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Read the Gartner analyst report and see how IBM excels
against other ALM providers in the market.

You are probably familiar with the amount of companies utilizing ALM tools to plan and
manage their development activities. With companies under pressure to coordinate and
automate their delivery process, choosing a suitable ALM provider can help your
business improve software quality and overall productivity.

Read the Gartner® analyst report, "MarketScope for Application Lifecycle Management."
Learn how implementing ALM solutions from IBM® improves management visibility and
transparency, tackles challenging processes effectively, and drives better overall results
for your business. You can also take a closer look at 20 industry ALM providers, and
discover how the IBM portfolio of solutions surpasses others in the areas of
requirements, configuration, software change, build and distribution domains.
Read the Gartner analyst report and see how IBM excels
against other ALM providers in the market.

Please forward to your colleagues.

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