Rational Software Corp.


Understanding Team Development


The chapter is organized as follows:

Planning for Team Development

Developing complex systems requires that groups of analysts, architects, and developers be able to see and access the "big picture" while working on their own portion of that picture. Successfully managing an environment where multiple team members have different kinds of access to the same model requires:

Developing a Strategy

When working in teams, you need to develop strategies for:

Current Projects

When developing current projects, the tools that a team uses must be able to:

Implementing a configuration management or version control system is essential for complex projects. A configuration management system can effectively support team development as long as it:

Developing for Reuse

When you develop a system, you develop valuable project artifacts that can be reused. Artifacts are typically maintained in some type of repository. To support reuse:

A reuse repository can differ from your project's configuration management system as long as it supports versioning. Versioning is a process of tracking a file's history from the initial version to the current version.

The repository should also support cataloging artifacts at an appropriate level of granularity, for example, at the component level.

How Rational Rose Supports Team Development

To support teams of analysts, architects, and software developers, Rational Rose:

Since managing parallel development is so crucial, Rational Rose provides integrations with Rational ClearCase and with SCC-compliant version control systems, such as Microsoft Visual SourceSafe. By integrating configuration management systems, Rational Rose makes frequently used version control commands directly accessible from the Rational Rose menus, such as check in and check out functions.

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