Updates and Enhancements to IBMTOOLS Libraries Dec 23, 2011 * Use ISPF 3.13 to compare new JCL to your old JCL to find changes. * Replace entire old CNTL and LOAD with new. * Suggest looking at this file about every 30 days. * BATMAGIC is for IBM and Business Partner use only. 23Dec11 QSAMDRVR. Moved buffers above 16MB line, relieve S878 abend. 16Dec11 BATMAGIC. Version 7.5.5 maintenance with TS1140 support. 15Dec11 VEHSTATS. Change heading CPU_UTIL to CLUS_UTIL. Value represents entire cluster utilization, not just processor CPU. 15Dec11 VEHSTATS. New ORDERXFR to show just cache related transfer. 15Dec11 VEHSTATS. Detects bad pool MB written value in R2.0 stats. 09Dec11 BATMAGIC. Version 7.5.4 maintenance now using 1000 base, not 1024. 05Dec11 VEHSTATS. SHOP report wrong if first grid has fewer clusters. 21Nov11 CHKCOPY. New program to see if peer copy exists on specific cluster. 11Nov11 VEHAUDIT. New INCACHEONLY parm when using INCDSN or other filters. 09Nov11 VOLLIST. Fix DAYSAFTERPREVCREATE to look at previous create date rather than first create date. 04Nov11 BATMAGIC. Version 7.5.3 maintenance. 04Nov11 VEHSTATS. Added &SDATE, &EDATE to file names to match BVIRHSTx jobs. 03Nov11 ORDER6CL. Corrected location of RMT_RD & RMT_WR statements. 01Nov11 VEHSTATS. Fixed CSPMED?_NONE in several reports for TS7700 hybrids where highest cluster number was a 7720. 26Oct11 VEPSCAN. Was missing some new fields. 26Oct11 VEHSCANx. Was missing some new fields. 25Oct11 VEHSTATS. MONSMRY was reporting UNKN media type. 24Oct11 STAT7680. Now includes replication statistics reporting. 20Oct11 VEHSTATS. Fixed heading CSPMED6_ NONE to be CSPMED6_NONE in HOURFLAT. 20Oct11 TLMSVLT. New TLMSVLT member for current TLMS. 20Oct11 TVCBYDSN. Correct total line truncation for large TVC. 18Oct11 MOUNTRPT. DAYRPT now shows actual HH:MM:SS mtp rather then >60. 14Oct11 TVCBYDSN. Add total line for selected lvols in cache. 10Oct11 EXPIRE. New value EXPIRE=10OCT2012 83962896 ; JCL lib updated now. 09Oct11 VEHSTATS. New media types for R2.2 in ORDERxxx members. 06Oct11 BVIRPRPT. Added total active GB line to report. 05Oct11 VEHSCAN. Added some missing fields. 05Oct11 VEHSTATS. New media types for R2.2. 03Oct11 ORDER6CL. Changed MB to GB for PGn to CPY & MIG. 27Sep11 PRESTAGE. Fixed STEPLIB line missing if RECALLS file > lrecl=80. 15Sep11 VEHSTATS. Fixed some column headings for first empty pool report. 15Sep11 TapeWise. Report=VOL SMF now show DISP value as NEW for files 2,3,... if they were being written. Previously files 2,3,... were OLD. 01Sep11 VEHSTATS. COMPARE report with REPORT=GRID had wrong MB copied values. 31Aug11 TVCBYDSN. Uncompressed MB size for files with SHOWDSN was wrong. 26Aug11 VEHSTATS. Fixed several TVC related fields were incorrect if clusters within a grid were at different micro code levels and the higher level had added bytes to one of the stats records. eg R1.7 & R2.0 24Aug11 ORDER6CL. New ORDERxxx member for 5 or 6 cluster grids. 24Aug11 TAPEWISE. Fix S0C9 in reports USE & USH with VERY little data. 13Aug11 VOLLIST. Fixed SUMRPT total truncated with large data file. 04Aug11 FORMCATS. Calculate MiB per volume rather than MB for RMMEXTR data. 25Jul11 VEHSTATS. Fixed DAYHSMRY missing DCpThrot_n_a after July 13-14 changes 20Jul11 VEHSCANx. Updated for R2.0 additions to x'32' stats record. 18Jul11 VEHAUDIT. New parms FIND0, FIND1, FIND4 to list just 0-PREFER REMOVE, 1-PREFER KEEP, and 4-PINNED volumes in cache. 15Jul11 MOUNTRPT. Added scratch & specific mount counts to CUARPT. 14Jul11 VEHSTATS. Fixed HRS reporting for Pools 2-32 from incomplete change made yesterday. 13Jul11 VEHSTATS. Added CPU_Util% column to HOURFLAT in ORDERALL only. 13Jul11 VEHSTATS. R2.0 issues: H30TVC1 CPU util wrong for HRS, good for QTR. H32GUPnn was showing more pools than actually used because R2.0 microcode added bytes to the 32 pool segments causing alignment prob. 12Jul11 EXPIRE. New value EXPIRE=12JUL2012 57740608 ; JCL lib updated now. 05Jul11 BATMAGIC. Version 7.5.2 maintenance. 30Jun11 VEHSTATS. H21ADPXX report, Adaptor 0 Device RdGiB was wrong. 29Jun11 FORMCATS. Calculate MiB per volume rather than MB to be consistent. 28Jun11 SMFAUDIT. Expand File Seq col to handle up to 9999 stacked files. 28Jun11 VEHAUDIT. Updated to allow LRECL on DTLRPT to be user set. 24Jun11 VOLLIST. Fixed some TOTAL lines said GiB but were showing MiB. 23Jun11 VEHSTATS. Modify code level reporting field. 80.00 --> 20.00 17Jun11 VOLLIST. Added parm for MBBASE as base 10 or base 2. 16Jun11 VEHGRXLS. Added charts for RUN & DEF queue age. 15Jun11 VEHSTATS. WEKHSMRY Active_GiB was MiB. 13Jun11 VEHSTATS. REPORT=GRID now available for up to 8 clusters. 03Jun11 MOUNTRPT. Msg indicating need new GETDOW if filtered records do not have any mounts, allocations only. 02Jun11 BATMAGIC. Version 7.5.1 with R2.0 GA throughput measurements (better). 01Jun11 VEHSTATS. Fixed MiB S-->0 Recv counted data twice with 27May11 TVCBYDSN. Wasn't showing lvol size unless TMC record matched. Also, new filter parm, ONLYRECALLS, to show just lvols last written to TVC after create date which implies they were recalled. 25May11 VEHAUDIT. Flag LVOLS being created while BVIR data collected. 18May11 VOLLIST. Show counts for all media types on BREAK line. 17May11 VEHSTATS. Fix media type for pools in DAYHSMRY. 16May11 VEHSTATS. Fix media type columns missing in DAYHSMRY for hybrid grid. May 09 change in anticipation of R2.1 changed messed it up. 13May11 BATMAGIC. Version 7.5.0 with R2.0 pre-GA throughput measurements. 13May11 VEHSTATS. H33GRID MB 3-->2 was missing. Present on COMPARE report. 12May11 VOLLIST. Put BREAK line after detail with numvols count. 11May11 VEHSTATS. Refer to MEDIA2 as 3592JA, MEDIA6 as 3592JB, etc. 09May11 VEHSTATS. Change H32CSP report to only show defined media types. 06May11 VEHSTATS. Fixed VEHSTPO & PS abend for TS7720. Hybrid & TS7740 okay. 06May11 PRESTAGE. If MAXGB exceeded, too many //BEFORE & AFTER generated. 06May11 PRESTAGE. Allow MAXVOLS to control INCACHE recalls also. 04May11 VOLLIST. Use the USEGB parm on SUMRPT also. 04May11 PRESTAGE. Enforce MAXDR=n being equal to number of BVIRDSNs. 29Apr11 VEHAUDIT. Added some column totals for MB size. 29Apr11 BVIRRPT. TOTAL line truncated high order. 20Apr11 VEHSTATS. Drop bad x'32' records from early R2.0 statistics. 19Apr11 VEHAUDIT. Separate file for STALE copies with MB totals per cluster. 18Apr11 VOLLIST. Fixed DTLRPT OUTCODE last column overlaid with '1'. 16Apr11 VEHAUDIT. Add time stamps to WTO for input files. 11Apr11 VEHAUDIT. CL4 was missing WRITTEN TIME for copies. 