VEHGRXCL.TXT This package allows a TS7700 Performance Analysis to be produced using Powerpoint and an Excel spreadsheet. This is a graphical representation of many of the statistics that are reported in the VEHSTATS reports. The VEHSTATS program (which is contained in IBMTOOLS.EXE) is also required to produce the flat files from the TS7700 BVIR data. If you download VEHGRXCL.EXE, you should also download IBMTOOLS.EXE to guarantee that your VEHSTATS program is compatible with the new version of VEHGRXCL. VEHGRXCL.EXE is distributed free of charge for anyone to download and use on their own company's machines to analyze their own tape environments. IBM personnel and IBM Business Partners can also use these tools to analyze data from their current or prospective customer sites. There are no guarantees that the programs will run in every customer environment or with different sets of data. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ****** GETTING STARTED WITH THE VEHGRXCL PACKAGE ******** NOTE: Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows are required. Step 1. Create a VEHSTATS subdirectory on the C: drive of your PC. The XLS Workbook and PPT presentations MUST be placed in the C:\VEHSTATS directory or the links to the PowerPoint presentations will NOT WORK. Step 2. Download the following files: 1. VEHSTATS_MODEL.xls - this is the Excel spreadsheet for TS7700 analysis. 2. VEHSTATS_MODEL.ppt - this is the PowerPoint presentation for creating slides from the spreadsheet. 3. VEHSTATS_MODEL_DAY.ppt - this is an alternate PowerPoint presentation showing only the Daily charts but not the hourly charts. WARNING!!! DO NOT OPEN THE POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS UNTIL TOLD TO DO SO IN THE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS!!! DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ARE IN THE SPREADSHEET IN THE "DESCRIPTION" SHEET. Step 3. Start MS-Excel for Windows. Step 4. Click on "File", then "Open" Step 5. Locate C:\VEHSTATS\VEHSTATS_MODEL.xls in the file selection window, and double-click on it. It will take a few seconds to load. Step 6. The "DESCRIPTION" sheet should display. Print the instructions in HORIZONTAL (landscape) format, being sure to print only the CURRENT SHEET. Step 7. The detailed instructions are contained in the instructions which you have just printed. Please read or review before starting to use this package. UPDATES: 18MAY2009 This is V1.2 of the spreadsheet and presentations. It requires that you use the latest VEHSTATS program and specify ORDER=ORDERV12 when running VEHSTATS. Enhancements include 4-way grid support, GB Read and GB Write by Pool, Deferred Copy Throttling %, and new statistics available only with TS7740 microcode level 1.5 05AUG2009 Corrections to "GB to Copy" and "GB to Migrate" charts to display the correct scale. 07Nov2014 Changed Active GiB in cache to Active GB.