The DAB class library at the CTV304 level does not correctly export the entry points for the class IVBDatastore required for the DAXTHRDS package. The problem is seen when an application using IVBDatastore is dynamically linked (typically using the VB generated makefile). To fix this problem, the CTV304 level dll and library files need to be replaced with the updated files available in CPPODS3I.ZIP. Download and unzip this file, and replace the CTV304 versions of: ?:\ibmcpp\lib\cppods3i.lib ?:\ibmcpp\dll\cppods3i.dll ?:\ibmcpp\bnd\daxscl.bnd It's a good idea to rename the originals first to save them. You then need to rebind this new class library to any database that uses it, via: sqlbind ?:\ibmcpp\bnd\daxscl.bnd This new LIB, DLL and BND combination is not binary compatible with the CTV304 version - you need to relink any application using this DLL.