$READLRG Create filter list of large data sets 01/17/01 THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. All IBM tape analysis tools are part of the Package: IBMTOOLS.EXE is a Self-Extracting Zip file. This will expand into four separate files: IBMJCL.BIN, IBMCNTL.BIN, IBMLOAD.BIN, and IBMDOC.BIN See IBMTOOLS.TXT for installation instructions. By running just the job, FINDLRG, you can create a filter list of large data sets that should be directed to 3590 media. The remaining, smaller sized activity could be targeted to a VTS. By using higher capacity 3590 cartridges, customers can better utilize their existing SILO slot capacity. Moving current multi-volume datasets to 3590 will free up slots thus allowing for either less enter/eject activity or a greater degree of automation. Use Batch Magic to help quantify the benefits of implementing the MAGSTAR in SILO solution.