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Welcome to the Hyperion Essbase Database Administrator's Guide. To help you get started using this guide, this introduction provides the following information:

Go to top Who Should Read This Guide

This guide is primarily for the following:

Go to top What's in This Guide

This guide provides you the following:

Use this guide to complete any of the following tasks:

This guide is divided into parts that describe the major functional areas of Hyperion Essbase:

Go to top What's Not in This Guide

This guide does not describe the following:

Go to top What You Should Know Before You Start

To use all the information in this guide, you need the following:

However, you may simply want to understand the basics of how Hyperion Essbase works or use Hyperion Essbase Application Manager to do regular tasks, such as running report scripts or calc scripts. In this case, you need only a basic understanding of Windows and basic Windows terminology, such as dialog box, list box, and button. See your Windows documentation for more information on these terms.

Go to top Sample Applications

This book provides examples. The examples are based on applications that are provided with the Hyperion Essbase server software and are called Sample, Demo, Samppart, and Sampeast. (Samppart and Sampeast are examples of partitioned applications. These applications are available only if your company has licensed Hyperion Essbase Partitioning.) The individual who installs the server is responsible for making the example applications available to end users:

If, when you connect to the Hyperion Essbase server, any of the following problems occur, contact your Hyperion Essbase administrator:

For more information about the sample applications, see the Hyperion Essbase Installation Guide.

Go to top Document Conventions

This book uses several formatting styles to indicate actions you should take or types of information you need. The following table lists each document convention.

Table i: Conventions Used in This Document  

Item Meaning
Arrows indicate the beginning of a procedure consisting of sequential steps.
Brackets [ ] In examples, brackets indicate that the enclosed elements are optional.
Bold Bold text indicates words or characters that you type exactly as they appear on the page. Bold in procedural steps highlights major interface elements.
CAPITAL LETTERS Capital letters denote commands and various IDs. (Example: CLEARBLOCK command)
Example text
Courier font indicates that the material shown is a code or syntax example.
Ctrl + 0 Keystroke combinations shown with the plus symbol (+) indicate that you should press the first key and hold it while you press the next key. Do not type the + symbol.
Courier italics Courier italic text indicates a variable field in command syntax. Substitute a value in place of the variable shown in Courier italics.
Italics Italics in a product-related term in the body of a book indicates that the term is included in the glossary of the book.
Ellipses (...) Ellipsis points indicate that text has been omitted from an example.
Mouse orientation This document provides examples and procedures using a right-handed mouse. If you use a left-handed mouse, adjust the procedures accordingly.
Menu options Options in menus are shown in the following format: Menu name > Menu command > Extended menu command

For example: File > Desktop > Accounts

n, x The variable n indicates that you must supply a generic number; the variable x indicates that you must supply a generic letter.
This icon alerts you to the fact that there are one or more ESSCMD commands that can be used to accomplish the task and where the command information is located.
This icon alerts you to the fact that there are one or more MaxL commands as well as one or more ESSCMD commands that can be used to accomplish the task and where the command information is located.

Go to top Additional Documentation Sources

In addition to the Hyperion Essbase Database Administrator's Guide, the Hyperion Essbase documentation set includes the following:

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