. Enter LDAP value required in the installation wizard and pursue with installation.
  4. Once installation finished restart the following services in the following order:  
    1. WebSphere Application Server
    2. WebSphere Portal Server

The test fix is now installed.

Important: if the installation directory is not correct, the installation will fail without providing any warning or message about the failure. However, there will be a log file: