Rational Software Corp.


Rational Suite for UNIX Release Notes

Thank you for purchasing the Rational Suite for UNIX, version 2002.05.20. Once again, the suite is offered in two studio alternatives: the Rational Suite Development Studio and the Rational Suite Development Studio RealTime.

These release notes provide information on the following topics:

If you encounter any problems while installing or running Rational Suite for UNIX, read the Known Problems section in these Release Notes first to see if you have encountered a known problem in Rational Suites for UNIX. Also, refer to the relevant point product Release Notes; these are listed under Point Product Release Notes.

If you find a problem that is not documented, contact Rational Customer Service so that we can investigate and provide you with a workaround. The problem will be tracked for future action. For more information, see Contacting Rational Technical Support.

What's New in This Release

Rational Suite for UNIX, version 2002.05.20, is a full product release with the primary goal of quality improvement; however, many of the point products in the Suite have also incorporated new features.

Suite Content Changes

This section highlights the major content changes that have occurred in this release of Rational Suite for UNIX.

Crystal Reports Removed

As of May 1, 2002, Rational Suite for UNIX no longer includes a copy and/or license of Crystal Reports. Licenses of Rational Suite for UNIX (2002.05.00) acquired prior to May 1, 2002 are not affected.

This product is used in conjunction with Rational TestManager and Rational ClearQuest (Windows only) to create and customize new report formats from the standard output generated by these two applications.

New Features in the Suite Point Products

This section summarizes the new features in the Rational point products included in the Rational Suite for UNIX.

Rational ClearCase LT

Rational ClearCase LT, version 2002.05.20, is provided on a separate CD as an optional product for you to install. For details about the new features in Rational ClearCase LT, see the Rational ClearCase LT Release Notes (2002.05.20), and for a list of known problems in this release, read the Status of ClearCase LT Software Change Requests summary. Both files are available online on the Rational ClearCase LT CD.

Rational ClearQuest

Rational ClearQuest UNIX, version 2002.05.00, is included for use on HP-UX 11.00 and 11.11. For Solaris 2.6, 7, 8 and HP-UX 10.20 users, Rational ClearQuest UNIX, version 2002.05.01 is included.

Rational ClearQuest UNIX, version 2002.05.01 (the first 2002.05 service release), includes many quality enhancements for Solaris and HP-UX 10.20. For a list of defects fixed in this release, review the Rational ClearQuest Release Notes 2002.05.20 (Windows); 2002.05.01 (UNIX).

Rational PurifyPlusFamily: Purify, Quantify and PureCoverage

The version of the Rational PurifyPlusFamily of development tools (Purify, Quantify, PureCoverage) included in this release of Rational Suite for UNIX has many new features, and is the only point product being released with the advanced version number of 2002a.06.00.

Other than upgrades for compatibility with O/S patches, new features include:

Rational RequisitePro

This section outlines the new features in Rational RequisitePro and Rational RequisiteWeb, version 2002.05.20. For more information, see the Rational RequisitePro Release Notes.

Rational Rose

There are no new features for Rational Rose in this release. Many important quality improvements, however, have been made in Rose for Solaris (Solaris 2.6, 7, and 8) and it is highly recommended that you upgrade to Rational Rose, version 2002.05.20, if you have an existing Solaris installation. For HP users, Rational Rose, version 2002.05.00, is included on the Rational Solutions for UNIX CD. There were no updates made to Rose for HP-UX.

For details on the HP-UX releases of Rational Rose, read the Rational Rose Release Notes (2002.05.00; UNIX/Linux). For details on the Solaris release of Rational Rose, read the Rational Rose Release Notes (2002.05.20 for Solaris; UNIX/Linux). Both documents are available on the Rational Solutions for UNIX Online Documentation CD.

Rational Rose RealTime

Rational Rose RealTime (2002.05.20; Solaris) includes new user interface improvements. Rational Rose RealTime for HP-UX operating systems was not upgraded for 2002.05.20; the Rational Rose RealTime (2002.05.00; HP-UX) software is included on the Rational Solutions for UNIX CD.

