Interface LoadableAppletInterface

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface LoadableAppletInterface

LoadableAppletInterface provides an optional mechanism to access the caching management of Host On-Demand specific libraries provided by the Host On-Demand server.

A custom applet, implementing this interface and launched via in a Deployment Wizard derived HTML, can specify automatic caching management of the required Host On-Demand specific libraries.

In contrast the custom applet libraries themselves will be downloaded and temporarily cached in the browser.

Method Summary
 void init()
          Called by CachedAppletLoader to inform this LoadableAppletInterface instance that it has been loaded into the system.
 void setApplet(java.applet.Applet a)
          Called by CachedAppletLoader to pass a reference to itself to this LoadableAppletInterface instance.
 void start()
          Called by CachedAppletLoader to inform this LoadableAppletInterface instance that it should start its execution.
 void stop()
          Called by CachedAppletLoader to inform this LoadableAppletInterface instance that it should stop its execution.

Method Detail


public void setApplet(java.applet.Applet a)
Called by CachedAppletLoader to pass a reference to itself to this LoadableAppletInterface instance.

The class implementing LoadableAppletInterface is not the top level class that the browser is aware of: CachedAppletLoader is. A reference to CachedAppletLoader provides an access path to top level functionality.


public void start()
Called by CachedAppletLoader to inform this LoadableAppletInterface instance that it should start its execution.


public void init()
Called by CachedAppletLoader to inform this LoadableAppletInterface instance that it has been loaded into the system.


public void stop()
Called by CachedAppletLoader to inform this LoadableAppletInterface instance that it should stop its execution.