Setting Limits for Fixed and Variable Deductions

Deduction types have two settings that apply to both fixed and variable deductions. The first setting is used to configure a maximum deduction amount.

For fixed deductions, this is the maximum amount of money that can be specified when creating this type of deduction on a case. For example, if the maximum amount for a fixed deduction is set to 50, a deduction cannot be created for greater than $50.

For variable deductions, this is the maximum amount of money that a percentage-based deduction can be evaluated to during payment processing.

If the maximum deduction amount for a variable deduction is set to 50, $50 is the maximum amount that a percentage based deduction can be evaluated to during payment processing.

The second setting is used to set a minimum deduction amount. For fixed deductions, this is the minimum amount of money that can be specified when creating a deduction. For example, if the minimum amount for a fixed deduction is set to 30, a deduction cannot be created for less than $30.

For variable deductions, this is the minimum amount that a percentage based deduction can be evaluated to during payment processing. For example, if the minimum amount is set to 30, $30 is the minimum amount that a percentage based deduction can be evaluated to during payment processing.