# Sample script which may be invoked via z/os Batch process, IE: BPXBATCH # PATH statement needs to specify the absolute path to the java 'bin' directory. # CLASSPATH must include the java encryption java client's absolute path and name. IE: /path/efclient.zip # it is important to 'cd' to the directory where the efclient.zip file resides. # Please note: This example utilizes decryption via PASSWORD. # This example uses '/filesys/input.encrypt.file' as it's encrypted data source, which is also specified in BPXBATCH job as STDIN. # This example uses '/filesys/output.decrypt.file' for expected decrypted output, which is also specified in BPXBATCH job as STDOUT. # Important: Ensure the 'REGION=0M', parm is included in the BPXBATCH job step, to ensure the java virtual machine # has sufficient storage available. # export PATH=/usr/lpp/java/cur13secure/bin:.:$PATH export CLASSPATH=/feu/efclient.zip:.:$CLASSPATH cd /path java -Djava.encryption.facility.debuglevel=0 \ com.ibm.encryptionfacility.EncryptionFacility \ -mode decrypt \ -password TEST1PASSWORD \ -inputFile /filesys/input.encrypt.file \ -outputFile /filesys/output.decrypt.file