Documentation Readme

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2006, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

The documentation is presented as an information center and utilizes Eclipse technology. The information center can be hosted on a network server, so multiple users can simultaneously access the information. You can also run the information center locally on a desktop or laptop for single-user viewing. An information center is provided for the supported product platforms, Linux® 32-bit (with 64-bit toleration) and AIX® 32-bit (with 64-bit toleration). An information center is also provided for a Windows 32-bit platform, so you can easily install the documentation on a laptop or another computer running a Windows® operating system.

Quick Start Guides are also included to help you understand the product requirements and installation environment.


Hardware and software requirements

The hardware and software requirements for the product are included in the information center. The information in this section only applies to the hardware and software requirements for the documentation.

To use the information center:


What is included

On the documentation CD, you will find the following:

Running the information center directly from the CD

You can run the information center from the CD without installing it. To run the information center from CD:

  1. From the CD root, open the Information_Center directory.
  2. Open the directory for your operating system, Windows, Linux_32, or AIX_32
  3. Run the Start_Information_Center.bat|sh script. The information center will launch and a browser will open. This may take a few minutes.

Installing the information center

You can install the information center anywhere on your local drive. The following instructions use default file paths in order to provide an example and simplify the installation process. When you extract the archive, be sure to maintain the directory structure.

  1. From the CD root, open the Information_Center directory.
  2. Open the directory for your operating system: Windows, Linux_32, or Linux_64.
  3. Copy the|tar to your local drive, where os represents your operating system: Win32, Linux32, or AIX32.
  4. Extract the archive to a directory on your local drive, such as:


    \Program Files\WebSphere\

  5. Verify that a new directory was created when you extracted the archive, such as:


    \Program Files\WebSphere\IBM_Help_Win32

After you extract the archive, you may start the information center.

Starting the information center

You can start the information center locally or as a service. If you run the information center locally, your default browser will open and display the information center. If you run it as a service, the information center will launch, but a browser will not open. When you run it as a service, the information center can be accessed from other servers and computers in the network. The port on which the information center runs is defined in the IC_start.bat|sh script and can be modified to meet your needs. The default port is 8888.

Running the information center locally

To run the information center locally:

  1. Open or change to the IBM_Help_os directory.


    \Program Files\WebSphere\IBM_Help_Win32

  2. Run the help_start.bat|sh script. Your default browser opens and displays the information center.

To stop the information center, close the browser and the run help_end.bat|sh.

Running the information center as a service

To run the information center as a service in order to share it with other servers and computers in the network:

  1. Open or change to the folder in which you extracted the archive.


    \Program Files\WebSphere\IBM_Help_Win32

  2. Run the IC_start.bat|sh script.
  3. To verify that the information center started, browse to the following URL: http://localhost:8888/help/index.jsp

Stopping the information center service

When you close the information center browser window, the service continues to run in the background.

To stop the information center service:

  1. Open or change to the folder in which you extracted the archive.


    \Program Files\WebSphere\IBM_Help_Win32
  2. Run the IC_end.bat|sh script.


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Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.

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Intel, Intel logo, Intel Inside, Intel Inside logo, Intel Centrino, Intel Centrino logo, Celeron, Intel Xeon, Intel SpeedStep, Itanium, and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.

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