11Apr11 EXPIRE. New value EXPIRE=12APR2012 30319698 ; JCL lib updated now. 11Apr11 VEHAUDIT. Lots of INVALID DATE FROM CALLER messages for lvols created prior to R1.6 TS7700 micro code. Fixed to suppress message. 07Apr11 VEHAUDIT. Identify and count "stale" copies no longer needed, but still being carried on back-end PVOLS. 07Apr11 VEHAUDIT. Add support for up to 8 clusters. 01Apr11 VEHSCANx. Fix for R2.0 change to x'30' record. 01Apr11 VEHSTATS. Change CLID to CLIDMSER on flat files. 30Mar11 VEHSTATS. Users need to select the 3 ORDERV12 statements that best describe the physical media used behind their TS7740s. 30Mar11 VEHSTATS. Allow PG0 & PG1 GB to copy to use same scale as EOI & MAX in the flat files. 30Mar11 VOLLIST. Fixed SUMRPT total GB truncation. 28Mar11 ORPHANS. ORPHSUM added total MB per dsn group and over-all total line. 27Mar11 VOLLIST. Fixed SORT FIELDS error in SUMRPT processing. 25Mar11 VEHSTATS. Updates on March 15 to accommodate stats record changes for micro code R2.0 messed up several fields on the DAYHSMRY & HOURFLAT. 18Mar11 VEPSCAN. Fix U0016 table overflow. 09Mar11 VESYNC. Allow date filter on either create or last ref date. 09Mar11 BVIRPRPT. Fix S0C7 if some PVOLS are encrypted. 03Mar11 QSAMDRVR. Increase record count to 9 digits. JCL parm changed also. 03Mar11 TS7680. New pt_hourly_report_install.bsx to gather statistics. 03Mar11 VOLLIST. Drop up to 25 bad dates in RMM extract file. 28Feb11 BATMAGIC. R7.4.3 maintenance. 24Feb11 CPY7680H. Fixed conversion if CSV field was .nnn rather than 0.nnn. 22Feb11 BATMAGIC. R7.4.2 maintenance. 16Feb11 TAPEWISE. Fix S0C9 in DSNRPT with little data transfer. 14Feb11 VEHSTATS. Set H30TVC1 data to mig and copy to GiB. 11Feb11 VOLLIST. Fix S0C4 if dsname is binary zero. 10Feb11 VEHSTATS. Fix missing columns on DAYHSMRY flat file which caused alignment problems with VEHGRXLS daily. Problem introduced Jan 27. 09Feb11 VEHSTATS. Fix SHOP cluster data transfer values on COMPARE report. 09Feb11 FTP7680H. STEP4 needs to use PGM=CPY7680H. 08Feb11 CBM4PC. LICENSE.INI updated. TAPE=(01FEB2012,8C715F08,1A433ECF) 02Feb11 VEHSTATS. SHOP parm on REPORT summarizes all clusters on COMPARE. 28Jan11 TapeWise. Fixed USHRPT abend if just SDATE used without EDATE. 27Jan11 VEHSTATS. New fields to keep track of Max MB to MIG & CPY by Day, Week, Month. All MB fields are now based on MiB(1024). Remote read & write MB added to HOURFLAT. 19Jan11 VEHSTATS. Report sum of all MB received (copied) on each cluster. ORDER=' MB S-->0 RECV'; SUM MB RECEIVED BY CL0 FROM ALL OTHERS 18Jan11 BVIRHSTS. Allow UTCMINUS & UTCPLUS to adjust to local before writing the records to the SMF log file. 07Jan11 EXPIRE. New value EXPIRE=19JAN2012 5584860 ; JCL lib updated now. 06Jan11 BATMAGIC. LICENSE. TAPE=(01FEB2012,8C715F08,1A433ECF) 15Dec10 SMFILTER. SORT RC16 if VTAPE= used when SMF 21s don't actually have the device byte information. 08Dec10 VOLLIST. Have report, PGMSIZ, show GiB when USEGB is used so it agrees with the Batch Magic TVCFILL nominal GB report. 07Dec10 BATMAGIC. R7.4.1 maintenance. 02Dec10 FTPTOOLS. New JCL member to FTP tools files directly to z/OS without needing to go to PC first. Also does RECEIVE. 29Nov10 VEHSTATS. Corrected report H32GUPnn for PRIV pvol counts. 18Nov10 TVCBYDSN. Added optional REPORT= SIZ; 29Oct10 VEHSTATS. New parm, SHOWVERSION, to put version heading on HOURFLAT rather than putting it on by default. 