Rational Testing Products Release Notes

Release 2001.03.00

Copyright © 2000 Rational Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
November 2000

About These Release Notes

Scope--Product Definition

Getting Started

Installation Information and System Requirements
Installation Issues
Installing on German Windows 98
Uninstallation Requirements
Installing Rational TeamTest and Rational Robot
Minimal Installation
Evaluation Artifacts
TeamTest and EnterpriseStudio Installation

New and Changed Features

Rational Administrator
New Project Functionality Replaces Repositories
Unified Change Management
Configuring Projects and Datastores
Rational TestManager
Rational LoadTest
Rational Robot
Inprise Delphi Support
Oracle Forms 6.0 Support
Netscape Record
Netscape Playback
New Protocol Support: DCOM
Protocol Upgrades
SQABasic Path
New SQABasic Commands
Rational PerformanceArchitect
Rational SiteCheck
Customized Reports
New Advanced Options Wizard
Expanded Link Parsing
New Path View
New Verification Point
Replace Links Feature
Silent Robot Test Script Playback
Smart Rescan
SiteMonitor Warning Messages

Late Changes to Documentation

Rational TestFactory
Running Pilots With Code Coverage on Win9X/ME

Guidelines and Restrictions on Using Rational Test Products

Rational Robot
Playback Under Purify, Quantify, or PureCoverage
Displaying the Euro Symbol
Session Recording and Test Script Generation
Rational Administrator
Rational TestFactory
Changing the System Font Size between Mapping Sessions
Moving a TestFactory Project for a Visual Basic Application to a Different Operating System
Recommended Java Virtual Machine
Mapping and Testing Java Applications Developed Using the Java Development Kit 1.1.8 or an Earlier JDK Release
Installing the Rational Test Java Enabler before Mapping a Java Application
Inprise Delphi Not Supported
Rational SiteCheck
ActiveScan View
Customizing Files Added by Rational SiteCheck
External Links
Previously-Saved Site Maps
Scanning Large Sites
Scanning Subdirectories
Simultaneous Connections
Site Comparison
SQL Anywhere Database Server
Hardware and Software Requirements for SQL Anywhere Server
Other Information about SQL Anywhere Server

Defects/Change Requests

Rational SiteCheck
Multiple Instances of SiteCheck
ActiveX Controls
External Links
HTML Reports
Microsoft Word Files
Rational Robot
Renaming Files
Right-click Defects
Site Map Properties
Smart Rescan
Stop Commands
URL Mining
Site Monitor Issues
Path to Sample Web Site
Windows Millennium Edition
Rational Robot
Pop-up Menu in Robot Script Window
Selecting Verification Points in the Script Window
Rational Robot -- General and Miscellaneous
Rational Robot - PowerBuilder and Japanese Operating Systems
Rational Robot--Timeout Problem with Windows 2000
Rational Robot--Java Support
Rational Robot--HTML Support
Rational Robot--Visual Basic 4.0 Support
Rational Robot--DCOM Support
Rational Robot--Oracle Forms Support
Rational Robot--PowerBuilder Support
Rational TestFactory
Working with Third-Party Controls
Running Test Scripts Generated for a Java AUT from Robot without Running TestFactory
Testing a Java Application that Runs on the Sun Java Virtual Machine

Contacting Rational Technical Support

About These Release Notes

These Release Notes provide information that is not available in the printed documentation or the Help for Rational Robot, TestManager, SiteCheck, TeamTest, and TestFactory.

Scope--Product Definition

This release incorporates major changes and additions to the Rational Test product line.

TestManager is now the one place in the Suites to manage all testing activities--planning, design, development, execution, and analysis. TestManager ties together testing with the rest of the development effort, joining your testing assets and tools to provide a single point from which to understand the exact state of your project. TestManager can be purchased as part of any Suite, part of Robot or TeamTest, or as a stand-alone product.
For more last minute information on Rational TestManager, see the Rational TestManager Release Notes.

Getting Started

Installation Information and System Requirements

You will find complete installation instructions and system requirements in the Installing Rational Testing Products manual, which is available as a printed book andelectronically as a PDF file on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD, which also includes a version of the Acrobat Reader.

