Saving data incrementally

You can use the API functions quantify_save_data and quantify_save_data_to_file to save the collected performance data on demand. After saving the data, these functions automatically call quantify_clear_data to clear the accumulators so that saved files do not contain overlapping data.

Use the function quantify_save_data_to_file to save data in binary form to the file you specify. You can use conversion characters in filenames.  

Use the function quantify_save_data to save data in binary form to a file whose name is based on the value of the -filename-prefix option and the .qv extension. The default value for -filename-prefix is %v.%p.%n. For example, for a program named new with a process ID of 513, Quantify would name the file new.513.0.qv.  

By default, Quantify saves each dataset and prints an incremental summary of the timing data recorded for each dataset. This behavior is controlled by the default behavior of the -write-summary-file option.

If -windows=yes, Quantify runs with the graphical interface and displays the last dataset it receives. In addition to the incremental summary on this last dataset, Quantify also prints a summary of all the timing data recorded over all the datasets it received. If no data was recorded in a dataset, it is not transmitted or saved.