If you have NT clients use the ir43593n.zip,for windows(95,98) use the ir43593w.zip. 1. Download the zip file you want(either ir43593n.zip or ir43593w.zip) in binary. 2. Expand by unzipping. Make sure you use -d for creating subdirectories. 3. Follow the instructions below for either windows(9X) or NT clients. IR43593W.ZIP:(Windows 9x) ============== The \System files go into \WINDOWS\SYSTEM The \Pixtran files go into \WINDOWS\PIXTRAN The scan* files go into \FRNROOT If you already have a scan31l.chw file in your \WINDOWS\PIXTRAN directory, remove it or replace it with the new one. In IR43593N.ZIP:(Win NT) ================= The \System32 files go into \WINNT\SYSTEM32 The \Pixtran files go into \WINNT\PIXTRAN The scan* files go into \FRNROOT If you already have a scanntl.chn file in your \WINNT\PIXTRAN directory, remove it or replace it with the new one.