Getting Started

Using Rational Apex Embedded for Rational Exec requires some configuration:

This chapter details the steps to use if your product installation contains a model BSP for your target board. If you cannot use one of the BSP's provided, follow the steps in "Building a Custom Configuration" in Configuring Rational Exec to create a new or modified model. Then use these steps with your customized BSP.

Use the following steps as a guide to get started using Rational Exec with an existing BSP and the default kernel:

Create a Working View for Your Application

Every Apex view must reside within a subsystem.

Note: The concepts of subsystems and views are discussed in the "System Architecture and Rational Subsystems" chapter of the Concepts Guide and a detailed discussion and example of both subsystems and views are in "Creating Subsystems and Views" in the Rational Apex (Native) Programmer's Guide.

1 . To create a subsystem for your working view, select File > New >New Subsystem.

2 . Next, select File > New > New View.

In the New View dialog:

New View - Select New Model dialog

The construction of these view names is detailed in "View Naming Conventions" in the Configuring Rational Exec Guide.

Compile and Link Your Application

Move your program files and includes into the working view.

To copy files:

To import files:

After this step completes you will have a list of files in your working view.

Target Control

Determine the Logical Target
The Logical Target field

When you created a view, you obtained a Policy/Switches file based on the model you used. All Apex Embedded models include a LOGICAL_TARGET_NAME switch. The value of this switch is used to initialize the Logical Target field.

For example, if you chose a PowerPC simulator model when creating your view, the Logical Target field will contain "power.rx_ppc.issim".

You may change the value of the Logical Target field if you wish. The string "power.rx_ppc.issim" is provided as a default to help you identify the kind of target you are using. But you could change the name to "my_testing_board", or even "fred" if you wished.

Changing the Logical Target value will make visible a toggle enabling you to make your newly specified Logical Target the default for your current view.

Map the logical target
Supply Logical Target Data:

    Note: Under Physical Target Kind:, the Rexec Tab is selected.

The defaults of the Debug, Set I/O Redirection, Set Cross Run Options, and Collect Trace Data options are adequate. These buttons are covered under File > Run in the online Reference Guide.

After running the program, the mapping from logical target (and the information you entered about the physical target) remains valid from one session to the next. Since a default value for the logical target is obtained from your view's LOGICAL_TARGET_NAME switch, you can simply visit the view, and select File > Run.

Download TDM.

TDM must be downloaded onto the target system. Guidelines are provided in "Download TDM" in the Configuring Rational Exec Guide. Note that the guidelines are different for each target board.

Download the Kernel.

From within the application view select File > Download to bring up the Download dialogs.

The name of Download Kernel is filled in.

Make sure that Download Kernel is checked.

Click OK to start downloading the kernel.

Debug your Application

To debug your application, select File > Debug.

Notice that, by default, the Auto Load Program toggle is on. This indicates that your application will be downloaded automatically by the debugger.

Click OK to bring up the Apex Debugger GUI allowing you to debug your code.

Warning: The '....' that are displayed are not shown until an end of line is encountered. This makes it appear that nothing is going on for long periods of time when downloading over slow communication lines.

Additional information is available in Linking and Executing Programs and in Debugging.

Rational Software Corporation
Copyright © 1993-2002, Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved.