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FreeBSD Multimedia

FreeBSD Multimedia Resources List

Links on this page refer to multimedia resources (podcast, vodcast, audio recordings, video recordings, photos) related to FreeBSD or of interest for FreeBSD users.

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Tag: hostobzor12

  • Server deployment in mass-hosting environment using FreeBSD Ports system by Stanislav Sedov (in russian)
    Source: Hostobzor, the Russian conference of hosting provider
    Added: 24 November 2008
    Tags: hostobzor, hostobzor12, freebsd, ports, stanislav sedov, russian
    PDF version (470 Kb, 30 pages), PDF version (61 Kb, 5 pages)

    Recently I have been attending Hostobzor 12th, the Russian conference of hosting providers, beeing held at Raivola hotel near St. Petersburg. The event was great as always thanks to organizers. There was a number of intersting talks given, a lot of interesting discussions held, and, what I appreciate better, a lot of new people with great ideas met. I gave a talk on using the FreeBSD Ports system to mange a large-scale virtual hosting installations based on Hosting Telesystems experience. I tried to describe in detail how we use the ports collection to deploy a large number of servers diverced by architecture and OS versions, how we build packages and distribute them among servers, talked about how we use Mercurial VCS to incrementally merge upstream changes into our modified ports collection and FreeBSD src trees. Hopefully, I've not screwed it much... At least, some people was interested a lot and asked interesting questions.