Instruction Set Simulator

This utility is available only with Rational Apex Embedded for Rational Exec.

In combination, the Apex compiler and the Apex simulator compile and execute target code on the host system.

In addition to executing code, the simulator gathers statistics and timing information about your code. Instruction tracing is also available and can record up to 1000 of the last executed instructions.

The same set of Apex tools which interface to the embedded target from the development host are also used to interface to the simulator.

Because simulating instructions is CPU bound, you can achieve better performance running the simulator on a host separate from your development system.

The following sections make up this chapter:

Note: The Instruction Set Simulator is a separately licensed utility. Contact your Rational sales representative to purchase a license.

Note: The Instruction Set Simulator is not currently available for the M68000 Family and Intel Architecture target processors.

Simulator Overview

The instruction set simulator runs as a server in the background.

The debugger and apex_execute or File > Run communicate with the simulator using standard UNIX sockets. They transmit messages to each other using the UDP protocol. The client connects to the simulator by first looking up the name of the simulator service in a file determined by UNIX conventions, /etc/services. The /etc/services file associates service names with service port numbers.

The choice of service port number is usually arbitrary, as long as each unique service name is associated with a unique service port number.

Once the debugger or executable connects to the simulator target, it sends and receives three distinct classes of messages:

Simulator Invocation

The instruction set simulator can be invoked from the Apex GUI using the Tools > Target Control... command or from a command line. In either case, the invocation starts the simulator, makes it the current target (does an implicit add_target) and downloads the kernel using the switch values of CPP_COMPILER_HOME.

Debugger Simulator Extensions

The Instruction Set Simulator has several commands that can be invoked using the debugger pass command. The pass command sends commands to the simulator. All the text following the pass keyword is sent to the simulator. If any output is generated by the simulator, it is displayed on the screen.

The following pass commands are available:


Display available commands


Display all instructions in the history log.


Turn on the history log and allocate a big buffer for the log. One thousand (1000) executed instructions are saved.


Turn the history log on or off. All the executed instructions are recorded and can be viewed with the history command. The last one hundred (100) executed instructions are placed in the history log.


Display information about the Instruction Set Simulator. The simulator version number, simulated processor, processor speed, and other useful information is displayed.


Display processor specific registers.


Display statistics.


Turn instruction statistics on or off. All the executed statistics are counted and sorted according to the instruction opcode. Statistics on the cache hits and misses are also displayed.


Display timing information since the last go or run command. The number of executed instructions and time to execute them are displayed.

Simulator Help Command

Information about the following debugger extensions is available when using the pass help command:


Simulator Info Command

The pass info command prints the following information regarding the simulator. The example is from a PowerPC target, but the output is similar for any target.

From the example above, you can see that simulated processor has a clock speed of 50MHz, it is a PowerPC 601, has 4 megabytes of main memory, and 32 Kbytes of cache.

Simulator Time Command

The pass time command prints the time and clock cycles from the moment the go (or run) command is executed until it is stopped.

elapsed time/cycles
Time/cycles from the last go command.
cpu time/cycles
Time/cycles from the moment debugging started.
idle cycles
Number of cycles executed in the runtime idle loop.

See Simulator Special Traps for more information.

The pass time command remembers when it was last called. elapsed is the amount of time/cycles that have elapsed since the previous invocation of pass time. Think of a pass time command as setting a bookmark that tells you the amount of time since the last bookmark was set.

Here's an example:

Note: When the first breakpoint was hit (line 52), before the call to quicksort, the elapsed and cput times were the same. There was no prior call to pass time.

The wall time is actual time used by the simulator program on the host. It is long in this example (28.4 secs), because it includes the time the simulated program waited for the user to type in 10 numbers.

When the second breakpoint at line 54 is hit, the simulator shows that only 12 microseconds had elapsed (the simulated processor is a 175Mhz R4000), or 2107 cycles. That is the simulated time taken to call quicksort, inclusive of the call parameter passing, and return copying, if any. The simulator took only 31 milliseconds to simulate the instructions in quicksort for a grand total of 67532 simulated cycles per second.

