Needs to Delivery - Cúram Integrated Case Management

Cúram Integrated Case Management includes a set of business processes that seek to assess client need and deliver programs in the form of benefits and services.

These processes follow a logical progression from assessing client needs through to delivering programs and services. The initial contact between clients and agencies can happen in numerous ways including triage, screening, and intake. Working with the client, the agency assesses the client's complex needs and matches those needs to a range of potential programs and services. Real world data is captured about the clients and is used to determine their eligibility and entitlement for benefits which are then delivered to the client. In addition to benefit eligibility, services may be recommended to meet the needs of clients.

The Cúram Integrated Case model moves away from the traditional approach that determines whether or not clients are eligible for single-benefits within set time frames and moves towards determining eligibility and entitlement across a range of benefits and services and over extended periods of time, perhaps even the client's lifetime.

It also aims to measure the effectiveness of the delivered programs and services over time. By expanding the determination period for programs and services, agencies can measure the ultimate success of these programs and services in improving the lives of its clients. Two mechanisms are provided for delivering care and protection to clients: the delivery of benefit-based programs through product delivery cases and the delivery of services through service deliveries and referrals, each of which is described in the subsections below.