New features in the 2002.05.20 version on Solaris include:

For details of this point product release, refer to the Rational Rose RealTime Release Notes (2002.05.20; UNIX/Windows) available on the Rational Solutions for UNIX Online Documentation CD, and be sure to read the Rose RealTime readme file (rosert_readme.htm) installed in /Rational/Rose RealTime.

Rational Rose RealTime Companion Products

The Rational Rose RealTime Companion Products CD (2002.05.20; UNIX) contains companion products software for Solaris only. The 2002.05.00 version of the Rational Rose RealTime Companion Products for HP-UX is available as a download from the Rational Customer Download Center at http://www.rational.com/support/downloadcenter.

The Rational Rose RealTime Companion Products include:

For details of this point product release, refer to the Rational Rose RealTime Professional Edition Release Notes and Installation Guide (2002.05.20; UNIX/Windows) available on the Rational Solutions for UNIX Online Documentation CD, and be sure to read the Rose RealTime Professional readme file (rosert_prof_readme.htm).

Rational SoDA

There have been no changes made in Rational SoDA for FrameMaker (UNIX). The 2002.05.00 version of the SoDA software and documentation is included with this release of Rational Suite for UNIX.

Rational SoDA (2002.05.00) integration with Rational Rose (2002.05.20; Solaris) and with Rational Rose (2002.05.00; HP-UX) has been verified.

Rational TestManager and UNIX Test Agent

There are no new features for Rational TestManager and test agents in this release, however, many important quality improvements have been made to the product and it is highly recommended that you upgrade to version 2002.05.20.

For details, read the Rational TestManager Release Notes (2002.05.20) available on the Rational Solutions for UNIX Online Documentation CD.

Rational Unified Process

There have been no changes made to the Rational Unified Process (RUP) for UNIX since version 2002.05.00. The 2002.05.00 version of the RUP software and documentation is included with this release of Rational Suite for UNIX.

Installing, Upgrading, and Licensing

Supported Platforms

The following platforms are supported by all Rational Suite for UNIX, version 2002.05.20, software products:

with the following exceptions:

Web Browser Requirements

Rational Rose RealTime requires Netscape 4.7 or 6.0 for viewing of online help.

Note: Netscape 4.7 for multiple UNIX operating systems is provided on the Rational Solutions for UNIX Online Documentation CD.

Installation Notes

This release should be installed as a full release of Rational Suite for UNIX. Complete instructions for installing the components of the Rational Suite for UNIX from the Rational Solutions for UNIX CD, the Rational ClearCase LT (UNIX) CD and Rational Solutions for Windows CD are available in the Rational Suite Installation Guide (UNIX).

The Rational Suite Installation Guide is included as a printed guide on both the Rational Solutions for UNIX media and upgrade kits, but can be also be found on the Rational Solutions for UNIX Online Documentation CD at the following location:

The remainder of this section highlights some important installation issues.

Point Product Install Directories

This table itemizes the UNIX point products, the directories into which they install, and the version numbers that they report in their "About" dialogs.

UNIX Point Product

Installs into

Reported Version

ClearCase LT

(Not applicable)






purecov.sol.2002a.06.00 (on Solaris)
purecov.hp.2002a.06.00 (on HP-UX)

purify.sol.2002a.06.00 (on Solaris)
purify.hp.2002a.06.00 (on HP-UX)

quantify.sol.2002a.06.00 (on Solaris)
quantify.hp.2002a.06.00 (on HP-UX)



rose.2002.05.20 (on Solaris) rose.2002.05.00 (on HP-UX)

2002.05.20 (on Solaris)
2002.05.00 (on HP-UX)

Rose RealTime









Installing Online Documentation

The rs_install program guides you through the entire software and documentation installation process in the correct sequence, but it is also possible to install the documentation separately. If you decide to do this, ensure the product software has already been installed, and then install the documentation into the product directory structure.

Note: The product software must be installed before the documentation.