Installation Issues

Installing on German Windows 98

If you install Rational Suite Enterprise on German Windows 98, you may see the following error message prior to rebooting:

A system error occurred while copying <CD-ROM Drive>:\coverage98\win98\testfactory.mkr to <Destination Drive>:\coverage98\testfactory.mkr: Zugriff wurde verweigert.

You can ignore this message since the file in question, testfactory.mkr, is not needed to run Rational applications and does not corrupt the install.

Uninstallation Requirements

Before you install the current Rational testing product(s), you must uninstall any earlier versions of the following products:

Note: Rational LoadTest functionality is now included within Rational TestManager. Previous versions of Rational LoadTest will not work in conjunction with any testing products from the current release and must be uninstalled before installing this release.

Installing Rational TeamTest and Rational Robot

You can find complete installation instructions and system requirements in the Installing Rational Testing Products manual. This manual is available as a printed book and electronically as a PDF file on the Rational Solutions for Windows Online Documentation CD.

Minimal Installation

The Minimal Install functionality of Rational products is not supported in this release. You must choose the Typical or Custom/Full options to install your Rational product(s). For additional information about installing Rational products, see your product's Installation manual.

Note that the installation manuals may include information on minimal installations. That information is no longer valid.

Evaluation Artifacts

Evaluation artifacts are not included as a part of this installation procedure. As a result, when you select the Evaluator option on the Software Use page of the Rational Software Setup program, sample data will not be installed.

To obtain the sample data, download the Rational Suite Tutorial from http://www.rational.com/documentation.

TeamTest and EnterpriseStudio Installation

Certain DLL stubs are not being updated correctly in the installation procedure for Rational TeamTest and Rational EnterpriseStudio. This affects generation of VU test scripts from sessions in Rational Robot. To update the DLL files, run the rtfxdlx utility:

  1. From a DOS prompt, move to the Rational Test install directory. The default location is C:\Program Files\Rational\Rational Test.
  2. Type rtfxdlx and press Enter.


New and Changed Features

Rational Administrator

New Project Functionality Replaces Repositories

A Rational project is an entity that manages the association of Rational Test datastores, RequisitePro projects, ClearQuest databases, and Rose models. Repositories are no longer created by the Administrator or used by any Rational Suite tools.

You can migrate repositories from Rational Suite version 1.0, 1.1, 1.5, 2000, or from any test products marked as 7.x, such as Rational Robot 7.x, to projects. In addition, a special Rational v. 2000 CD is available that converts your 6.x repositories to v. 2000. This converted repository can then be migrated to v. 2001.

Note: Back up your current repository before upgrading. The upgraded project will most likely not be reusable in the final release of this product.

Unified Change Management

The Rational Administrator provides access to many of the features of Rational Unified Change Management (UCM). UCM is the Rational Software approach to managing change to requirements, design models, documentation, components, test cases, source code, and so on.

UCM is unique because it links the activities used to plan and track project progress to the artifacts undergoing change. UCM is based on two key concepts: activity-based Configuration Management (CM) and parallel development.

You can place the information in a Rational project under configuration management using Rational Administrator by associating a Rational project with a UCM project. Use Rational ClearCase to create a UCM project first, and then create a Rational project and UCM-enable it. A version of ClearCase ships with the Rational Suites.

Configuring Projects and Datastores

When you create a project, you must also configure it. Configuring a project associates Rational Test datastores, RequisitePro projects, ClearQuest databases, and Rose models with the project and optionally brings them under configuration management.

A Rational Test datastore contains all test assets (test scripts, suites, datapools, logs, reports, test plans, build information, and more) except users and groups, which are themselves contained in a separate datastore.

As part of the UCM support in Rational Suite, both the Rational Test datastore and the RequisitePro project may be UCM-enabled. Once UCM-enabled, they can be integrated with ClearCase so that baselines of the test assets and requirements may be created and then associated with a new Rational Administrator project.

Rational TestManager

Rational TestManager has been redesigned with a much broader scope. TestManager now contains the Test Log window and incorporates the functions that were previously in Rational LoadTest. For last minute information regarding TestManager, see the Rational TestManager Release Notes.

