Troubleshooting Guide

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The TraceOptions HTML parameter

You can start and control the Host On-Demand trace facility for an emulator session using the TraceOptions parameter in an HTML file. As an Administrator, you can send the customized HTML file to a user. You will not have to explain to the user how to set up and start the trace facility before they can capture a trace of the problem.

Host On-Demand servers running on Win32, AIX, Sun Solaris, OS/2, Novell Netware, OS/400, MVS/390 and Linux support the TraceOptions parameter. The parameter has been added to the Cached client with problem determination (HODCachedDebug.html) and the Download client with problem determination (HODDebug.html), but is commented out. If you want to send either of these files to a user so the user can capture a trace, uncomment the TraceOptions parameter. You can also add the TraceOptions parameter to any custom HTML you have created. Custom HTML files must also include the problem determination components. There is a sample file, cmptrace.html, that can show you how to use this parameter. It is located in the x:\hostondemand\hod\ibmserv directory. The TraceOptions parameter also works with Session1, Session2 and bookmarked sessions that include the problem determination components.

When an HTML file passes the Host On-Demand server the TraceOptions parameter, the server:

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