27Oct10 VOLLIST. Fixed TOTAL line truncation for some columns. 26Oct10 VEHAUDIT. Added FINDE logic to find lvols with CCP of E. 15Oct10 BATMAGIC. R7.4.0 maintenance. 11Oct10 VESYNC. Update EVENONLY & ODDONLY filters to identify lvols needing copies only in the even or odd clusters. 11Oct10 EXPIRE. New value EXPIRE=19OCT2011 86659760 ; JCL lib updated now. 08Oct10 TCDBMCH. Add compare TDCB STOREGROUP vs TMC OUTLOC. 08Oct10 VEHSTATS. Fixed Place_Holder value in flat files. 01Oct10 FORMCATS. Fix S0C9 with blank blksize in ZARA extract. 17Sep10 VESYNC. Add EVENONLY & ODDONLY filters to identify lvols needing copies only in the even or odd clusters. 15Sep10 VEHSTATS. Fix ONEHEADING parm for HOURFLAT. 14Sep10 OFFSITE. Fix S0C9 caused by bad blksize in data. 14Sep10 BVIRPOOL. Fix truncated volser. 07Sep10 VEHSTATS. Fix V_MNTS-DONE_BY-OTHR_DL missing for CL0 on H33GRID rpt. 02Sep10 FORMCATS. Fix bad RMMEXTR vol MB size for some old ADSM data. 02Sep10 FORMCATS. Drop RMM X records if D&V records have already been processed from the same RMMEXTR file to avoid duplicates. 01Sep10 VOLLIST. New MDATE option for SUMRPT to find dsn groups with short retentions. 31Aug10 TVCBYDSN. Add UTCMINUS & UTCPLUS logic. 30Aug10 TVCBYDSN. Modifications for SHOWDSN. 30Aug10 ORDERV12. Updated to be sure it matches VEHGRXLS requirement. 27Aug10 VEHSTATS. Modified to report inter-cluster activity for grids with more than 4 clusters. Now handles up to 8 clusters in a grid. 20Aug10 VESYNC, VEHAUDIT. S0C4 or S0C7 because BVIRMES file was created using old BLKSIZE=320 and should be BLKSIZE=640 with R1.6 or greater. 10Aug10 VECHKVOL. Now uses MESFILE & PHYFILE to see complete list of vols. 10Aug10 CHKDUPS. Look at SCRATCH tape also. 09Aug10 FORMCATS. Fix S0C7 with RMM extract. 06Aug10 SMFILTER. Too many "SMF14OPD WAS ZERO" messages. Fix is only check tape records. 04Aug10 VECHKVOL. New tool to check for duplicate volsers before new cluster join to an existing TS7700 grid. 03Aug10 PRESTAGE. New parm, RECALLJOBMAXMB, to limit GB recalled per job. 29Jul10 VEHSTATS. Fix S0C9 in DAYXFER report. 14Jul10 PRESTAGE. Recall jobs got S0C4 if TEMPCLAS & MGMTCLAS parms not used. 14Jul10 VEHSTATS. New IGNOREHEADER to stop ID header on HOURFLAT file. 13Jul10 BATMAGIC. R7.3.4 maintenance. 13Jul10 VEHSTATS. Fix HOURFLAT line not completely cleared from heading if only 1 or 2 ORDER statements were used. 08Jul10 TapeWise. Add pgmname to LNGRPT. 02Jul10 MOUNTMON. Correct too many mounts called specific rather than scratch. 02Jul10 BATMAGIC. R7.3.3 maintenance. 01Jul10 VEHSTATS. Change some column headings for MB vs MiB numbers. 29Jun10 PRESTAGE. Fixed wasn't showing total run times for jobs > 8 w/MAXDR=12 25Jun10 BATMAGIC. R7.3.2 with refinements for compression calculation to reduce the number of BMM4040I messages by only looking at vols >10MB. 25Jun10 PRESTAGE. Hopefully, the final permanent version. See JCL(SYNCDOC). 17Jun10 ST@S3494. Fix S0C4 abend. 16Jun10 $$CPYLIB. Removed SMFILTER from being excluded in copy. 14Jun10 FORMCATS. Estimate the MB/VOL for SCRATCH on TMC & TLMS. 13Jun10 FORMCATS. Fixed MB/VOL calc for CA1 & ZARA if multi-dsn volume. 