Also, to support the links on the online documentation navigation page, you must install all the documentation files into the product directory structure. If some documents are not installed, then the links to those documents from the documentation navigation page (launched by rsdsu_help) will not work.

Installing Windows Components

Windows Components of the Rational Suite for UNIX must be installed on a Windows operating system, such as Windows NT or Windows 2000. The latest versions of the Windows Components software is available on the Rational Solutions for Windows CD included in the Rational Solutions for UNIX package. Installation instructions for Windows Components can be found in the Rational Suite Installation Guide (UNIX).

Back Up User Files First

Back up any user files before starting the Windows Components installation procedure. Backing up your data prior to installing any new software should be a regular practice.

Uninstall Existing Versions

You also need to uninstall any previous versions of Rational Suite for Windows software from the target system. To uninstall a Rational product, click Start > Settings > Control Panel. Double-click Add/Remove Programs. Select the Rational product you want to remove and click Remove. (Do not attempt to remove a product by just deleting program directories; there are many registry entries that need to be modified as well.)

Note: If you have uninstalled a Rational Suite product and plan to re-install the product or install a new version, we recommend that you reboot your system after you have removed the software. Once you have rebooted, proceed with the installation.

The Rational Software set-up program may install Microsoft Shared components into the Windows 9x System, and Windows NT System32 directories. These Microsoft components are not removed when you uninstall Rational Suite. Other programs may use these files; therefore, following Microsoft guidelines, we do not remove them from your system.

In addition, a minimal number of files will remain under the folder drive:\Program Files\Rational\. This is because our uninstall deliberately does not delete files that you have created while using the products. You may manually delete these files if you wish to remove them from your system. Do not delete the entire \Program Files\Rational folder itself unless you are certain that you have uninstalled all software originally installed from the Rational Solutions for Windows CD or other Rational windows product CDs.

Installing Rational Rose Using Ask Mode

When you install Rational Rose on HP-UX and use the rs_install Ask mode, you may be prompted to re-install several components of the HP-UX 11.00 version. This only happens if you choose to install both HP-UX versions of Rose. This is because Rational Rose shares many of the same files between the HP-UX 10.20 version and HP-UX 11.00 version. The install script installs all of the HP-UX 10.20 files followed by the HP-UX 11.00 files. You can answer No to re-installing these files.

Changes in PurifyPlusFamily Installation

There has been a recent change to rs_install to allow configuration of Rational Purify and Rational PureCoverage integration with ClearQuest.

In the Installing the Product chapter of the Rational Suite Installation Guide, step 20 on page 65 addresses the rs_install step that configures the cache directory for each of Rational Purify, Rational PureCoverage, and Rational Quantify.

As of 2002.05.20, follow-on steps for setting up the Rational ClearQuest integration are required during configuration for Purify and PureCoverage:

For Purify, after you indicate the cache directory by either selecting the default or specifying an alternate, you are then asked if you would like to configure a Rational ClearQuest integration with Purify. If you answer `yes', you are prompted for three additional pieces of information before proceeding with the self-test.

1 The Rational ClearQuest client interface (X Windows or web).

2 The Rational ClearQuest database name. The default provided is "none", meaning that the user will be prompted for the database name when they try to connect to the database.

3 The Rational ClearQuest Web URL, identifying your ClearQuest web server.

For PureCoverage, after you indicate the cache directory by either selecting the default or specifying an alternate, you are then asked if you would like to configure a Rational ClearQuest integration. If you answer `yes', you are prompted for the same three pieces of information as in the Purify set-up, but the values you entered for the Purify set-up become the default values provided in the PureCoverage set-up.

The instructions are presented clearly, but for additional details you can refer to the Installing and Getting Started: Rational PurifyPlus, Rational Purify, Rational PureCoverage, Rational Quantify guide, which is available online and in hardcopy.

Upgrade Notes

If you have a Rational Suite for UNIX upgrade media kit and are upgrading to version 2002.05.20 from a previous version of the suite, refer to the Quick Start for Upgrade Installations (2002.05.20; UNIX). This is a printed insert letter included in the upgrade kit and on the Rational Solutions for UNIX Online Documentation CD in the following location:

General upgrade information is also available in the Rational Suite Installation Guide.

