How can I pull from alternate bin?


How can I print the first page of my output from one bin of the 3820 and the rest on preprinted paper from the alternate bin?


  Create a FORMDEF with two copy groups, "one" to pull from the primary bin
  for the normal paper and "two" for the alternate bin.

  You can switch copy groups automatically on the second page by doing
  something like this:

      .rh on
      regular running heading stuff
      .cg one
      .rh off
      .sk 0
      .rh on
      regular running heading stuff
      .cg two
      .rh off

  This will automatically start the new copy group when you go to page 2
  because the new running heading will take effect on the second page. You
  need the .sk 0 to get page 1 started and the first rh in effect.  You could
  put all this processing in your profile or have a tag to do it.

Last updated: 93/08/04 14:08:10

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