Rational LoadTest

Rational LoadTest functionality is now part of Rational TestManager. TestManager also contains the TestLog window (formerly called LogViewer) and other new testing features. For information on performance testing changes, see the Rational TestManager Release Notes.

Rational Robot

Inprise Delphi Support

Robot now supports the testing of applications built with Inprise Delphi. It supports Delphi versions 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0. To test Delphi applications, you must install the Rational Object Testing Library for Delphi and the Rational Test Delphi Enabler. You then need to run the Enabler and recompile your project in Delphi to make it Robot-testable. For information on installing and using the Delphi Enabler, see the Robot Help.

Oracle Forms 6.0 Support

Robot now supports the testing of applications built with Oracle Forms version 6.0. (You can also test applications built with versions 4.5 and 5.0.) This includes support of a new Oracle object, the Oracle Tree (Tree-view). To test Oracle applications, you must run the Rational Test Oracle Forms Enabler. For more information on testing Oracle Forms applications, see the Robot Help.

Netscape Record

Robot can now record against Netscape Navigator.

Netscape Playback

Playback on Netscape Navigator has been enhanced. Whether you record on Internet Explorer or on Netscape, playing back HTML tests on Netscape has been improved. In order to work with controls that do not present an adequate object model, this new feature uses a form of pattern recognition that retrieves data from rendered pixels.

New Protocol Support: DCOM

Robot supports the DCOM protocol. When you record a DCOM session, a test script in the Visual Basic language is generated.

Protocol Upgrades

Rational Robot now supports:

You can now record test scripts that access SQL Server 2000 and Oracle 8.1. For recording test scripts against the SQL Server, the DB-LIB and ODBC APIs are now supported.

SQABasic Path

Robot now has a user-definable SQABasic path for library and header files.

SQABasic library and header files that are in the SQABasic path are available to test scripts in multiple projects. To set the SQABasic path:

  1. Click Tools > General Options.
  2. Click the Preferences tab.
  3. Set the path in the box under SQABasic path.

New SQABasic Commands


Starts the specified application from within the currently running test script under Rational PureCoverage.


Starts the specified application from within the currently running test script under none of the Rational diagnostic tools (Rational PureCoverage, Rational Purify, or Rational Quantify).


Starts the specified application from within the currently running test script under Rational Purify with code-coverage data.


Starts the specified application from within the currently running test script under Rational Purify.


Starts the specified application from within the currently running test script under Rational Quantify.

Rational PerformanceArchitect

The functionality provided by the existing Rational PerformanceArchitect product has been incorporated into the new Rational QualityArchitect product, which is available as part of Rational Suite Enterprise, Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio, and Rose Enterprise.

Rational SiteCheck

Customized Reports

You can now create your own List View reports and customize standard reports using the new Report Editor dialog box. Click List View > Report Editor.

New Advanced Options Wizard

You can now set more comprehensive advanced options and scan preferences using the new Site Settings wizard. Click Settings on the Open Site dialog box.

Expanded Link Parsing

Rational SiteCheck can now parse links within JavaScript, such as those set using the Location object, provided the links don't use variables or calculations to determine the result. Select the Mine for URLs in JavaScript option on the first page of the Site Settings wizard.

New Path View

SiteCheck can now generate a set of hierarchical browse paths in which all pages of a site are visited at least once. Each path contains a unique group of links that represent how a user might drill-down into a site for information. You can run each path separately to simulate how a user browses to information. Click the Path tab of the File View.

New Verification Point

A third verification point is now available. A Web Page Scan verification point focuses on a single Web page to ensure that changes have not resulted in defects. This feature lets you target pages that are central to successful user transactions.

Replace Links Feature

When you drag a file from File View and drop it onto an internal link in Source View, the Replace Links dialog box opens. You can then replace that internal link with the new link throughout the Web site or replace just the current link.

Silent Robot Test Script Playback

When a Rational Robot test script is replayed for a Web Site Compare verification point, SiteCheck now runs silently in the background.

Smart Rescan

This feature compares pages on the active site with the last site map and then scans only those pages where the last-modified-date attribute is greater than the date of the site map. Select the Perform Smart Rescan option when you open a site map.

SiteMonitor Warning Messages

SiteMonitor now has a third type of message that can result from a scheduled event, Warning. It is indicated in the main window by a yellow "light". Warnings apply to events that execute completely while still finding defects.

Late Changes to Documentation

Rational SiteCheck

Help Button on the Export As Dialog Box

The Help button on the Export As dialog box is not functioning correctly. The Help topic for that dialog box is as follows:

Export As Dialog Box

You can export any List View report as a table for use in an HTML document, or as a comma-separated text file for use in a spreadsheet package or word-processing document.

Before exporting, ensure that List View contains all the columns you want, in the order that you want.

To export a List View:

  1. Select a folder where your export will be saved.
  2. Enter a file name.
  3. Select a file type (Save as type).
  4. Click Save to proceed with the export.

Rational TestFactory


Running Pilots With Code Coverage on Win9X/ME

The PATH environment variable is not updated with the location of the PureCoverage utilities during installation on Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95. This prevents Pilots from being run on all instrumented Visual C++ applications, object code instrumented (OCI) Visual Basic applications, and all Java applications.

For the Pilot to function properly, the directories "Product_Install"\coverage95 and "Product_Install"\coverage95\cache must be added to the PATH manually, where "Product_Install" defaults to "DRIVE:\Program Files\Rational\".

Guidelines and Restrictions on Using Rational Test Products

Rational Robot

Playback Under Purify, Quantify, or PureCoverage

Keep the following in mind during Robot playback under Purify, Quantify, or PureCoverage (PQC):

Displaying the Euro Symbol

By default, the FixedSys font used by Robot does not display the Euro symbol. You can force Robot to display the Euro by changing the font to Courier or another font that supports the Euro symbol.

Session Recording and Test Script Generation

Session recording and generation of VU and VB test scripts is not supported for Windows ME, Windows 98, and Windows 95.

Rational Administrator

Rational TestFactory

Changing the System Font Size between Mapping Sessions

If you change the size of the system font between mapping sessions, you also change the size of dialog boxes and the placement of controls within those dialog boxes. TestFactory recognizes previously mapped dialog box controls as new controls and maps them as such.


If you change the size of the system font after you map the AUT, and you then try to run a Pilot, the Pilot run fails. TestFactory sees the controls that contain the changed text as unmapped controls.


Moving a TestFactory Project for a Visual Basic Application to a Different Operating System

If you map a Visual Basic application on the Windows 95 or Windows 98 operating system, and you then move the project to Windows NT or Windows 2000 and remap the application, any message box mapped previously is remapped as a duplicate window. This also occurs if you map the Visual Basic application first on either Windows NT or Windows 2000, and then remap the application on Windows 95 or Windows 98. This mapping inconsistency occurs because the size of button controls on a message box is not consistent between operating systems.


Recommended Java Virtual Machine

This release of TestFactory supports the running of Java applications on the following virtual machines:

Mapping and Testing Java Applications Developed Using the Java Development Kit 1.1.8 or an Earlier JDK Release

If the application-under-test was developed using the Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.1.8 or an earlier release, you cannot use the Java virtual machine included with that JDK to run the application during mapping and testing from TestFactory. Instead, you must use the Jview virtual machine or the Java virtual machine included with the JDK 1.2 or later release.

Installing the Rational Test Java Enabler before Mapping a Java Application

If you map a Java AUT without first installing the Rational Test Java Enabler, the resulting application map contains only a top-level window object and an exit transition object. To correct the problem, install the Rational Test Java Enabler, delete the top-level window and exit transition objects, and then remap the Java application.

You can install the Rational Test Java Enabler from the Rational Software Setup program. For information about how to run the Rational Test Enablers, see the following manuals: Installing Rational Suite or Installing Rational Testing Products.

To install the Rational Test Java Enabler, click Start > Programs > Rational Product Name > Rational Test > Java Enabler, and then follow the instructions provided on the install wizard.

Inprise Delphi Not Supported

TestFactory does not support Inprise Delphi applications.

