Completing a Case Audit

When an auditor indicates that a case audit has been completed, if the level of user involvement specified for the audit plan indicates that the case owner or supervisor of the case have no access, then the case audit will transition to a status of 'Complete' indicating that the auditor has completed all required tasks. The audit coordinator will then be able to see that the case audit has been completed when reviewing information about the progress of the audit plan.

If the level of user involvement specified for the audit plan is 'View Findings only' then the caseworker and supervisor of the case are notified that an audit has taken place and they can view the findings of the audit. No action on their part is required. The auditor has completed all required tasks and the audit is complete. The audit coordinator will be able to see that the case audit has been completed when reviewing information about the progress of the audit plan.

If the level of user involvement does indicate that feedback is provided, then the case audit will instead transition to a status of 'Findings Complete & Awaiting Feedback'. The following two levels of user involvement will result in this transition:

Table 1. User Involvement in a Case Audit
User Involvement Description
Provide Feedback A notification is sent to the caseworker and supervisor of the case. An audit has taken place and their feedback is required. The notification contains the findings documented by the auditor. The caseworker and supervisor can view the findings and address when providing their feedback. The auditor awaits notification that the caseowner and/or supervisor have completed their feedback.
Provide Feedback When Focus Area Not Satisfied If at least one focus area has a status of 'not satisfied', then a notification is sent to the caseworker and supervisor of the case. An audit has taken place and their feedback is required. The notification contains the findings documented by the auditor. The caseworker and supervisor can view the findings and address when providing their feedback. They can view the findings and provide feedback on all focus areas, not just those that have not been satisfied. The auditor awaits notification that the caseowner and/or supervisor have completed their feedback.