Step 2: Installation

First-time installation

To get a feel for ClearDDTS, you can install the product to test its features, but you should return to the planning step before you are ready to implement your live version. To install ClearDDTS:

  1. Follow the directions in Chapter 1, Installing ClearDDTS, in the ClearDDTS Installation and Licensing Guide. Specifically:
  2. Do not complete the section of Chapter 1 entitled "Checking the Installation and Informing New Users" until you complete any customizations you have planned, unless you are only evaluating the product.

Upgrading from a previous release

To upgrade from a previous release:

  1. Gather information about customizations you have made to your current installation.
  2. Back up your current installation to tape or another safe storage area.
  3. Follow the directions in Chapter 2, Upgrading from a Previous Release, in the ClearDDTS Installation and Licensing Guide.
  4. Read the Release Notes files for important changes to ClearDDTS.
  5. Verify that your customizations have been carried forward to the new installation (or are no longer necessary).
  6. After upgrading, thoroughly test your new version of ClearDDTS to make sure it works properly before you delete the OLDCLEARDDTS directory. With ClearDDTS 4.0, you may also need to make some additional customizations to the master.tmpl file to optimize the new webddts interface.

Multiple installations

If you have multiple installations, consider whether they are on the same or different networks. To have multiple installations under the same NIS server:

  1. Designate one installation as the global, or default, ClearDDTS server. This installation should be listed in the NIS map. Simply install this site as usual following the steps in Chapter 1, Installing ClearDDTS, in the ClearDDTS Installation and Licensing Guide.
  2. Before installing at subsequent sites, make an entry for ddts in that machine's local /etc/passwd file. This entry must use the same user and group ID as the global/default ClearDDTS user ID listed in the NIS map, but should specify a different home directory from the global ClearDDTS user ID.
  3. Install this second and subsequent sites following the steps in the ClearDDTS Installation and Licensing Guide. Be sure to perform all operations on the second machine in the home directory of the local ddts user.

Sharing a common mail spool

If you share a common mail spool (NFS mounted), all servers will try to read the mail spool at the same time, causing contention. To fix this, redirect all incoming mail for one of the "ddts" users to another userid (say, ddtstest). This new user account "ddtstest" is a pseudo user and is only used to resolve the incoming mail folder conflict. Create the new account by creating a user account 'ddtstest' with the same uid and gid as the user ddts on the same machine.

After configuring one of the "ddts" users to read incoming mail from the pseudo account "ddtstest", inform ClearDDTS to expect incoming mail from /usr/spool/mail/ddtstest, instead of /usr/spool/mail/ddts. The daemon that reads incoming mail is The method by which you inform to read incoming mail from an alternate mailbox depends on the version of ClearDDTS you are using (use the command whichddts to determine the installed version).

[TOC] [Step 1: Planning] [Step 2: Installation] [Step 3: Customization] [Step 4: User Access] [Step 5: Distribution]

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