Rational SiteCheck

ActiveScan View

ActiveScan View requires that Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later is installed. ActiveScan View does not work with Netscape Navigator because this browser cannot be embedded into an application at this time. You can use any Web browser in the Browser View.


SiteCheck does not support the 'charset' attribute of the 'Content-Type' META tag - e.g., <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-2022-jp">.

Customizing Files Added by Rational SiteCheck

In Rational SiteCheck, you can add an HTML file to your site by choosing Edit > Create a New HTML File. To customize the file that is added by this command, just modify or replace the template file rtnew.htm located in the Rational SiteCheck Template subdirectory.

Similarly, to customize the message page that LinkWizard generates for moved or deleted pages, modify the template files rtmoved.htm and rtdel.htm. However, in the rtmoved.htm template, do not change any reference to %new_URL%. LinkWizard replaces this text with the URL for the moved file.

External Links

All external links that do not refer to a specific HTML file are displayed in Page View and List View using the default page name for the file name (from the Open Site dialog box). For example, an external link to http://www.rational.com is displayed as http://www.rational.com/index.html. This does not affect any functionality. The actual HTTP requests for this link do not include the default page name.

(See also External Links under "Defects and Limitations" later in these notes.)

Previously-Saved Site Maps

Site maps are closely associated with the original site. So, when a site map for a local site is reopened and edited, the changes are made to the actual local site.

Scanning Large Sites

The table below displays recommended system configurations for different sized sites:

# Files on Site Recommended Memory Recommended OS
Up to 1,000 32 MB Windows 95, 98, 2000, or NT
1,001 to 5,000 48 MB Windows 95, 98, 2000, or NT
5,001 to 20,000 64 MB Windows 95, 98, 2000, or NT
20,001 to 50,000 128 MB NT
50,000 and over 256 MB NT

Scanning large sites might require more memory than the minimums documented. A guideline for the memory requirement is 1.5 MB of available free memory for every 1,000 links. Therefore, a site with 10,000 links will require approximately 15 MB of available virtual memory.

SiteCheck may take several hours to completely scan a very large site. To reduce memory requirements during the scan, we suggest that you change to the Site Properties View.

We recommend using Rational SiteMonitor for scanning large (or busy) sites. In SiteMonitor, create an Analyze Site event and then schedule it to be run when the server is not busy (such as at 1:00 a.m.). For more information, see the Rational SiteMonitor Help.

Scanning Subdirectories

We recommend that you use a multiserver entry on sites where the server redirects the browser to a subdirectory of the site. Click the Servers button on the General dialog box of the Site Settings wizard to define the servers in your multiserver Web site.

Simultaneous Connections

If you are running SiteCheck on a workstation that is, relatively speaking, much faster than the Web server, reduce the simultaneous connections to 1.

  1. Click Tools > Preferences, and then click the Scan Options tab.
  2. Change the default setting for Simultaneous Connections.

The default setting is 4. By reducing the value to 1, you reduce the effects of the scan on other users of the Web site. Alternatively, you can set simultaneous connections for individual site scans on the first page of the Site Settings wizard.

Site Comparison

When SiteCheck performs a Web Site Comparison, it only examines the internal structure of two Web sites. Links to external pages are not checked. This may cause conflicting results if the baseline or comparison site is a previously saved site map file that checked external links.

SQL Anywhere Database Server

Hardware and Software Requirements for SQL Anywhere Server

Note: If you plan on making more than ten connections to a repository, we recommend that you use a Window NT Server as your database server. A Windows NT Workstation allows only ten network connections.

Other Information about SQL Anywhere Server

Defects/Change Requests

Rational SiteCheck

Multiple Instances of SiteCheck

At present, you can have only one instance of SiteCheck running at a time. A second instance overwrites data used by the first. Avoid running more than one instance.

ActiveX Controls

Files with the .ocx file extension are not currently recognized in List View as ActiveX controls and do not appear in the report when your click List View > Files and Links > ActiveX Controls.


It is possible to have both an assertion that tests for the absence of an HTML object and an assertion that tests for the presence of the very same HTML object. SiteCheck does not notify you of this conflict.

