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Security Examples

This chapter describes some sample security problems and solutions, which are based on the Sample application on the Hyperion Essbase OLAP Server. These examples use security procedures for which the basic instructions are found in Managing Security at Global and User Levels.

Go to top Security Problem 1

Three employees need to use Hyperion Essbase: Sue Smith, Bill Brown, and Jane Jones. Each requires update access to all databases in the Sample application.


Because the users need update access to only one application, they do not need to have Supervisor privilege. Because the users do not need to create or delete applications, users, or groups, they do not need to be defined as special types of users with Create/Delete privilege. All these users need is Application Designer privilege for the Sample application.

The supervisor should:

  1. Install the Hyperion Essbase Application Manager on each user's client PC.
  2. Create (or edit) Sue, Bill and Jane as ordinary users, but use the App Access button in the New User dialog box (Figure 17-6 in Managing Security at Global and User Levels) to assign Application Designer privilege to each.

This gives each of the three users full access to the application, regardless of the global application access level.

Note:   If the users had already been created without Application Designer privilege, the supervisor could also assign those privileges to the three users by choosing Security > Application.

Go to top Security Problem 2

Three employees need to use Hyperion Essbase: Sue Smith, Bill Brown, and Jane Jones. Sue and Bill require full access to all databases in the Sample application. Jane requires full calculate access to all databases in the Sample application, but she does not need to define or maintain database definitions.


The supervisor should:

  1. Install the Application Manager on Sue and Bill's client PCs.
  2. Create Sue and Bill as ordinary users, and use the App Access button in the New User dialog box (Figure 17-6 in Managing Security at Global and User Levels) to assign Application Designer privilege to each.
  3. Define global Calculate access for the Sample application as the Minimum Database Access setting in the Application Settings dialog box (see Figure 17-22 in Managing Security at Global and User Levels). This gives all additional users Calculate access to all databases for the application.
  4. Create Jane as an ordinary user with no additional privileges. She inherits the Calculate access from the application global setting.

Go to top Security Problem 3

Three employees need to use Hyperion Essbase: Sue Smith, Bill Brown, and Jane Jones. Sue and Bill require full access to all databases in the Sample application. Jane requires full update and calculate access to all databases within the Sample application, but she will not define or maintain the database definitions. Additional users will be added, all of whom will require Read access to all databases.


Because the current users have different needs for application and database access, define their user privileges individually. Then, to save time assigning individual Read privileges for future users, make Read the global setting for the application. (It doesn't matter in what order you assign the user privileges and the global access.)

The supervisor should:

  1. Install the Application Manager on Sue and Bill's client PCs.
  2. Create Sue and Bill as ordinary users, and use the App Access button in the New User dialog box (Figure 17-6 in Managing Security at Global and User Levels) to define Application Designer privilege to each.
  3. Create Jane as an ordinary user, and use the App Access and the DB Access buttons to set her database access to Calculate.
  4. Define global Read access for the Sample application as the Minimum Database Access setting in the Application Settings dialog box (Figure 17-22 in Managing Security at Global and User Levels). This gives all additional users Read access to all databases in the Sample application.

Go to top Security Problem 4

Three employees need to use Hyperion Essbase: Sue Smith, Bill Brown, and Jane Jones. Sue requires full access only to the Sample application; Jane requires calculate access to all members of the Basic database; Bill requires Read access to all members. No other users should have access to the databases.

Furthermore, Jane and Bill need to run report scripts that are defined by Sue.


Because the different users have different needs for application and database access, define the global access setting as None, and assign the user privileges individually.

The supervisor should:

  1. Install the Application Manager on all three users' client PCs. (Since Jane and Bill need to run the report scripts, they must use the Application Manager.)
  2. Create the user Sue as an ordinary user, but use the App Access button in the New User dialog box (Figure 17-6 in Managing Security at Global and User Levels) to give her Application Designer privilege for the Sample application.
  3. Create Jane as an ordinary user, and use the App Access and the DB Access buttons to give her Calculate privilege for the Sample application.
  4. Create Bill as an ordinary user and use the App Access and the DB Access buttons to give him Read privilege on the Sample application.

Go to top Security Problem 5>

The Supervisor, Sue Smith, needs to perform some maintenance on the Sample application. She must make changes to the database outline and reload actual data. While she changes the application, Sue must prevent other users from connecting to the application.


Sue should:

  1. Use the Application Settings dialog box (Figure 17-22 in Managing Security at Global and User Levels) to disable the Allow Commands setting.

    This prevents other users from connecting to the application, and also prevents connected users from performing any further operations.

  2. Choose Security > Locks to see if any users have active locks.

    If any users have active locks, Sue's calculation or data load command might halt, waiting for access to the locked records. Sue can allow the users to complete their updates or clear them directly with the Remove Locks option.

  3. After confirming that no users have active locks, proceed to perform maintenance on the application.

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