Licensing Notes

This section provides some licensing reminders. Complete instructions for licensing the components of the Rational Suite for UNIX are available in the Rational Suite Installation Guide (UNIX).

With your software media kit, you received an envelope containing your Startup License Key Certificates for this product. You need these keys to run your software. The startup license keys will expire a few weeks after shipment. Be sure to request your permanent license keys as soon as they are available. The availability date for your permanent keys is indicated in the top section of your Startup License Key Certificate.

Versions 2002.05.20, 2002.05.00 and 2001A.04.00 will run with version 2000.02.10 license keys. If you are an existing customer and are using version 2000.02.10 of Rational Suite for UNIX, you do not need to obtain new license keys.

If you are an existing customer and are using a version of Rational Suite for UNIX prior to version 2000.02.10, you need to return your old license keys and request new ones. For more information, see "Requesting License Keys" in the Rational Suite Installation Guide.

Online Documentation

Rational Suite documentation is provided on the Rational Solutions for UNIX Online Documentation CD. You can access the electronic documentation directly from the CD or from the product installation area if it was installed along with the product software. Generally, guides are provided in either HTML or PDF format, but some guides are available in both formats.

If you prefer printed copies, the complete Rational Suite for UNIX product documentation kit or individual documents can be ordered from Rational Press or by contacting your Rational Sales Office.

The README.docs ASCII text file located in the root directory on the Rational Solutions for UNIX Online Documentation CD provides information about the contents of the CD, and how to launch the online documentation viewer.

The README ASCII text file located in the root directory of the Rational Solutions for UNIX CD provides reminder installation information, outlines the CD contents, and details last-minute problems that are found after the Rational Suite Release Notes (2002.05.20; UNIX) are printed. The README file also provides path information for locating PDF files for those customers who may not have access to a Web browser.

Viewing Documentation Online

You can view the Rational Suite documentation directly from the CD or from the installed product area.


A standard Web browser (Netscape 4.7 or higher) is required to view HTML documents. Adobe Acrobat is required to view the PDF files. Netscape Navigator 4.7 and Adobe Acrobat 4.0 can be installed from the Rational Solutions for UNIX Online Documentation CD.

The version of Netscape provided with Rational Suite is configured to launch the Adobe Acrobat Reader automatically when you click a link to a PDF file from the online documentation page.

If you choose not to install the version of Netscape provided with Rational Suite, you can configure your own browser to do this, or access the PDF files independently with the Adobe Acrobat Reader (acroread) executable. Also, if you are using your own HTML browser to read the documents, you should point your browser to the following location to access the Rational Suite for UNIX online documents navigation page (an HTML page that organizes links to all the Rational Suite for UNIX electronic document files):

where rational_dir is the installation path for the Suite.

Note: If installed from the Rational Solutions for UNIX Online Documentation CD, Netscape Navigator and Adobe Acrobat Reader reside in the rational_dir/base/cots directory.

Viewing Documentation from the CD

To view documents directly from the CD, run the command rs_help from the CD's root directory.

Viewing Documentation from the Installation Area

To view documents from the installed product area, run the command rsdsu_help.

Note: You must set up your Suite environment for the shell that you are using by running rs_setup.csh or rs_setup.ksh, as appropriate for your shell, before you can use this command.

Point Product Release Notes

The Release Notes for each point product provide important feature and defect information specific to each product. These release notes are available online:

The ClearCase LT Release Notes and list of issues can be found on the Rational ClearCase LT (UNIX) CD.

Additional Documentation

Rational ClearCase LT online documentation can be found on the Rational ClearCase LT (UNIX) CD. Rational Windows Components online documentation can be found on the Rational Solutions for Windows CD. Both CDs are included in the Rational Suite for UNIX media kits.

Find information on additional materials and support available for Rational products under Accessing Additional Support Materials.

Known Problems

The following section contains the known problems associated with this release. Further information about point product issues can be found in the product-specific release notes.