The Global Assertion feature and the Smart Rescan feature can cause some confusion in some cases. Smart Rescan scans only pages that were changed since the last scan. If you add or modify a global assertion between the original scan and the rescan, the assertion will be applied only to the rescanned pages, not the entire site. If you add or modify a global assertion, consider rescanning the entire site.

External Links

After you change the source of an HTML file (in Source View), a page reference to an external link that does not terminate with a slash (such as, http://www.asite.com/something), reverts to an unchecked state. If the link is properly terminated with a slash (such as, http://www.asite.com/something/), this problem does not occur. A simple workaround is to manually recheck the links.

When you execute the command Tools > Check Links to External Sites, do not click the Re-Check Link or Check Link commands for an external link until the first check is finished. If you do, the scan engine may become confused and indicate negative numbers of links remaining to check.

HTML Reports

The ability to automatically generate HTML reports at the end of a scan is not currently available. This option, when available, is on the Defects page of the new Site Settings wizard. You can generate your HTML reports manually. Do the following:

  1. Activate List View.
  2. Click List View > HTML Reports.
  3. Select the type of defects your want to report.
  4. Optionally, change the path where your reports should be saved.
  5. Click OK.

Microsoft Word Files

SiteCheck can parse and verify links embedded in Word files. Currently, if you attempt to parse a password-protected Word file, you are prompted to enter the password.

Do not attempt to fix a broken link in a parsed Word document using SiteCheck. Doing so can corrupt the Word document. Fix the link in Word.

Rational Robot

The baseline site for a Web Site Scan verification point is not correctly loaded when it is opened from the verification point frame of a Robot test script. To correctly open baseline site:

  1. Right-click the site and click View Baseline.
  2. Click Reload in the SiteCheck toolbar.

We recommended that you do not define a Wait State when recording a Web Site Scan or a Web Site Compare verification point. SiteCheck does not consider these setting during a site scan.

If your network has a Proxy Server and you have not configured the Proxy Server settings in SiteCheck, Robot test scripts that include Web Site Scan or Web Site Compare verification points will not play back properly. To configure the Proxy Server settings:

  1. Start SiteCheck.
  2. Click Tools > Preferences.
  3. Click the HTTP Options tab, and then click Proxy Settings.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Enter the values manually.
    • Enter the values automatically. Select the default browser version, and then click Get Settings.

Renaming Files

If you have a Word document or Excel spreadsheet displayed in Browser View, you cannot rename it in File View. Switch to another view first. Renaming is available on local sites only.

Right-click Defects

Do not right-click the List View title bar. This action puts the view into pan mode, which is not effective in this view. To undo this action, first press F1. (This opens a help window, which you can close or leave open.) Next, switch to Page View and left-click anywhere in the view.

Occasionally, when a right-click menu and dialog box are visible at the same time, the interface appears to freeze. If this happens, press the ESC key several times.

Site Map Properties

Currently the Total Scan Time property shown for a site map in Site Properties View gives the incorrect value.

Smart Rescan

When Smart Rescan locates a Web page that does not return a last-modified-date value, it is supposed to issue a warning message. Currently, no message is issued.

When Smart Rescan is in operation, the Stop button and the File > Stop Reading Site command are currently not available.

(See also Assertions under "Defects and Limitations" earlier in these notes.)

Stop Commands

Currently, when you execute the command Tools > Check Links to External Sites, the Stop button and the Tools > Stop Checking External Links command do not work.

(Also see Smart Rescan above.)

URL Mining

The URL Mining feature, which is new for this version of SiteCheck, may fail in rare circumstances and cause a GPF. If this does occur, turn off this feature before you start a scan:

  1. Click File > Open Site or click the Open button.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. On the first page of the Site Settings wizard, clear the Mine for URLs in JavaScript option.
  4. When you have made all other wizard settings, click Finish.

If you choose to leave this feature on, please let us know which of your JavaScript-based URLs fail. Your contributions can provide us with circumstances that we cannot duplicate in our QA department.

Send your reports to support@coast.com.


If you minimize the SiteCheck window while Source View is active, not all the maximizing and restoring options work in all versions of Windows. In some cases, you can maximize the window only by clicking SiteCheck on the task bar. In other cases, you need to right-click SiteCheck on the task bar and select Restore or Maximize.

