Meeting Needs through Service Deliveries

Services can be provided directly to a client by the agency or provided by a third party provider but paid for and tracked by the agency. Additionally, client eligibility may need to be determined for some services and some services may have their own payment determination process.

To accommodate the different types of services, Cúram Integrated Case Management allows agencies to deliver services to clients using product delivery processing, Cúram Provider Management™(CPM) processing or a combination of both. An example of a service that can be delivered by product delivery only is a Mileage Reimbursement service that reimburses a client's mileage expenses. This type of service is provided by the agency and can be used to provide payments to a client or another participant. The agency can use product delivery processing to check client eligibility based on client data and issue payments to the client or another participant in respect of the service.

If a service is provided by a third party provider, the agency can utilize service delivery processing which uses CPM financial processing to pay the provider. This type of service can be used when eligibility does not need to be determined for the service. For example, a service delivery can be used to meet a one-off need of Home Help. The agency can record details of the third party provider who provides the Home Help service, deliver the service to the client, and pay the provider in respect of the service.

If eligibility does need to be determined for a service that is provided by a third party provider, agencies can utilize some or all aspects of product delivery processing in conjunction with CPM service delivery processing. For example, if payments for a Physiotherapy service are based on a custom rate that can change over time or change based on circumstances, the agency can utilize all aspects of product delivery processing. The agency can record details of the third party provider, use product delivery processing to check client eligibility, determine the amount to pay based on the custom rate, and issue payments to the provider in respect of the service.

Alternatively, agencies may wish to only utilize the eligibility determination aspect of product delivery processing and use CPM to pay the provider. An example of a service that can be delivered in this way is a Counselling service that is paid based on a flat rate contract. Agencies can utilize product delivery processing to determine eligibility and CPM reassessment and financial processing to pay the provider.

The process of delivering services to clients is described in detail in Creating a Service for a Client. For detailed information on configuring service delivery types, see Section 3.8 in the Cúram Provider Management Guide. Note that service delivery processing works in conjunction with the Cúram Provider Management (CPM) module. That is, the services are registered as part of CPM. Therefore, the CPM module must be installed in order for agencies to deliver services to clients.