10Jun10 VEHAUDIT. New COPYTIME= parm to only list lvols with long copy time. 10Jun10 TCDBMCH. Wrong FORMPGMS object was included. Not copying x'00' dsn. 07Jun10 TCDBMCH. Test EXCLOC for TCDB record without TMC also. 07Jun10 BATMAGIC. Corrected several example sizes for DS5K cache. * DS5K TB SIZES ARE: 20, 44, 68, 92, 116, 140, 163, 203, 227, 251, * 275, 298, 322, 346, 370, 394, 418, 441 04Jun10 PRESTAG2. MGTCLASS parm not used to steer mounts. 03Jun10 TCDBMCH. Set CC for different mis-match conditions. Allow EXCLOC. 03Jun10 PRESTAG2. Version to be used with daa (device allocation assist). It no longer uses the control scratch mount. 03Jun10 BATMAGIC. R7.3.1 corrected DS5K TVC size example. 91 should be 92. 01Jun10 PRESTAGE. STEPLIB control parm now required to find RECALVOL pgm since IEBGENER is no longer being used to recall lvols. 01Jun10 EXPIRE. New value EXPIRE=19JUL2011 59696800 ; JCL lib updated now. 31May10 BATMAGIC. R7.3.1 maintenance with larger TVC sizes. 28May10 EXPIRE. New value EXPIRE=19JUL2011 59696800 ; 27May10 VOLLIST. Correct reporting of SYSID for some duplicate volsers. 24May10 BVIRHSTx. Changed to 2-JOB members to accommodate JES2 & JES3. 21May10 MOUNTMON. Add debugging option. PARM='INT=0.2,UCB' 19May10 PRESTAGE. APF no longer required for BVIRMCH if setting STORCLAS. 19May10 BVIRT2B. Pgm to convert VSE SYSLST of BVIR statistics back to binary. 18May10 PRESTAGE. Modified so DATACLAS= actually puts STORCLAS=libnm on JCL. 17May10 PRESTAGE. Modified so first recall of each job uses DEFER. 14May10 FORMCATS. Fixed S0C9 with large MBVOL value. (>2147483647 bytes). 10May10 BVIRPRPT. Fixed DAYSAGO selection. 10May10 BATMAGIC. R7.3.0 maintenance to pre-fill TVC from TMCATLG. 10May10 BVIRPRPT. Fixed S0C7 abend. 07May10 BVIRPRPT. Fixed abend if <3 PVOL records present in input file. 03May10 VEHAUDIT. Fixed S0C7/S0C9 with 4000 MB lvols. 03May10 TVCBYDSN. Fixed S0C7/S0C9 with 4000 MB lvols. 03May10 FORMCATS. Fixed S0C7 with RMM extract and obvious bad blkcnt data. 02May10 PRESTAGE. Modified so LMPOLICY commands are issued by recalling jobs rather than when the PRESTAGE job runs to create recall jobs. 30Apr10 BVIRPRPT. Added DAYSAGO parm and enhanced CONSOLE use. 29Apr10 PRESTAGE. Too many LIBRARY LMPOLICY issued if MAXGB used to limit recalls. 29Apr10 CPYHIST. I needed to use AC=1 when linking to prevent S047 abend. 29Apr10 SMFILTER. Now detects Copy Cross simulating 3480 devices. 26Apr10 VOLLIST. Added new BREAK=n option for DTLRPT. 23Apr10 BVIRPRPT. Wasn't recognizing TS1130 drives. Had UNKNOWN rec format. 23Apr10 FORMCATS. Wasn't correctly calculating MB on volume for multi-file TLMS data. 22Apr10 VEHSTATS. H32GUPnn now shows private pvols by media type. 21Apr10 SMFILTER. Wasn't zeroing device bytes for VTAPE= addresses. 21Apr10 BVIRPRPT. I needed to use AC=1 when linking to prevent S047 abend. 19Apr10 BATMAGIC. R7.2.4 maintenance to fix U0016 abend. 15Apr10 BATMAGIC. R7.2.3 maintenance release. 13Apr10 VEHSTATS. Put created Date/Time as header record in HOURFLAT file. 13Apr10 VEHSTATS. Fix symbolic for &ORDER to point to user's JCL library. 12Apr10 FORMCATS. Honor CATRETPD as a valid expiration date for RMM extract. 08Apr10 VEHSTATS. New comments for which BVIRHST(U/V/S) file to read where. 08Apr10 VEHAUDIT. Add FINDI logic to report only R/I copy mode volumes. 07Apr10 VEHAUDIT. Updated heading for UNCOMP. 01Apr10 SYNCDOC. Updated VESYNC & PRESTAGE process. 