Infoprint Manager Submit for Mac OS X Version 10.1



Infoprint Manager Submit for Mac OS X Version 10.1
Introduction to the Print-on-Demand Feature client software
Macintosh Requirements
Installing Infoprint Submit
Starting Infoprint Submit
Migrating job tickets from previous versions of Infoprint Submit
Known product limitations

Infoprint Manager Submit for Mac OS X Version 10.1

This file contains information that you need to install Infoprint Submit, plus additional information not included in the product documentation.

IBM will update the web version of this document regularly. For the latest information on this Infoprint client, access the IBM Printing Systems website at Under Resources For click Infoprint Manager. Under Products in the right hand navigation bar, click Infoprint Manager for AIX or Infoprint Manager for Windows. Under Product Resources click Product Library

This README file contains the following sections:

Refer to the Print-on-Demand Feature: Submit for Macintosh User's Guide for instructions on configuration tasks that are necessary to take advantage of all the features of Infoprint Submit.

Introduction to the Print-on-Demand Feature client software

The Infoprint Manager for AIX Print-on-Demand Feature consists of the following three clients:

The Infoprint Submit Express for the Windows Operating System client is replacing the Infoprint Submit client; however, this product continues to be included with Infoprint Manager for AIX and is supported. You may continue using it if you are a current user. For instructions on using Infoprint Submit for Windows , refer to the Infoprint Manager for AIX Print-on-Demand Feature: Submit for Windows Users' Guide.

The Infoprint Submit Express for the Windows Operating System client is updated and contains several enhancements to usability, serviceability, and reliability from the previous Windows version. If you are a new user of the Print-on-Demand Feature, we recommend that you use the new Submit Express client.

The Infoprint Submit for the Macintosh Operating System client is still available. For instructions on using Infoprint Submit for Macintosh, refer to the Infoprint Manager for AIX Print-on-Demand Feature: Submit for Macintosh User's Guide.

Macintosh Requirements

Infoprint Submit has these minimum requirements:

Installing Infoprint Submit

This section contains information that you need to install Infoprint Submit.

  1. Insert the Infoprint Manager Print-on-Demand Feature CD-ROM (2 of 2) into the drive and double-click its icon on the desktop.
  2. Specify the directory where you want the install program to be unpacked.
  3. Double-click the install file icon for your language to uncompress the install program, for example, SubmitInstaller_en_US.hqx.
  4. Double-click the install program icon (for example, SubmitInstaller_en_US) to start installing the program.
  5. Specify the directory where you want the program to be installed.
  6. Follow the instructions as directed from the installer.

It is recommended that you install Submit in the Applications directory of the Hard Drive. Once the product is installed, you can create an alias on the desktop to provide easy access to Submit. To do this, highlight the Infoprint Submit file, then choose Make alias from the File menu, and drag the alias onto the desktop.

Starting Infoprint Submit

After installing Infoprint Submit and associated software, you can access the programs by clicking on the Infoprint Submit icon.

  1. Go to the Options menu, and select Settings. The Settings dialog displays.
  2. Select the Connections tab.
    Figure 1. The Settings Dialog Connections Tab.
    The Settings Dialog Connections Tab
  3. Enter the IP address for your Infoprint Manager Server.
  4. Let the port number default.
  5. Select the Preferences tab.
    Figure 2. The Settings Dialog Preferences Tab.
    The Settings Dialog Preferences Tab
  6. Select your preferences for Decimal notation and Units of measure.
  7. Click OK to return to the main Infoprint Submit screen.

Migrating job tickets from previous versions of Infoprint Submit

To migrate job tickets from a previous version of Submit to your current version of Submit on Mac OS Version 10.1, do the following:

  1. From the previous version of Submit, open the job ticket you want to migrate.
  2. Submit the job:
  3. Select Options *-> Job Status to open the Job Status dialog.
  4. Do the following to copy the contents of the job ticket file to a text file:
  5. Transfer all source files listed in your job ticket file, and the converted job ticket file, to the system that has the current version of Submit. Save them in the directory where the Infoprint Submit files have been saved or where they can be easily located.
  6. In your current version of Submit, select Ticket *->Open to open the migrated job ticket file. An error may occur the first time you assign a source file to the migrated job ticket if the path to the file has changed. Use the Browse function to locate the file, and Submit will save the new location information.

Known product limitations

Restrictions in the Mac operating system or Java implementation tools have caused the following known product limitations in this version of Infoprint Submit:


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