Site Monitor Issues

A Check Server Response event may fail on certain types of Web servers if the server does not identify itself as an HTTP server. To fix this, change the type of event to an Analyze Site event and only scan one level of the site.

The Site Comparison feature is not currently available in SiteMonitor.

Path to Sample Web Site

When you start SiteCheck the Open site dialog box appears. In the Path list box, the path to the sample Web site that the SiteCheck TryIt uses is incorrect.

Windows Millennium Edition

The following are known limitations found when running under Windows Millennium Edition:

Rational Robot

Pop-up Menu in Robot Script Window

The pop-up menu is not working correctly in the left pane of the Robot script window. The pop-up menu is invoked by a right mouse click on certain items in the hierarchy, such as a verification point. To access the pop-up menu, right-click the item twice.

Selecting Verification Points in the Script Window

In Robot's script window, when you select a verification point in the tree hierarchy in the left pane, you have to right click the verification point twice to get the pop-up menu to appear. For example:

  1. Open a test script with verification points.
  2. Left-click a verification point to select it.
  3. Right-click it to twice to invoke the pop-up menu.

Note: If you already have a verification point selected, it will work correctly on one right-click. But if you left-click it and then right-click, you have to do it twice.

Rational Robot -- General and Miscellaneous

Do not record against the Start menu. Instead, add a SQAShellExecute or StartApplication command to the test script.
We recommend that you declare your DLL in a Header file (*.SBH) as you would any other DLL. When you call the function later in your test script, log the result using SQALogMessage. For example:
 '$Include "YourHeader.sbh"
Sub Main
	 Dim Result As integer 
	 Result = MyFunction(Parm1, Parm2)
	 SQALogMessage Result, "MyFunction" , "Additional information 	 	 	 	 	 	 	 
about MyFunction"
 End Sub
Instead of the correct recognition string:
 ListView Click, "ObjectIndex=1;ItemText=a&b", "Coords=25,14" 
Since the missing ampersand does not always cause playback problems, we recommend that you manually add the ampersand to a command in the test script only if Robot cannot play back the command properly.
To resolve this problem, copy the LeadTools DLLs from the "Rational\common" directory into the "Rational\Rational Test" directory to ensure that Robot loads only those DLLs which are redistributed. The files you must copy are:
Robot uses a fixed-size table to store information about object classes. If you exceed the size of the table, you will see the message "Object information (GUIOBJ.DAT) too large." In the unlikely event that this should occur, edit the GUIOBJ.DAT file found in your repository and remove classname entries that are not necessary in your test environment.
Clicks will be recorded as GenericObjects.

Rational Robot - PowerBuilder and Japanese Operating Systems

Certain configurations of PowerBuilder DropDownDataWindows will not record and play back correctly on Japanese operating system. When recording item selection on a drop down data window in PowerBuilder, Robot does not record or play back properly: it does not click on the drop down portion of the drop down data window correctly.

To fix this problem, make the following registry setting:

  1. Click Start > Run.
  2. Type Regedit.
  3. Double-click HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Rational Software > Rational Test > Robot > PowerBuilder.
  4. Right-click, and then click New > String Value.
  5. Type DropDownDWRecordOptions with a value of 7.
  6. Exit the Registry editor.
  7. Restart Robot.

Robot will record and play back correctly using the row number of the item selected in the DropDownDataWindow.

Rational Robot--Timeout Problem with Windows 2000

You may get a time out error when playing back a test script under Purify when running Windows 2000. To fix this problem, we recommend that you set the timeout multiplier option for the GUI Playback Options three times higher than the default setting.

To set the timeout multiplier option:

  1. Start Rational Robot.
  2. Before you start playback, click Tools > GUI Playback Options.
  3. Click the Diagnostic Tools tab.
  4. Click Rational Purify.
  5. Click Use timeout multiplier and type a value three times higher than the default setting.
  6. Click OK.

Rational Robot--Java Support

If this StringValue is set to 1, Browser SetApplet commands are generated whenever needed and not just when rendered inside a browser.