31Mar10 Several. Add *35921000VOL= example to several members. 31Mar10 BVIRPRPT. Set report seq to volser if RECLAIMGB not used. 30Mar10 TVCBYDSN. Show lvol size in TVC for R1.5+ micro code. 29Mar10 VEHSTATS. Correct label on MONSMRY. PGn MB in TVC really is PGn GB. 26Mar10 VEHSTATS. Fixed S0C9 if cluster down when stats pulled. 24Mar10 VEHSTATS. H33GRID now calculates MB_TO_TVC_BY_COPY for each cluster. 22Mar10 TAPEWISE. Add SYID to JOBLIST file. 19Mar10 VEHSTATS. H33GRID fix heading for QUEAGEMINUTES. 15Mar10 TAPEWISE. New, optional, customer requested, job list file. 15Mar10 PRESTAGE. Issue commands after each group of lvols are recalled rather than waiting for all lvols on a pvol. 12Mar10 VEHSTATS. H33GRID MB to Copy was truncated if >10 TB. 11Mar10 TAPEWISE. New MINCOMP=nn with REPORT=DSN shows bad (high) comp ratios. 10Mar10 LICENSE. Update BMPACKx license member. 10Mar10 FORMCATS. Fix S0C4 reading any tape catalog except RMM extract. 09Mar10 FORMCATS. All tools reading RMM extract files can how process X format records as well as the D & V format. 03Mar10 BATMAGIC. R7.2.2 maintenance release. 01Mar10 MOUNTMON. Added ability to collect detail statistics (at INT=n.n) for a selected jobname using F MOUNTMON,JOBON=jobname. MOUNTRPT will report that detail if INCJOB=jobname; is used. 25Feb10 VEHAUDIT. Add examples of STIME, ETIME, UTCMINUS. Fix UTC adjustment. 23Feb10 TAPEWISE. Added optional HRSFLAT file. 23Feb10 VEHAUDIT. Fix no scratch volumes reported if CL0 missing. 17Feb10 VEHSYNC. Fix too many recalls. If lvol was recalled but copy had not yet been made when next MESFILE was created, lvol set for recall again. 12Feb10 FORMCATS. Fix RMM creating pgmname for multi-volume files. 11Feb10 FORMCATS. Copy RMM creating pgmname to TMCATLG file. 11Feb10 BATMAGIC. R7.2.1 update some RPTxxx and WKLxxx members. 10Feb10 BATMAGIC. R7.2.1 support for TS7700 hybrids, families, TS7680. 04Feb10 VEHSYNC. Add logic to process INCVOL and EXCVOL. 01Feb10 VEHSTATS. DAYSMRY missing physical device activity if E06. 25Jan10 Tools. Put XMI files on FTP site for direct TSO download. 25Jan10 VEHSTATS. H33GRID fixed if cluster numbers are not consecutive 0,1,2,3 22Jan10 PRESTAGE. Changed recall time estimate calculation to used 50 MB/sec rather than 60 based on actual customer experience. 22Jan10 PRESTAGE. Added volume size and position on pvol to recall dsname. 21Jan10 VEHAUDIT. New COPYDIST report showing copy times between clusters. Microcode R1.6 or higher needed before times are made available. 15Jan10 TAPEWISE. Allow REPORT= JOBnn PGMnn in mount seq or MB seq. 15Jan10 VEHAUDIT. Allow DTLRPT & TOSYNC to be filtered by SDATE/EDATE. 14Jan10 ORPHANS, OFFSITE, etc. Fixed VTS4000= parm caused S0C4. 14Jan10 VEHSTATS. H30TVC1 column heading change to better describe resedency. 11Jan10 PRESTAGE. Provided the ability to change MGMTCLAS for recalled volumes 09Jan10 VEHAUDIT. Allow CCP to be over-ridden so lvol can be written to TOSYNC file if it was originally written as DNN but now needs to be DDD. 05Jan10 BATMAGIC. New BATMAGIC.CNTL(LICENSE) or license.ini for PC. NAME='LICENSED TO IBM AND IBM BUSINESS PARTNERS' ADDR='BATCH MAGIC FOR MARKETING AND SUPPORT USE' TAPE=(01FEB2011,88715F08,14BF354B) 01Jan10 VEHSTATS. Bad date for 01Jan10 if stats are cut on EXACTLY 00:00:00.