
Interface Summary
MacroIOProvider MacroIOProvider is an interface that contains the callback methods to store and retrieve macros for MacroManager.

Class Summary
ColorRemap The ColorRemap Bean allows users to remap the Screen or Terminal colors.
FileTransfer The FileTransfer Bean allows users to send files from a workstation to a host or receive files from a host to a workstation.
FileTransferCustomizer Customizer for the FileTransfer Bean.
HODBean Base class for the Host Access Beans.
HODCustomizer Base Customizer for the Host Access Beans.
HODPanelBean Base class for the Host Access Beans.
HostPrintSession The HostPrintSession Bean is an extension of the Session Bean and is used to establish connection with a host for a 3270 or a 5250 printer session.
HostPrintSessionCustomizer Customizer for the HostPrintSession Bean.
HostPrintTerminal The HostPrintTerminal Bean is an bean that is wrapped around the HostPrintSession Bean and is used to establish connection with a host for 3270 and 5250 printer sessions and present the end user with a graphical image that reflects the state of thus estblished a printer session.
HostPrintTerminalCustomizer Customizer for the HostPrintTerminal Bean.
KeyPad KeyPad is a Bean that allows users to execute keyboard functions and send aid keys to the host with the click of a mouse.
KeyRemap The primary purpose of KeyRemap is to listen to KeyEvents (keystrokes) fired by the Terminal bean or Screen bean, remap those keystrokes to SendKey Mnemonics, generate a SendKeyEvent containing those SendKey Mnemonics, and fire that SendKeyEvent back to the Terminal bean or Screen bean for processing.
Macro Macro bean contains functionality for playing and recording host terminal user actions when it is wired to either a Terminal bean or a Session bean.
MacroAction The MacroAction class is the parent class of all macro actions allowable for the Macro bean.
MacroActionBoxSelect This class represents one box selection action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionCommWait This class represents one communication wait action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionCustom This class represents one custom action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionExtract This class represents one extract action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionIf This class represents one if-else block of actions associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionInput This class represents one input action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionMessage This class represents one message action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionMouseClick This class represents one mouse click action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionPause This class represents one pause action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionPerform This class represents one perform action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionPlayMacro This class represents one play macro action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionPrintEnd This class represents a printer end action associated with a playing macro script.
MacroActionPrintExtract This class represents a printer extract action associated with a playing macro script.
MacroActionPrintStart This class represents a printer start action associated with a playing macro script.
MacroActionPrompt This class represents one prompt action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionRunProgram This class represents one run program action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActions This class is the collection class for the MacroAction objects associated with a particular instance of a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionTrace This class represents one trace action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroActionVarUpdate This class represents one variable update action associated with a MacroScreen object.
MacroManager The MacroManager bean is a Graphical User Interface for creating, playing, and managing macros when it is wired to either a Terminal bean or a Session bean.
MacroNextScreens This is a collection class for MacroScreen objects that can follow a particular instance of a MacroScreen object.
MacroPrinterDriver MacroPrinterDriver provides assess to the local Windows platform printer stream.
MacroPrompts MacroPrompts class contains functionality for iterating through and setting prompt values fired in a MacroPromptEvent.
MacroScreen This class contains the description, actions, and next-screen links for one screen in a macro.
MacroScreens This class is the collection class for the MacroScreen objects associated with a particular macro.
Screen Screen is a Bean which interprets and displays the PSEvents and OIAEvents which are fired by the Session Bean.
ScreenCustomizer Customizer for the Screen Bean.
Session The Session Bean is used to establish a connection with a host.
SessionCustomizer Customizer for the Session Bean.
Terminal The Terminal Bean is a compound bean that combines a Screen and a Session bean to provide both a host connection and host screen.
TerminalCustomizer Customizer for the Terminal Bean.

Exception Summary
MacroException Exception class thrown by the Host On-Demand Macro system