Rational Rose RealTime README File

Version 2001.03.00, November 2000

Thank you for installing Rational Rose RealTime.

The Rational Rose RealTime README file contains updates for the version 2001.03.00 product release. For additional information regarding Rational Rose RealTime, please refer to the Rational Rose RealTime website.

Installation Information

Supported Platforms list update:

  • LYNX 3.1.0a is a supported platform. LYNX 3.1.0 is no longer supported.

    Minimum System Requirements:


    The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime v.2001.03.00 on Windows NT is:


    The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime v.2001.03.00 on Windows NT is:


    The minimum supported configuration for running Rose RealTime v.2001.03.00 on UNIX is:

    Solaris 2.5.1, Solaris 2.6, Solaris 2.7 or HP-UX 10.20 We recommend 128 MB of RAM. Minimum 150 MB of disk space for the Rose RealTime installation. Postscript printer for printing.
    Note:You will need to load the latest UNIX patches as identified in the Rational Rose RealTime support web page. Please refer to the Patches and Add-Ins section of the support web page at: http://www.rational.com/products/rosert/support

    TOOLSET REQUIREMENTS: (Windows Platforms Only)

    The Help Viewer requires that Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 3.02 or > later) be set up on a user's computer. It is not required that Internet Explorer be used as the system's default browser, or that the Internet Explorer icon be visible on the user's desktop.

    If you choose not to make Internet Explorer your default browser, you will need to:

    1. Install Internet Explorer 3.02 or above
    2. Run Hhupd.exe (in redist). This file is the distribution executable that installs the run-time components needed for an HTML Help Project such as Hh.exe, Hhctrl.ocx, Itss.dll, and Itircl.dll. Hhupd.exe is in the Redist folder of the HTML Help Workshop folder.


    You must have a C++ compiler installed on your system if you wish to make use of the code generation and execution capabilities of Rose RealTime. Different compilers are required for the host workstation and for embedded system targets. The list of supported compilers and targets is provided in the Getting Started Guide for Rational Rose RealTime.


    If you are planning to deploy your model on a real-time operating system, your operating system, hardware and tool lineup must be one of the supported lineups. Please consult the Getting Started Guides for information on the supported line-ups for the product. Note the update below with respect to the use of directories with spaces - if you are using an RTOS which does not handle this, you will need to follow the workaround as specified.

    After your installation has been completed, we recommend that you get started by reviewing the online tutorials. See the tutorials reference, which can be found through the online Help Menu.

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    Known Installation Limitations

    If you plan to run release v.2000.02.10 on the same workstation that the v.2001.03.00 release will be installed, you will need to run a batch script to set-up your environment in order to run the v2000.02.10 toolset. Please see the product support section of the Rational Rose RealTime website for further information.

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    Uninstall Information


    To uninstall Rose RealTime, follow these steps:

    1. Save any user data files in another location before removing the installation directory.
    2. Remove the installation directory and all of its contents.


    To uninstall Rose RealTime, follow these steps:

    1. From the Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel. Double click on the Add/Remove Programs icon and select Rational Rose RealTime or Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio - RealTime Edition depending on what was originally installed. All directory items and registry settings are removed from your system.
    2. If a startup or permanent license was copied into the license directory, this directory must be removed manually.

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    Licensing Information

    Rational Rose RealTime, like most Rational software, is a licensed product. This means that you cannot run the product without a license key. The product you purchased has either a node-locked (client-based) or a floating (server-based) license. Note that your 6.1, or 2000.02.10 license key will still be valid for the new release (version 2001.03.00).

    Along with your software shipment, you received an envelope containing a Startup License Key Certificate for this product. You need this key in order to run your software. The startup license key will expire in approximately 8 weeks. To continue running the software, please be sure to request your permanent key as soon as it is available. The availability date is listed on your Startup License Key Certificate. Once you receive your license key follow the steps for installing a permanent license key in your Rational Rose RealTime Install Guide. For a full description of license types, installation and usage please consult the "Rational Rose RealTime Install Guide".

    Please check the Installation Guide for detailed instructions regarding License Key Administration.

    Licensing Tips:

    • Consult your documentation for complete information on licensing.
    • If you need to move licenses from one machine to another, please contact Rational Licensing Support.
    • Please run the Rational License Key Administrator (Windows platforms) or the Rose RealTime License Administrator (UNIX platforms) and issue your request for permanent keys immediately after you complete the installation.

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    Known Licensing Limitations

    There were no known licensing limitations at the time of release.

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    Licensing Support

    If you have questions about Rational Software licensing, please contact the Licensing Support group nearest you:


    Phone: 800-728-1212;
    Fax: 781-676-2510
    Email: lic_americas@rational.com


    Phone: +31 23 554 10 62;
    Fax: +31 23 554 10 69
    Email: Lic_europe@rational.com


    (Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan)
    Phone: +852 2143 6382;
    Fax: +852 2143 6018
    Email: Lic_apac@rational.com


    (Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, The Philippines, Vietnam, Guam and India)
    Phone: +612 9419 0100;
    Fax: +612 9419 0160
    Email: Lic_apac@rational.com


    Phone: +81 3 5642 9100;
    Fax: +81 3 5642 9120
    Email: Lic_japan@rational.com


    Phone: +82 2 556 9420;
    Fax: +82 2 556 9426
    Email: Lic_apac@rational.com

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    The following updates and issues should be noted: