Using the InfoCenter

Information, hints, tips and help related to using the InfoCenter.

What browsers are supported?

The InfoCenter requires a browser that supports:

Examples of such browsers are Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 or higher and Netscape Navigator Version 4.07 or higher.

It is recommended that JavaScript be enabled in the browser. If you use a different or earlier version of a browser, your pages may format differently and some functions may not work correctly. Also, the InfoCenter uses Java applets for the Search and the collapsible Table of Contents. Not all browsers support these applets. Therefore, there is an alternate HTML-based Table of Contents that you may select to use if you have trouble with the Java-based Table of Contents.

Some browsers, that do not provide a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) by default, may require that you install a JVM to use any Java based code such as JavaScript or Java applets. Refer to support for your browser for more information.

How do I bookmark?

Bookmarking a Web page that uses frames is a quick two-step process:

  1. Right-click anywhere in the frame that you want to bookmark.
  2. Select Add Bookmark if you are using Netscape Navigator.
    Select Add to Favorites if you are using Microsoft(R) Internet Explorer.

    Note: When appropriate you may want to rename the bookmarked page to reflect the content; otherwise, you may replace any previous InfoCenter bookmarks. Some browsers automatically assign a unique name based upon the page name.

When you use your new bookmark, your browser opens the specific page that you selected when you created the bookmark without opening the other frames that were displayed originally.

How do I navigate the InfoCenter?

The InfoCenter uses frames to help you navigate through the content. The navigation frame, on the left, may display the table of contents or the search. The content frame, on the right, shows you the information. This is the frame you will most likely want to bookmark or print. The banner frame, on the top, is the InfoCenter masthead. You can use it to select different ways of navigating the InfoCenter, including using the dynamic table of contents or the accessible table of contents, search, or view the PDF versions of the information.

The navigation frame at the left is available in both a JavaTM version and an HTML version. Click the appropriate icon in the footer frame below the navigation frame to select the one you prefer. In the Java table of contents, click the topic to view the subtopics. Click it again to hide the subtopics.

Hint: To expand or collapse all subtopics, press the control key while clicking on the parent topic.

What are the links in the banner for?

Contents ,loads an applet-based table of contents that allows you to show and hide sections of the table of contents. If the applet does not load, use the HTML link, , to access an HTML version of the table of contents. Each time you click on Contents the applet reloads, collapsing all items in the table of contents.

Search, if available, launches the search feature, if available. When you click Search an input field and Search button should replace the table of contents. The search function utilizes a Java applet and may not work on all browsers. For more information on the search, refer to Using the WebSphere InfoCenter search, that opens in the right frame, when search is launched.

PDF Files, if available, loads a PDF library, which consists of all the information available in PDF. PDF files are best used for printing and searching the information.

Support loads information about how you can find support for the solution or components in the solution.

Help loads information about the InfoCenter framework itself and not the product that may have its information in the InfoCenter. Product specific help can be found elsewhere. The information includes the version of the InfoCenter framework and how to navigate the InfoCenter.

What if the navigation does not work?

The default table of contents uses a Java applet, which allows you to expand and collapse topics. If the navigation frame is blank, you may be using a browser that does not support Java, does not have Java enabled, or your Java Virtual Machine (for Internet Explorer, the Microsoft Virtual Machine) may not be the latest version. Click the HTML icon in the banner to use the HTML version of the table of contents.

How do I print information from the InfoCenter?

You may want to read and work with hardcopy information, therefore the InfoCenter may include PDF files of topics that can be viewed and printed. You can also print individual HTML topics.

To print individual topics or articles:

  1. Navigate to the topic you want to print.
  2. Click in main content frame, where the article is displayed, to bring focus to the frame.
  3. Click File then click Print.

To print multiple topics:

  1. Use the procedure above for a few topics or do the following to print the entire PDF, if available:
  2. Click PDF Files to select the PDF you want to view and print.
  3. Select Print from the File menu and print the entire PDF or only a specific page range.

How do I search the InfoCenter?

This InfoCenter includes a search function. Refer to How to search for more information.

How do I adjust the browser's font size?

A cascading style sheet (CSS) governs the appearance of the InfoCenter. However, the text size remains flexible. The text is displayed in the size indicated in the user's Web browser settings.

The instructions for changing the font size vary between browser brands and versions. Consult the browser product documentation for instructions.


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