//****************************************************************** 00100000 //* OM Procedure 00110000 //* 00120000 //* 00130000 //* Parameters: 00140000 //* BPECFG - Name of BPE member 00150000 //* OMINIT - Suffix for your CSLOIxxx member 00160000 //* PARM1 - other override parameters e.g. 00170000 //* ARMRST - Indicates if ARM should be used 00180000 //* CMDLANG - Language for command description text 00190000 //* CMDSEC - Command security method 00200000 //* OMNAME - Name of the OM being started 00210000 //* 00220000 //* example: 00230000 //* PARM1='ARMRST=Y,CMDSEC=R,OMNAME=OM1,CMDLANG=ENU' 00240000 //* 00250000 //***********************************************************@SCPYRT** 00260000 //* 00270000 //* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 00280000 //* 00290000 //* Restricted Materials of IBM 00300000 //* 00310000 //* 5655-C56 00320000 //* 00330000 //* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 00333000 //* 00336000 //***********************************************************@ECPYRT** 00340000 //* 00350000 //CSLOM PROC RGN=3000K,SOUT=A, 00360000 // IMSVAR=&IMSVAR, 00371000 // BPECFG=BPECFG00, 00380000 // OMINIT=000, 00390000 // PARM1=(OMNAME=&OMNAME) 00400000 //* 00410000 //OMPROC EXEC PGM=BPEINI00,REGION=&RGN, 00420000 // PARM='BPECFG=&BPECFG,BPEINIT=CSLOINI0,OMINIT=&OMINIT,&PARM1' 00431000 //* 00440000 //STEPLIB DD DSN=IMS1010.&IMSVAR..SDFSRESL,DISP=SHR 00450001 // DD DSN=SYS1.CSSLIB,DISP=SHR 00460000 //PROCLIB DD DSN=D10.PETDSW4.PROCLIB,DISP=SHR 00470000 //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=&SOUT 00480000 //SYSUDUMP DD SYSOUT=&SOUT 00490000 //* 00500000