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FreeBSD Multimedia

FreeBSD Multimedia Resources List

Links on this page refer to multimedia resources (podcast, vodcast, audio recordings, video recordings, photos) related to FreeBSD or of interest for FreeBSD users.

This list is available as chronological overview, as a tag cloud and via the sources.

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If you know any resources not listed here, or notice any dead links, please send details to Edwin Groothuis so that it can be included or updated.

Tag: subversion

  • At MeetBSD with some of the FreeBSD Core Team
    Source: bsdtalk
    Added: 18 November 2008
    Tags: bsdtalk, interview, freebsd core team, meetbsd2008, meetbsd, robert watson, brooks davis, kris kennaway, peter wemm, philip paeps, freebsd, subversion
    Ogg version (38 minutes), MP3 version (18 Mb, 38 minutes)

    A conversation with some of the FreeBSD Core Team at MeetBSD California 2008. I speak with Brooks Davis, Kris Kennaway, Robert Watson, Peter Wemm, and Philip Paeps about the recent core team election, FreeBSD 7.1 and 8, Developer Summits, and the move to Subversion.
  • Ivan Ivanov on The Version Control System Subversion
    Source: New York City *BSD User Group
    Added: 09 February 2007
    Tags: nycbug, presentation, subversion, ivan ivanov
    MP3 version

    The presentation will discuss Subversion from both client and server points of view. It will show how to create repositories and how to make them accessible over the network using different access schemes like http://, file:// or svn://. Pointers are given on securing the repositories and on authenticating and authorizing the clients. Next, the presentation shows how an user interacts with the repository and describes some of the important Subversion client commands. Finally, it deals with administrating the repository using "hook scripts". Ivan Ivanov is generally interested in Version Control Systems since his student years in Sofia University, Bulgaria, where he set up and maintained a CVS server for an academic project. When Subversion became a fact and proved to be "a better CVS" he researched it and last year deployed it for his NYC-based employer Ariel Partners ( He integrated the Subversion repositories with Apache Web Server over https to enable a reliable and secure way to access them from any point.