Configuring Liability Information

The application provides two configuration settings that apply to liability products only. A setting that determines if over allocation is allowed on the cases based on the liability product is provided. Over allocation allows for the processing of payments of amounts of money that are greater than the amount that was billed for. For example, if an employer is billed $100, and a payment is received from that employer for $120, if over allocation is set up for the liability product, the full $120 can be allocated toward the $100 creating a $20 over allocation.

A setting is also provided that determines whether reassessments on a liability product are either normal or reconciled. A normal reassessment is a reassessment that does not attempt to reconcile any payments that have been received against the liability amounts. Normal reassessment creates an over or underpayment based solely on changing circumstances. Reconciled reassessment creates an over or underpayment based on changing circumstances AND related payments received and over allocation payments.

For detailed information on these settings, see the Cúram Integrated Case Management Configuration Guide.