********************************************************* * SYSIN OVERRIDE PARAMETERS FOR THE GRP1 TOR'S * ********************************************************* ** G1TOR for CTS23 AICONS=AUTO, Autoinstall for consoles AIRDELAY=001000, PERSISTANT AUXTRSW=NEXT, Auxiliary trace autoswitch facility BMS=(FULL,COLD,UNALIGN,DDS), Basic Mapping Support options DTRPGM=EYU9XLOP, Dynamic transaction routing program (TOR only) EDSALIM=500M, Upper limit of DSA above 16MB line GMTEXT='***CICS/DBCTL DSW - TOR ***', Good morning msg GRNAME=CICSGR, GRPLIST=(DFHLIST,DSWTLST), ICV=8000, Region exit interval (milliseconds) ICVR=500000, Runaway task interval (milliseconds) IRCSTRT=YES, Interregion communication start ISC=YES, Intermmstem communication option MCT=63, Until OMEG is fix'd....RHM 08/06/01 MN=OFF, CICS monitoring option MNEXC=ON, CICS EXCEPTION monitoring option MNPER=ON, CICS PERFORMANCE monitoring option MXT=400, Maximum number of tasks in CICS OPNDLIM=50, OPNDST/CLSDST request limit PGAIPGM=ACTIVE, PG autoinstall state PGCHAIN=X/, BMS CHAIN command PGCOPY=C/, BMS COPY command PGPURGE=T/, BMS PURGE command PGRET=P/, BMS RETURN command PLTPI=CM, Program list table PI option/suffix PLTSD=SD, Program list table SD option/suffix PRGDLAY=0005, BMS purge delay interval PSDINT=001000, Persistent Session Delay Interval PSTYPE=MNPS, Persistent Session Type RAPOOL=(50,30), Max. RECEIVE ANY RPLs SEC=NO, External security manager option SPOOL=YES, System spooling interface option SRT=63, System recovery table option/suffix STATRCD=ON, statistics recording status STGPROT=YES, Storage protection facility STGRCVY=YES, Storage recovery option STNTR=1, SYDUMAX=003, No of SYSDUMPS to be taken SYSTR=ON, TCT=5$, Terminal control table option... TRTABSZ=3000, Internal trace table size in 1K bytes TS=(COLD,0), Temporary storage buffers and strings USERTR=OFF, Master user trace flag