WebSphere Commerce Installation and Configuration Checker README file

IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Commerce Installation and Configuration Checker Version

Last Updated: July 26, 2002



ICChecker is a tool which validates the installation and configuration for WebSphere Commerce servers. The tool checks your system for known installation and configuration issues, and should any problems be found, where possible identifies the solution. The tool also checks for required software and recommends FixPaks and fixes.  It also reports any deviation from expected configurations.

Preinstallation Requirements

Knowledge requirements

To install and run IC Checker, you require knowledge of the following:

Prerequisite hardware

You must ensure that you meet the following minimum hardware requirements before installing IC Checker (please refer to the appropriate section below):

You require a Pentium ® III 733 MHz IBM-compatible personal computer with the following:

You require a dedicated machine from either the IBM Eserver ™ pSeries or IBM RS/6000 ® family of machines with the following:

You require machine with any processor that supports Solaris 8 Operating Environment (SPARC platform edition) software, such as a Sun SPARC or UltraSPARC station, with the following:

Note: Solaris 8 Operating Environment (Intel platform edition) software is not supported by IC Checker.


Prerequisite software

You must ensure that you meet the following minimum software requirements before installing IC Checker:

You have one of the following operating systems installed:



Prerequisite JAVA software

IC Checker uses IBM SDK, which is included with WebSphere Application Server.  Therefore, IBM SDK v1.2.2 is the minimum required level needed by IC Checker to run successfully.

What's new in this release of IC Checker

If you are running IC Checker version, the following issues have been addressed:

  • The build tree has been modified to accommodate more categories of file assets, now under <icchecker_installation_path> there are 6 subdirectories instead of 2:



  • An error report option has been added under the Tools Menu -> Options.  This way, the user can  now choose to let the tool "run to completion" or "stop on the first error" found. The default is "run to completion".
  • At the end of execution, a JEditorPane is used to display the IC Checker log file (applicable to all platforms).  This replaces the usage of notepad on Windows.
  • IC Checker now states the location of the log file in the status bar located at the bottom of the screen.
  • IC Checker saves the previous values used, and uses them as defaults the next time that the tool is invoked.  This occurs only after IC Checker has run at least once in the system.  However, the user is still able to overwrite the defaults at any point in time.
  • If the database in use is a DB2 database, IC Checker detects the JDBC level in use.
  • If there is no instance detected on the system, IC Checker will log this information and bypass the checking for log files in the instance log directory.
  • IC Checker detects WebSphere Commerce FixPaks and eFixes installed on the system and lists them in the log file in the chronological order.
  • IC Checker detects all WebSphere Application Server FixPaks and eFixes installed on the system.  It lists them in the log file in the chronological order, and reports any missing eFixes required by WebSphere Commerce.
  • IC Checker applies to both WebSphere Commrece Suite 5.1 and WebSphere Commerce Version 5.4, including WebSphere Commerce Business Edition Limited Availability.
  • IC Checker reports the current version of JDK used in WebSphere Application Server.
  • If the database in use is DB2, and there is an instance created in the system, IC Checker will verify that the following stored procedures have been successfully loaded:


    [Note: If using Oracle, the list of procedures is the same, with the exception of GET_ROUTINE_SAR, PUT_ROUTINE_SAR, and ALLOCBORA, which are NOT applicable to Oracle.]

  • A modified user interface is now displayed when selecting the database.  This new interface displays no matter the type of database the customer selects (whether it is DB2 or Oracle, local or remote.)  This screen is divided in two sections in order to allow the user to enter the appropriate information for both the WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Commerce database items.  Depending on the type of database selection made, some fields may be disabled and/or enabled.  For example, DB2 users must to specify both database names, the one used for WebSphere Application Server and the other for the WebSphere Commerce instance (if applicable.)  Oracle users may have to specify a port number if the database is remote.  IC Checker will use the information entered in this interface to attempt connections to the database(s).
  • If the user indicates that an instance is created in the system, IC Checker will now verify that the final steps in creating an instance were successful.  The final steps include the creation of some indexes, keys, and summary tables in the database.
  • IC Checker now validates the CLASSPATH information specified in the admin.config file.  If scans the file to get the contents of the line 'com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminserver.classpath=' and ensure that the files and directory paths following the equal sign are valid and exist in the file system.
  • The following are pre-checks for store publishing for each instance detected in the system (when applicable):
  • If WebSphere Commerce is running on Unix, the startupServer.sh will be scanned to ensure that the following lines have been added correctly:

  • Finnally, IC Checker will verify the existence of some default configuration files in the file system.