Table 1 lists known problems with the Suite.

Table 1 Known Problems with DevelopmentStudio for UNIX  



Cannot uninstall a single architecture. If both HP-UX and Solaris editions of the Suite are installed in the same rational_dir, there is no selection available that allows an uninstall of one or the other.
Workaround: It is not recommended that different editions of the Suite be installed in the same directory. The uninstall command cannot uninstall multiple editions of the Suite. It only gives you the ability to uninstall individual point products.


Receive the message "Cannot find license file" when trying to use the Rational ClearCase/ClearQuest integration.
On Solaris 2.6, 7, and 8, there is a problem with the select() system call if the file descriptor limit is set above 1024. This manifests itself as a license checkout failure when applications are run or when the license server is started. Ensure that the file descriptor limit is set to 1024. A user can set this limit using the limit or ulimit command as summarized below.
For sh, ksh, bash users:
ulimit -n 1024
For csh, tcsh users:
limit descriptors 1024
You can check the limit by running the same command without specifying the 1024. For more information, see the man page for the limit or ulimit commands (for example, man limit). To set the system-wide default, refer to this web page: help.netscape.com/kb/corporate/19990716-3.html.


The viewrup command does not work on HP-UX 10.20.
Note: Rational Unified Process is not supported on HP-UX 10.20. Supported HP-UX platforms include: 11.00 and 11.11
If the product is installed on an NFS-mounted drive, do the following:

1 Log on to an HP-UX 11.0 or 11.11 system

2 Change to the directory where Rational Suite is installed.

3 Run rs_setup.*sh

4 Enter the following command:



Rose/SoDA Integration on HP-UX
At the time of publication, there was an outstanding issue relating to the use of SoDA's Rose integration on HP-UX. In some situations, the Rose application may terminate or issue Ole exception errors while SoDA is generating a template. This is usually caused by registry entries that are incompatible with SoDA's Rose client application.
The SoDA-Rose integration is sensitive to the default registry settings and certain personalized settings that you may have in the <user>.reg file in your home directory. You may use either of the following methods to generate SoDA templates on HP-UX:

1 Before generating a Rose template on HP-UX, ensure that Rose is not running on your desktop. SoDA will automatically start Rose as a background task when you generate a template. If you allow SoDA to start Rose, template generation should proceed normally with no errors.

2 Modify the <user>.reg file in your home directory. In the section [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Rational Software\Rose\Rose], add the following key: "AutoConstructMainDiagrams"="Yes". This key may already exist in your personal registry file. If so, ensure that the value for this key is "Yes". If you do not have a <user>.reg file in your home directory, you may create one based on the default file provided in your Rose installation. See the Rational Rose (UNIX/Linux) product documentation for further information.


Frame *.lck files are not always removed on HP-UX 11.00
When you close a document using FrameMaker+SGML 5.5.6, the Frame *.lck files are not always removed. This is a known issue with FrameMaker+SGML. When the document is re-opened, the Document in Use dialog is displayed.
Workaround: Click Reset Lock and Open to continue editing the document.
Also, if you specify a filename in the Generate Into box on HP-UX, you may see a generation report containing the message "The specified name is invalid." This can occur if you previously generated another (or the same) template as the same target file. If a *.lck file exists for the target file from the previous generation, SoDA will not be able to write the document after generation.
Workaround: Manually remove the *.lck file prior to generation.


An error may occur during the SoDA post_install when SoDA tries to remove a link and the file is a directory. This can happen if files were copied using the cp -r command on Solaris. Links are not copied but full copies of the files are. When you get this error, the link for FrameMaker+SGML will not be created so SoDA will not work.

1 Use the following command to copy the files.

find . -depth -print | cpio -pdmu /destination
This command requires that you are in the source directory and that the destination directory exists.

2 Run post_install for SoDA and point to the properly copied directory.


Rational ClearQuest may core-dump when the user exits for the first time after registering the database. This causes no loss of data and does not restrict later use of the product. Subsequent ClearQuest connections and exits do not cause the product to core-dump.
Workaround: Restart ClearQuest.