Rational Robot--HTML Support

To disable the cookie prompt in Internet Explorer 5.0:

  1. Click View > Internet Options.
  2. Click the Security tab.
  3. Click the Custom Level button.
  4. Under the "Cookies" section (stored and not stored), make sure that Enable is NOT selected.
  5. Click OK.

Rational Robot--Visual Basic 4.0 Support

Rational Robot--DCOM Support

Incorrect: Chapter3_math.Multiply 1Op1, 1Op2, p1Result
Correct: p1Result = Chapter3_math.Multiply (1Op1, 1Op2)

Rational Robot--Oracle Forms Support

Rational Robot--PowerBuilder Support

Object Data Verification Points
Rational Test Enabler for Java

As long as the installation is run from a CD, or a Robot installation has been done (required for proper operation of the Rational Test Enabler for Java), the Enabler will run properly.

Rational Robot--VU Recording

For the beta release, VU recording is supported in LoadTest and TestStudio products only. It is not supported in Robot, TeamTest, and Enterprise.

Rational TestFactory

Working with Third-Party Controls

TestFactory does not support the mapping and testing of certain third-party controls. If the AUT contains a third-party control that TestFactory does not recognize, you can create a region object to represent the control and assign an interaction method to use on the control during mapping and testing. However, there is no guarantee that Pilots will test it correctly.

Running Test Scripts Generated for a Java AUT from Robot without Running TestFactory

If a Pilot generates a test script to test a Java AUT, and you play back the test script in Robot without running TestFactory at the same time, Robot cannot start the AUT. This is because Robot cannot determine the Java virtual machine that you specified in TestFactory to run the AUT. Without TestFactory running simultaneously, Robot also cannot determine what options, if any, that you specified in TestFactory to run the AUT.

To play back a Pilot-generated test script in Robot to test a Java application without running TestFactory, you must use the following:

Testing a Java Application that Runs on the Sun Java Virtual Machine

If you are running a Java application on the Sun Java virtual machine, Pilots will not be able to detect defects in the AUT or generate defect test scripts. However, your Pilots can create best test scripts and calculate code coverage for them.If you are running a Java application on the Sun Java virtual machine, TestFactory cannot start the application to run Pilots or scripts to test the application. The following workarounds let you run Pilots that generate best scripts. The Pilots cannot, however, generate defect scripts.

To test a Java application:

  1. Place the C:\Program Files\Rational\Coverage directory on your path.
  2. From TestFactory, click Tools > Options, and then click the Project tab.
  3. Under Java environment, click Other provider, and then, in the text box, type one of the following:
To run a .jar file, type:
 Javaw  -jar -XrunPureJVMPI:coverage <path to .jar file>
For example:
 Javaw  -jar -XrunPureJVMPI:coverage 
To run a .class file, type:
 javaw  -classpath <path to class dir> -XrunPureJVMPI:coverage <path 
to .class file>
For example:
 Javaw  -classpath "E:\jdk1.2.2\demo\jfc\Notepad"  
-XrunPureJVMPI:coverage E:\jdk1.2.2\demo\jfc\Notepad\Notepad.class
  1. Click OK.

If you use this workaround, your

If you want to run a .jar or .class file on a computer running Windows 95 or Windows 98 using the LaunchAUT button on the TestFactory toolbar, do the following:

  1. In the autoexec.bat file, enter the following environment variable:
     set PURE_VPC_95=1 
  2. Restart your computer.

After you test, and before you map the AUT the next time, be sure to do the following:

  1. Click Tools > Options, and then click the Project tab.
  2. Under Known provider, click Virtual machine and Sun.
  3. Click OK.

Note: For optimum TestFactory performance during mapping and testing, we recommend that you use the Microsoft Jview virtual machine.


Contacting Rational Technical Support

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Technical Support as follows:

Your Location Telephone Facsimile E-mail
North America (800) 433-5444
(toll free) (408) 863-4000
Cupertino, CA
(781) 676-2460
Lexington, MA
Europe, Middle East, Africa +31 (0) 20-4546-200
+31 (0) 20-4545-201
Asia Pacific +61-2-9419-0111

Note: When you contact Rational Technical Support, please be prepared to supply the following information:

Rational Software Corporation