  • Installation

    1. Official support for languages other than English is not available until the National Language Versions of Commerce are available. Because of this, ensure the system on which you install WebSphere Commerce IC Checker is set to an English locale (en_US). To set the locale, use the Regional Settings tool in the Windows NT Control Panel or the Regional Options tool in the Windows 2000 Control Panel. After installation, the locale can be set back to the original one.
    2. If you are installing IC Checker on Windows 2000 or Windows NT run the self-extracting PDInstall1620.exe and deploy the contents into a temporary directory.  Next, run setup.exe. This will launch the InstallShield process that will deploy the necessary files on your system. 
    3. If you are installing IC Checker on a Unix system untar the contents of the icchecker_<unix>_<iccheckerVersion>.tar file into a temporary folder. You can use the following command:

                              tar -xvf icchecker_<unix>_<iccheckerVersion>.tar

      The directories created under the WebSphere Commerce Installation directory are:


      Note: the above directories will ONLY exist on your system once IC Checker has been run at least once.  For instructions on how to run the tool, please refer to section Running IC Checker found below.


    4. A new window, the IC Checker, will open up indicating the successful installation of IC Checker.
    5. Three new shortcuts will be created under Program Files/WebSphere Commerce: icchecker, icchecker Readme, and Uninstall icchecker

    Database Connections

    1. If the database you are using is Oracle, make sure that your CLASSPATH variable contains the classes12.zip file, in order to allow icchecker to test the connection using jdbc.
    2. DB2 users: ensure that the db2java.zip located in Instance home directory/sqllib/java is included in the CLASSPATH variable, and that the system is running at the JDBC2.0 level. Since IC Checker requires that root user to be logged in, it is also important to run db2profile from the shell in which IC Checker is to be run. To do so, go to the Instance owner directory/sqllib and issue the command: ". ./db2profile" while logged on as root. This will set the DB2 environment for the current user so that this user (root) is able to connect to the database through a JDBC connection.

    Running IC Checker

    1. From the Start Menu, you can access IC Checker by going into the Websphere Commerce group, and selecting icchecker.

      NOTE: This will invoke setup.exe every time IC Checker is launched.  The reason for this is that InstallShield gathers system information every time it executes, in order to ensure that the tool will always have the latest information for the various programs and levels of software installed in the system.  This is working as designed.

      From the temporary directory where you unzipped the tar file, run the script runicc.sh from a korn shell.

    2. NOTE: Due to the limitation of the current release, we recommond closing and restarting ICChecker when there is a change on hardware, software stack, fixpaks and efixes on related softwares. The purpose of doing so is to ensure that the tool will always have the latest system information.

    3. As IC Checker begins to execute, it invokes a script that gathers system information, which is inserted into an XML file called InstallStatus.xml. This XML file will be deployed to the IC Checker log directory.
    4. Select your appropriate WebSphere Commerce configuration and then click Run.
    5. IC Checker will verify your system’s information by comparing the InstallStatus.xml with the requiredVersions.xml that is located in the bin directory.
    6. When IC Checker scans the Web Server, WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Commerce, and DB2 log files for errors, it collects the following log files into its log directory: createdb.log, populatedb.log, WASConfig.log, wcs.log, and WCSConfig.log.
    7. At the end of its execution, a window pops up and allows you to choose whether to view the log file. If you choose View Later, you could find this file in the following directory: WebSphere_Commerce_install_path/icchecker/log.
    8. The log file icchecker.log file contains the information on system requirements, WebSphere Application Server e-fixes, services, log files, instance(s), as well as connection to the local host and its storeservices.


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    End of IC Checker README File