Rational Rose RealTime (2002.05.20; Solaris) is installing to RoseRT.2002.05.20, but the product's About dialog (click Help > About Rational Rose RealTime) continues to report version 2002.05.00.
Workaround: Not applicable.


Rational ClearQuest (2002.05.01; Solaris 2.6, 7, 8 and HP-UX 10.20) is installing to ClearQuest.2002.05.01, but the product's About dialog (click Help > About Rational ClearQuest) continues to report version 2002.05.00.
Aside: Rational ClearQuest (2002.05.00; HP-UX 11.00, 11.11) is also installing to ClearQuest 2002.05.01 for consistency in the Rational Suite for UNIX. The About dialog correctly reports version 2002.05.00.
Workaround: Not applicable.


On page 95 of the Rational Suite Installation Guide (2002.05.00; UNIX), in the section "Setting Up Applications to Use Redundant Servers", step 3 of both the "Product has been installed" and the "Product is not installed" instructions suggest incorrect string syntax for the license file location.
The string "1706@primary:1706:secondary:1706:backup" should read "1706@primary:1706@secondary:1706@backup".
Workaround: Not applicable.


When performing an upgrade install of Rose on HP-UX, the following message may be displayed:
tar: help/faq_vb.help - cannot create
This is because, the faq_vb.help file, installed on the previous install is not removed during the re-install.
Workaround: Not applicable. Ignore the message.


The Rational Suite for UNIX install program, rs_install, fails when initiating xterm window is resized. No error messages are displayed.
Workaround: Enlarge the window and rerun rs_install. If installation reached the point of setting up the Purify, Quantify, PureCoverage cache or beyond when the original install failed, then only the post_install need be executed. The post_install command allows you to run a subset of rs_install that includes prompts for integrating other products with Rational Suite.

Contacting Rational Customer Service

Customer Service contacts for all products in the Rational Suite for UNIX are listed here.

Contacting Rational Licensing Support

If you have questions about acquiring or using license keys for your Rational Software products, contact Rational Customer Service - Licensing Support for your location.

Note: For Rational Rose RealTime licensing contact information, refer to the Rational Rose RealTime Release Notes (UNIX/Windows).

Your Location




Asia Pacific




Asia Pacific (Japan)




Asia Pacific (Korea)




Asia Pacific
(Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan)




Middle East,

+31 20-4546-200

+31 20-4546-201


North America (East Coast),
South America

(toll free)



North America (West Coast),
Central America

(toll free)



Contacting Rational Technical Support

If you have questions about installing, using, or maintaining this product, contact Rational Customer Service - Technical Support for your location.

Your Location




North America

(800) 433-5444
(toll free)

(408) 863-4000
Cupertino, CA

(781) 676-2460
Lexington, MA


Europe, Middle East, Africa

+31 (0) 20-4546-200

+31 (0) 20-4545-201


Asia Pacific




Note: Please be prepared to supply the following information:

Accessing Additional Support Materials

Online Support on the World Wide Web

Online support can be found on the World Wide Web at the following location: http://www.rational.com/support/

This location includes any updates not available at the time of printing of the Rational Suite for UNIX materials.

This website also includes such information as:

Rational Developer Network

The Rational Developer Network provides guidance to implement and deepen your knowledge on Rational tools and best practices. It includes immediate access to white papers, artifacts, code, discussions, training, and documentation. For more information, see http://www.rational.net.

Receiving Important Product Announcements

Go to the Rational Suite web site for the latest release notes, patches, and announcements: http://www.rational.com/products/rs.

To receive automatic notification of new releases, patches, and critical technical information, subscribe to the following e-mail distribution list.

To subscribe:

1 Send an e-mail to majordomo@rational.com.

2 In the body of your message, type:

To unsubscribe:

1 Send an e-mail to majordomo@rational.com.

2 In the body of your message, type:

Rational Software Corporation  http://www.rational.com
Copyright © 1997-2002, Rational Software Corporation. All rights reserved.