Note: Cycles are not the same as instructions. Memory accesses can be a large part of the simulated program's execution time.

Simulator Regs Command

To display all processor specific registers, execute the pass regs command. The example is from a PowerPC target, but the output is similar for any target. This command shows registers that are not visible with debugger regs command.

Simulator Stats Command

To gather statistical information, execute the command pass stats_on and start running the code.

Any time you have a debugger prompt, you can see the simulator statistics by executing pass stats. The example is from a PowerPC target, but the output is similar for any target.

The above example shows that 28 instructions were executed and 4 of them were CROR instructions. Some cache statistics are also given. Since this example is a PowerPC 601, the unified instruction/data cache is displayed.

Simulator History Command

The history command displays the history of executed instructions. All executed instructions are displayed with detail. To start tracing, execute one of the following commands.


After running the code, display the history buffer by executing the pass history command. The example is from a PowerPC target, but the output is similar for any target.

The register contents and other information is displayed at the time the instruction is executed.

DA is a derived address. For example, if you have 123(r5), DA would have the actual address that would be used for memory reference. In the case above 0(r0) is transported to DA=0.

Warning: Turning history on degrades the performance of the simulator.

Simulator Special Traps

The Instruction Set Simulator defines several special instructions that are used to improve execution time. All of the special instructions are actually TW (trap) instructions with all five condition bits turned on. These instructions are used to trap inside the simulator and perform specific tasks which are unrelated to instruction execution. By default, these traps are used only in the program's V_Startup code.

The following instructions are defined in file io_conf.1.ada in the user configuration library.

Block Zero Instruction - SIM_BZERO_INSTR (16#7fe0_0008#)

This instruction clears the specified memory block. For the PowerPC, the following registers are used for the parameters:
memory block address
number of bytes to clear

Compare Blocks Instruction - SIM_CMPC4_INSTR (16#7fe1_0008#)

This instruction compares two blocks of memory. For the PowerPC, the following registers are used for the parameters:
address of the first memory block
size of the first memory block (in bytes)
address of the second memory block
size of the second memory block (in bytes)

The returned value from the compare is placed in GPR3. The following results are possible:
GPR3 = 0
blocks are the same
GPR3 < 0
first block is bigger then the second one
GPR3 > 0
first block is smaller then the second one

Move Block Instruction - SIM_MOVC3_INSTR (16#7fe2_0008#)

This instruction moves a block of memory to another place which may or may not overlap with the original block. For the PowerPC, the following registers are used for parameters:
address of the source memory block
address of the destination memory block
size of the block to move (in bytes)

Initialized RAM Instruction - SIM_RAM_INIT_INSTR (16#7fe3_0008#)

This instruction initializes the RAM area during program boot time. It uses the Data_Init_Table information for block moves. For the PowerPC, the following registers are used for the parameters:
address of Data_Init_Table

Idle Wait Instruction - SIM_WAIT_INSTR (16#7fe4_0008#)

This instruction advances the real-time clock if the system is idle. When the system is idle (no task ready to run), an idle loop is executed. By executing this instruction, the real-time clock is advanced to 100 clock cycles before the decrementer interrupt is taken.

For example, if the Apex simulator executes 15K instructions per second, it would normally take the simulator around 3000 seconds to execute the statement delay 1.0. By using this trap, this wait is eliminated.

The Apex Simulator at a Glance

Environment Variables


Name of the host where the simulator runs.


Service for Network TDM communication. Default is tdm.

APEX_TARGET_NAME and APEX_TDM_SERVICE are set by target access tools when using the debugger, download, or run GUIs or when using commands based on the target selected in the Target Control dialog.

Simulator Pass Commands


Information on the available commands.

Information on the simulated processor
Dump instruction history trace
Start tracing instructions (last 100 instr)
Start tracing instructions (last 1000 instr)
Stop tracing instructions
Display processor specific registers
Dump execution statistics
Start collecting execution statistics
Stop collecting execution statistics
Print execution time

Simulator Special Instructions
block zero
compare block
block move
initialize RAM
idle loop wait

Rational Software Corporation
Copyright © 1993-2002, Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved.