Web Express Logon Tutorial

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Step Step 8 of 11: Deploy the Credential Mapper Servlet

The way in which you deploy the CMS depends on your Web application server. In this scenario, the administrator uses WebSphere Application Server V5 on a Windows platform to deploy the CMS. He takes the following steps:

  1. Click Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server v5.0 > Administrative Console to open the Administrative Console.

  2. In the left navigation field, click Applications > Install New Application.

  3. Select Local path and browse to the amcms.war file.

  4. Specify the content root in the Context Root field. The context root is combined with the defined servlet name (CredMapper) to compose the full URL that users type to access the servlet. For example, if the context root is /wel , then the URL is https://host:port/wel/CredMapper, where host is the name of the host, port is the port number, and CredMapper is the name of the CMS. Click Next.

  5. Check the Generate Default Bindings box. By choosing this option, you can jump directly to the Summary step and deploy the WAR file. Click Next.

  6. Scroll down and click the Step 4 Summary link.

  7. Scroll down and click Finish.

  8. In the left navigation field, click Applications > Enterprise Applications.

  9. Scroll through the applications and check the checkbox beside amcms_war, which is your application name. Notice that the status is Stop until you start it in the next step.

  10. Save the application and click Start at the top to start the application. Once the application starts, the status will change from the Stop icon
    () to the Start icon ().

  11. Test to make sure that the WAR file installed correctly by pointing a browser to http://server_name:9080/wel/CredMapper, where server_name is the name of the host server. Port 9080 is the default WebSphere port. If you deployed the servlet correctly, your browser request will return XML code. If this fails, try stopping and restarting the application again.

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Click Next to create your HTML file using the Deployment Wizard.
